News Scrapbook 1979
SAN DIEGO CLIPPING SERVICE SAN DIEGO UNION OCT 26 1979 Paris Museum Aide To Address Alliance Alliance Francaise will hold its first meeting of the season at 2 p.m. Saturday in Sales Hall at the Univer- sity of San Diego. Gerard Guillet, charge de mission from the Nation- al Museum of Popular Arts and Traditions in Paris, will speak on French oral literature and its position in society today. The lecture will be in French.
OCT 2 6 1979
USD has football liye -ft SAN DIEGO-The University of San Diego gridclers (5- 3 ~ wil! have a bye this weekend, and will come back on Saturday, Nov. to host USIU al 2:00 p.m. 'fi d f ated In a hard fought game the Cougars of Azusa-Pac_• ic lee I t the Toreros, 16-14, and gave USO their secon~ straight ossurD week. Don Niklas played an excellent d_ef':'1 1ve game f% The tacklif4! 17 Cougars on his own and ass1stmg ~n la 0 : · in· Toreros rallied in the fourth quarter when Jim Go~ 1 ~ooe d tercep ted a Mark Chandler pass on Azusa's 28-yar me an 1 t 'k Carlson re- retumed it 14 yards to the 14 Six plays a er e d red a Jeff Veeder fumble in the end zone for the touch o"'.11 cove Th C bounced back m and gave the Torero a 14-10 lead. e ougars p I N th th ir next series and scored on a 30 yard Chandl_er a~ a s ss for what proved to be the winning margin. orerod :llied again late in the fourth getting down todA~~s i;g:~s line but a Rick Zimmer pass was mtercepte a d 40 thirteen to end the rally. On offen e, Tim Call was 3for,~/n 'n years before leaving the game in the second quarter -:-1 an I jury to his throwing arm. Joe Henry was the leading gro~ gainer for USO with Tl yards on 20 carries. - -
USO Seminar On Current Economy "The current and Coming State of the topic of the fourth University of San te breakfast seminar, to be held on Friday' . the garden room south at the Town Nov. 2 at 7:30 a,m. m ~<:':Z~~t~ght Update meetings runs through ~- 7 . d I d to give San Diego business peop e an ~~~::un1: fo1 interact with University of San Diego School of Business faculty· ate rofess Feminist Movement's Effect On Men Is Topic Dr. Warren Farrell of San Diego, author of "The Liberated Man," will dis- cuss the women's liberation movement and its effect on men and male attitudes during a lecture Nov, 4 at the University of San Diego School of Law. The lecture, presented by the National Orgamzation for Women, will begin at 7 p.m. Donations of $2.50 a person will be requested. USD Dean New Head Of Panel Donald T. weckstein, dean of the Umversity of San Diego Law School, has been named chairman of the Anti-Defamation League's regional civil rights committee. Weckstein said the com- m:ttee oversees matters re- lating to anti-Semitic ac!ivi- ties, analyzing accu~atlo~s of religious and social d1s- criminat1on and draftmg appropriate rcspon5E:s, and assists in the determmat1on of local AOL activities in the areas of civil liberties and related issues. e L_ information, ca at 293-4585, - -- ~-~-~ e -~~- --~ SAN DIEGO CLIPPING SERVICE LOS ANGELES TIMES SAN DIEGO CLIPPING SERVICE SAN DIEGO CLIPPING SERVICE SAN DIEGO UNION OCT 2 9 lJt OCT 2 9 1979, ----~------ USIU-USO Game ~~tur_d~y Looms as a Small 819 ,e •l'Wll•T-51 fl 1W ...... Di go State-Wyoming game SAN DlIDOnl-Tghooed~egeefootball action taking place won't be the o Y • here next Saturdatmgh:, el U S. International University On the small-co edg: e~ ext~nd its winning streak to six will play at USD an ry games. d .ght USlU ,i,on its fifth straight. bea~mg La..-t Satur ay m • L Larsen's 24.yard field Cal State Hayward, 24 ~nw: is 16 of 22 for the sea- goal with 1,43 to play. ls f 'a'3 and 47 yards agamst Ray- son, also made field goa o ard. 6 2 USIU got a 2-yard touch- In running its rectrd t . ~BillLightneranda2-yard down pass from Bob a~ ano Aaron Graham intercepted a JCO~~o: ~:e with eight seconds lef~tur- Js'o was idle, but will be prepared for a big one y night. SAN DIEGO CLIPPING SERVICE EVENING TRIBUNE OCT 2 9 1979 EVENING TRIBUNE l g State ol "Tbe current and com n ssed by ,, will d1SCU the F.cono;), University ol San Charles O ,~te economics profes- D1ego assoc Friday in the Town sor, at 7:30 a.m. Ung is part & Country Hote) '.he m nf'ss ~hool of the university s bu t' n d part· t . ng educa 10 and con mui b akfast . mmar ment's Update re series ( 2 ) San Diego, Monday, October 29, 1979 Lipton wins USD Scott Lipton of University over another Torero, Dana of San Diego_ seems to play Ro~e. s- 3 a~lward defeat- Gulls win, gird for Toreros University of San Diego's football team today started drills for its homecoming game with U.S. International University Saturday at 2 in USD Stadium. The Toreros, 4-3 on the season, were idle last weekend, while USIU scored 10 points in the final penod to edge Hayward State for a 24-21 victory - the Gulls' fifth straight. They are 6-2 for the campaign so far. A 24-yard field goal by Lee Larsen with 1:'43 remaining decided the outcome. Larsen kicked three field goals to I swell his season total to 19. He has scored 58 points. n!e!sd~~~rn'~?an all-USO women's doubles final, Farrell and Row_e . and Dave downed Maryanne Raft1s Lipto~ M his best tenms on Sunday. Two Sundays ago he Knapp in finals of the Tri- bune Tournament, then yesterday the Toreros' No. I-ranked netter turned back Peter Herrmann, who is ranked No. 2 at USO, 6-2, 6- 3 to win the second annual San Diego All-College tour- ney on the USD courts. "Herrmann gave me a tough match," Lipton said. "It was closer than the score indicates." Lipton had been top-seeded. Lipton's toughest test ac- tually·came in Saturday's quarterfmals when team- mate Terry Ward had him down f>. 2 in the third set. Lipton rallied to win 7-9, taking a 5-4 tiebreaker. USD's Diane Farrell cap- tured the women's singles title with a 6-3, 6-3 decision ed FVali k' ~f1san Diego and Vikki LaReau 3-6, 6-1, ~Sta ;!teL';.,.~•...'.'.:::•_:::._:.::....:::.:..:..:.;:..----,,,,=--.....,,=--- 7-6 for the 6-3. conquered USC's Roger La ra~1 6-2 SAN DIEGO CLIPPING SERVICE EVENING TRIBUNE - SAN DIEGO CLIPPING SERVICE EVENING TRIBUNE OCT 3 1 1979 'Men's lib' talk slated Dr. Warren Farrell, au- thor of "The Liberated Man," will discuss the women's liberation move- ment and its effect on men at 7 p.m, Sunday at the University of San Diego School of Law in More Hall. The talk is being spon- sored by the San Diego County chapter of the Na- tional Organization for Women. Admission costs $2.50 for the general public, $2 for seniors and full-time students. SAN DIEGO CLIPPING SERVICE LOS ANGELES TIMES OCT 3 0 1979 CHECK, MATE - Once roommates when they were both assistants at University of San Diego, BJII WJlliams, left, now the USD coach, and Tom Walsh, now the U.S. International University coach, get together over a chessboard to talk about Saturday afternoon's football battle be- tween the two schools. Game is 2p.m. at USO. - Tribune photo by Peter Koeleman Toreros have streak to uphold By EARL KELLER Liberation - Female and Male- ls Topic Dr. Warren Farrell, feminist and author of "The Liberated Man," will speak at 7p.m. Sunday in More Hall at the University of San Diego. , Farrell, the.only male elected three times to the board of directors of the New York City National Organization for Women, Will discuss the women's liberation movement and its effect on men and male attitudes. "The pressure will be on usn:, not us for this year's game," Williams said. "They a~ a pivision II team and have won five straight. We are a Div1s10n III team and wiJJ be loose and trying to hang in there. "On paper USIU has an awesome team, but luckily the game isn't played on paper. We do fear their defense because they have been very consistent in that depart- ment. "I think it will be the best USIU team the Toreros ever have played because of their outstanding personnel. We will have to play good defensive ball and count on special teams to take it to them so we can get positions for our offensive unit" The Toreros "'ill count heavily on three special team members - Chuck Pillon, Jack Mason and Joe DeFlip- po. Pillon, captain of the special team, stands only 5feet, 10 inches and \\eighs 170 pounds, but Williams believes he's one of the hardest hitters he's ever coached. "Pillon shows opponents no mercy when it comes to hitting and tackling," Williams said. "'wfason is very aggressive as our outside linebacker on coverage and on the return team. He's one of the toughest players around at 5-6 and 160 pounds. "DeF!ippo has done well as our inside linebacker on coverage and return teams. The best part about it all is DeFlippo is a freshman and Pillon a sophomore." Bill Wilhams hasn't lost to U.S. International Universi- ty srnce he took over as head football coach at University of San Diego in 1976 and he has ideas of making it three straight Saturday afternoon in the Toreros' homecoming game at 2. It will be the first meeting or Williams and the Gulls' head coach, Tom Walsh, although they have been friends for several years. In fact, they were roommates for a year and a half when both were assistants at USD. WiJJ1ams was defensive coordinator for USO in 1975, the same season Walsh coached the Toreros' tight ends. When Williams took over as head man. USO and USIU battled to a 30-30 tie in '76. Then came a 13-7 win for USO m '77 and last season the final score was 38-20 for the Toreros, who hold a 3-2-2 edge m the seven-year series, MALE FEMINIST SPEAKS Warren Farrell, cele· brated male feminist and author of "The Liberated Man" will discuss the women's li· beration movement and its effect on men and • male attitudes at 7 p.m. Nov. ·4 in More Hall at the University of San Diego School of Law. Donation is $2.50. For more information, phone295-5669, en z z
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