News Scrapbook 1979
lloe.Angetes 5ime61c JWed.,Nov.21, 1979-Plrt II USD Nursing School Awarded Grant for Psychiatric Study The TJnixersitY of San Diaao scbnnJ of nnTnK has been awarded a five-year, $1 million grant by the National Insti- tute of Mental Health to establish a graduate program in advance psychiatric nursing. AssiStant Prof. Janet Blenner, project director for the grants. said 8 to 12 openings will become available when the program begins in February. "The primary objective is to prepare the graduates in practice settings that deal with the chronically mentally ill patient," she said. "This program will focus on long-term, preventiveoutpatient therapy."
Tuesday, November 6, 1979
UP TO $100 MILLION Fast-Growing Kratos On The Alert For Still Another Acquisition
NOV 2 9 1979 "The Naive Eye Now," an exhibit of contemporary I prim1tive 1 and American folk paintings and sculptures, will continue through December 6, Founders Gallery, USO, Alcala Parle. 291-6480 x4Z96.
David Clrtgos mu t b tired of hea,mg hi atlonal University tossed off as_ a pay-as-you-go diploma mill. Chigos, National U's _found- er seems to be crackmg the
DATE SET - Mr. and Mrs. Wilham George Grimm of Fullerton have announced the en- gagemen l of their daughter, Lon Lynn, to Kurt Eugene Nelson, the son of Dr and Mrs. Robert Eugene elson of San Diego The bride- elect, a San Diego resi- dent, is a graduate of the J.l.ill.go. Her fiance, who resicles in Hav.aii. also is a graduate of t:SD. _A Feb. 2 wedding IS planned.
Jury Out On law School
It f1v -year average return on equity ts a smashmg 42.18 iwrcent (about triple the return on equity of lh av rage manufacturer) - and growing In its most recent 12 months, Kratos' return on equity mched up to 42.42 percent; most of the other <-ompames' returns were declmmg (WD 0, it may be noted, dropped from an incredible 71.6:1 percent r •turn on equity over live years to still-breathtaking 50.37 pcrrrnl In the latest 12 months.) Kratos' earnings per . hare have be n growing at 64 percent annually for the last five years. It has ach1r.ved th1 growth with lrss debt than might be expected: Kratos' debt as a percentagP. or book valur ls . (h1gh<'r than mo t of il~ confreres' on ~'orbes' list), but its total or $2.7 million of basl ally short (up to 5 yf'ars) matunty debt rests comforta- bly atop its $7 m1lllon in stockhold· er·' equity. (Th fact that the inter- est rates float with th priml' ls not comforting, added Ja hyrn.J Jachym headed the group that bought 25 percent of Kratos' stock (th n selling for 50 cent a hare) m the early 1970s. Thr. buying group ha mre been dissolved, Jachym ha about 6 percent of Uie ou~ tand• mg tock today. Krato madf' five "jud1c10us" aC'qul.'lllons, said Jachym, since the ownership rhang<•, one of the pur• cha. has mce b •n dive t d. Now h1gh-leehnology m trumf'nl~ (elec• tron peetromcter , fluorescence de• tectors and uch) comprise about 80 percent of lltf' company's sale to sc1ent1f1c, academic, industrial (chemical, 011, rood, steel, aircraft companie.) and government cus- tom r Given its inchoate state live years ago, Kratos really hasn't bePn reces- sion tested Encouragingly, many in- strumentation companies did well
whip at his newly acq~ired law school. After purchasing Cabrlllo Pacific Law, he hired Federal Magistrate Vic Bianchini as dean, bOosted admis- sions standards to equal those of the ~i""[S]ll{ pf OiGW> and Cal Western and broug t m a new :dully Cabrillo Pacific carry-overs wer first to feel the crunch F 1rty percent failed a required "legal responsibility" class last semester. SAN DIEGO ;U PPING SERVICE SAN DIEGO CLIPPING SERVICE
• • •
JOHN J. JACHYM . . . leads an 'Up and Comer'
The Universjty of §ao pjegp Christmas Choral Concert will be presented on Dec. 8 at 8 p.m. and Dec. 9 at 4 p.m. in Founders Chapel. The program is titled "A Festival of Lessons and Carols."
NEXT MOVE? The most puz- zled bride's mother in the city is the one who offered to buy the young couple the bed of their choice. She notes from her monthly billing at Bullock's that it was returned for credit, two weeks after the ceremony. AIRPORT SOLUTION: Fights over Lindbergh Field and swell· ing airline traffic may be moot. Omnibus flight schedules includ· ing all air carriers, published monthly, have shown a steadily declining number of commercial nights at Lindbergh. An obvious goal for fuel-conscious air carri- ers and airport neighbors: fuller planes, fewer nights. The trend firmed In October, when, for the first time in 41h years, passenger boardings were not higher than for the year-earlier month. The number of flights, down 7 ,8% in June from the previous year, had sunk to a decline of 14.4% in October. "Usually the Wednes- day and Sunday of Thanksgiving are wild around here," says air- port manager Bud McDonald. "This year was busy, but not like past years. I hear it's a combina- tion of factors: less fuel, fewer customers and a cutback of flights." Most airlines plead equal service, but there has been a flight cutback. United has dropped three flights to Los An- geles and one to Washington after adding flights earlier this year. "Fares are going up," concedes United's Irv Cuevas, "and passengers have less dis- cretionary income. But we really have more flights and passen- gers than a year ago." American bas downgraded a SD-NY non- stop from DC-10 to 707 and can- celed Detroit and Cleveland non- stops. Passenger traffic was down "substantially - over 10%" in October, but is now recovering, a spokesman says. NOTEPAD: The stars will be out at noon Saturday for the Old Globe's new Globe ground break- ing. Among them: Charlton Hes- ton, Cliff Robertson, Janet Gay- nor, David Ogden Stiers (M*A*S*H), Robert Hays (Angie) and Marion Ross (Happy Days) .... Brass from Hilton Hotels, including Pres. William Edwards, are meeting here this week with western re- gion managers. They're all lodged in one of the company's more conspicuous successes. When the corporation took over the SD Hilton in 1976, occupancy stood at 68%. It'll finish 1979 at an annual rate of 91%.... How- ard Cosen, due in on Dec. 17 to broadcast the Chargers-Broncos Monday night game, will arrive a _day early. Cosell, an attorney, will keynote USD Law School's Distinguished Alumni Awards Banquet on Dec. 16. Atty. Ron Mix, the former Charger great will emcee. '
NOV 2 9 197 The San Diego Master Chorale - performs Bach's "Magnificat" in D major, Gabrielli's Music for Multiple Choirs & Ariel Ramirez' Misa Criolla in The Immaculata Universi ·~ec. 6at 7:30p.m. ec. at2:30 p.m. $5 &$6.50.
=ouNDERS GALLERY Con- emporary folk painting and ;culpture display in Founders 3allery, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Aztec-Torero P review set
. Ye~kdays through ~ec. 6, Acombmation San Diego ) oixecs1ll' al Sao D1ego State-tj,pjye[§jlY pf San. SAN DIEGO ~basketball luncheon CLIPPING SERVICE wJII be held Monday noon at the Stadium Club . Dave Gaines, basketball coach of San Diego State. and Jim Brovelli, READER
NOV 2 9 Opera Workshop will ,ndude pcrformanc~s of Puccin1\Gumni Schicn anJ Mennotti's ArruJil anJ rhe Nighr V!'IIOTS, Thursday through Saturday, 'ovemher 29 to Decemher I, 8 p.m.; and unday, December 2, 2:30 p.m., Camino Theater, USO. Alcala Park. 291-6480 x4296. -
coach, will be on hand to discuss the crosstown rival- ry. The two teams _meet Tuesday night at 7:30 m the Sports Arena. Those interested m at- tending can call the Aztec Athletic Foundation or Jac!{son Mickey on the USD campus. SAN DIEGO CLIPPING SERVICE DAILY
C. FREDERICK SEHNERT ... company's new president finance vice president, but it can go the other wa) "Basically, we'd pre- fer to have less than 40 percent of our business abroad " he said, and that L, part of current acquis1t10n rategy Jachym, who formerly headed a Chicago investment firm under his own name (and pnor to that had a long career on Chicago's La Salle Street), said his proudest achieve- ment is the building of a manage- ment team. Last week, the compa- ny's comptrollers and department heads flew into San Diego from all over the world for a series of confer- ences. Said President and Chief Operat- ing Officer C. Frederick Sehnert, who came aboard late last year, "We feel we have built the manage- ment infrastructure necessary to support a much larger company." Ideally, Kratos - which now makes instruments that are "the Rolls Royce" m quality in their fields, said Jacyhym - could ac- quire a company making products for a lower-price market. Said Jachym, "Our products will be used at the Olympics to detect illegal sllmulants used by competing athletes. Today, race tracks could detect all Illegal substances if they would buy our products for about $450,000. But they prefer a device or around $100,000." If a company making such a prod- uct is for sale, Jachym might be interested, he said.
USO OPERA WORKSHOP Works include "Gianni Schic- ci," by Puccini, and "Amahl and the Night Visitors," by Mennotti at 2:30 p.m., Dec. 2 in the Camino Theatre.
tlon announ m nl w111 r ·suit Hut m durmg the 1973-1975 recess10n. How- nn mtcrvicw. Jn hym did say that a~ ever, Kratos i &'nsitive lo capital n w r I m mbcr y, ill probably b< goods spending - and that could be add d, la n •y, one was Prof trimmed 111 the current credit Jam Burr , 1 Sil' bu e I sq11Peze dean, wh JolII a P ar July 26 But many of the company's prod- " F.ight y ar a •o, the company url are e s ntlal to meet govern- had m1ll10n m ale and ne at1v menl standards (pollution-monilor- n t wo11h. II hould have go, , Into ing instruments, for example) and th dust.' aid Jachym But 1t has oth rs are important in achieving gon th opposite direction In t11e improved productivity, m the same . O\ 12 issu or ~'orbe , Krato~ i. way that computers are. I th in a h~t ol 30tl •· Up and Comers" In the nation's neYt recognition of that 1 , a comp1lat1on of small !f· the need to improve productivity, "I 1z compame (sale le than $100 could make a pretty good case for m1lh n) with stout earning;; groY.1h our berng pretty well protected (earnmgs groYting a I~ percent a aga nst recessionary influences." year and an , verag • 15 p.-rc•nt said Gary D Wrench, group vice return on equtty over five y ·ars) and pre 1dent. a balan e sheet without barnacle . On future problem could be cur- (Happ1ly San rw~go wt,11-repre rency accounting andards. Recent- nted tn Forb ' hs of 300 Up and ly, as much of two-thirds of Kratos' Com r Third on th 11 t I our manufacturing volume came from perenn ally prodiglou 1) pr Iitable abroad. ow it's down to 40 prrcent. WD-40 Conttnuou Curvr and • Normally, y, gain whPn the for- Wavet k al o make the adP eign currency strengthens and the Kratos Lands out from most or the dollar weakens," said Donald J oth r 300 mom• lmpre 1vc re p ct: Quackenbush, the company's new SUN NEW~ • •
TRANSCRi'PT ~O'I 2 3 1979
• • • Celebrating the Christmas season. the San Diego Master Chorale will present two December programs of sacred choral music at The Immaculata of the · · ~er Qiega The performances are Dec. 6 and 7:30 P·":· and Dec. 9 at 2:30 p.m. Director Charles Ketcham will conduct Bach's "Magnificat in DMajor," the contemporary mass, "Misa Criolla," by Ariel Ramirez, and~ selection of the 16th Century Renaissance works by Italian composer Giovanni Gabrieli.
"The Naive Eye Now" contemporary, primitive and American folk paintings & sculp- tures will be shown from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. weekdays through Dec. 6. in the UniversitX,_2f San Diego'll Founders Gallery. -
lJ.SD Offers Breakfast Seminar SAN DIEGO - "Profitable Decision Making" Is the topic for the eighth and final Unlverslt~ of S~Diego Update breakfast seminar, to be tteld on F7iay~. 7, at 7:30 a.m., in the Garden Room south at the Town and Country Hotel. The Update series, which began Oct. 12, ll$ designed to give San Diego business people an opportunity to Interact with !X~X ot sag ~p,&hool of Business faculty. Ro rt ell, assis professo_r of economics at~, will lead seminar, which will foe~ enhancmg busineSS profitability through the apphcabon of basic economic principles. . cost of the seminar is $15, and advance registration IS available by calling 293-4585.
pants will' be awarded commemorative T-shirts. The race, which will be through Tecolote Canyon, will begin at 9 a.m. For more infor- matio~, phone 291-6480, extension 4272.
Fees for the five and 10 mile runs are $6 in advance and $8 the day of the race. · Winners in tbe mens and womens categories will receive gift certi- ficates from Mad Jack's, while all partici-
Division I competition and will compete in the West Coast Athletic Conference thls season. Proceeds from the Dec. 8 event will help USD meet the higher cos o their upgraded program.
Mad Jack's Sound Center and Miller Beer Co. are sponsoring a cross country run to benefit the University ot San Diego Athletic l>rograrit - The Toreros have moved up to NCAA
ross country run to benefit US
I l "'
f l
i -i 1 1ri ~'1
PERFORMING ARTS San Dtego Master Chorale: Program features Bach's "Magnificat," Ariel Ramtrez's "Missa Crlolla" and "Music for Multiple Choirs" by Giovanni Gabriell; 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 6; 2:30 p.m. S~day, Dec. 9, The Immac~t~ (church), Ji,gjyer~ly of §er QJegg Alcala Park. Adm!SSIO . $6.50/$5. I onna 10n: 239-4662.
Five and 10-mile runs will aid USD sports department
Jochum among netters
Brovellimen Face Samford inOpener
A young, yet experienced Torero squad will undertake the toughest basketball sched- ule in history and they are ready for the challenge. It begins the season that the ~oves to the Division I ranks and joins the presti- gious West Coast Athletic Conference.
in Grand Prix to
men's basketball team will host the Bulldogs of Samford University in their season opener at the Sports Center this Saturday at 7:30 p.m. It will be the first meeting between the 2 schools and should prove to be an ex- citing match-up.
and womens categories will receive gift certi- ficates from Mad Jack's, while all partici· pants will be awarded commemorative T-shirts. The race, which will be through Tecolote Canyon, will begifl: at 9 a.m. For more mfor· mation, phone 291--6480, extension 4272.
west Coast Athletic Conference this season. Proceeds from the Dec. 8 event will help USP meet the higher costs of their upgraded program. Fees for the five and 10 mile runs are $6 in advance and $8 the day of the race. Winners in the mens
Mad Jack's Sound Center and Miller Beer Co. are sponsoring a cross country run to benefit th<> lJl;lixecsity or San Die~o Athletic Program. The Toreros have moved up to NCAA Division I competition and will compete in the
TRIBUNE Cispalch
RANCHO BER ARDO - I · Chri Jochum will b nmong U:.1e~. ,,.,;'i!· quahfymg rounds o( the Penn Grand J'rix Tenm Tourna- ment at the Rancho H·rnardo Inn tomorroY. and Sunday. Also entered are Frank Grannis and Kelly Jon, , San Diego Juniors The field mclud Henry Brandon a form r Stanford netter from Los ngele , and Mino Rauch an outstandmg player from West GPrm ny o rounds will b played tomorrow tartmg at 9 a m , and Sunday's fmals will go on at the samr hour Nlllf! netters will advance to ('hamplon hip play Dre 8-9 "Skip" Strod of F:l CaJon has dropp d out of th tourney bcrauS(' of 1lln ss and llf'en replaced by l . C's Jack Kruger, a rormer I.a .Jolla High star, on the s d d list SAN DIEGO CLIPPING SERVICE I
SAN DIEGO CLIPPING SERVICE SAN DIEGO UNION NOV 30 1979 Brovelli, Gaines Set For Luncheon Reservations are still being accepted for the Mon- day luncheon whe~ein lJS,Il.. coach Jim Brovelh and San Diego state Coach Dave Gaines will preview the basketball game between the teams Tuesday night in the Sports Arena.
I I -~ -=7 LOS ANGELES TIMES NOV 3 0 .1°;!7 NOV 3 0 1919 EBY tum.xersity of ~g Diego): Con- FOt1NDEBS GA~ t1·ng and sculpture isplay through _...., folk pain 4 tempo,-, weekdays 10 a.m. to p.m. Th sda · Foucder>' Gallery, J;ll1!. "ill exhibit "Tbe Naive i,:ye :>low," fealuring>Opleces of rontemporary, pnm1uve, Am ? Iran fold painting and srulpture through Dec 6 rrom 10 am to 4 p.m. weekday~. It will be held :Monday at noon in the stadium Club,
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