News Scrapbook 1979



aliv . The full Se'late Is due to cf' th' bill next month. Under the ,aw, any high school graduate could be hired by a doctor or hospital to work as a nurse ' aide and, through a clinical apprentice hip, be eligible to become a Licensed VoC'atlonal '\/urse, nrt1cal Nurse and finally Heg1sten·d , urse "In effect, th md1v dual can qualify £or the license examination without any formal classroom experience or any science tramlng," Palmer said '1 would oppo this bill even !£ I were a layman. · The blll would have no effect on prese'lt nursing hools, but would allow per~ons receiV1ng their tralnmg through th apprenticeship program equal cred nt1als. "It would be up to individual doctors and ho p1tal administrators to determine the person's qualifications," Palm rsaid. lmt1ally, persons in thP apprenticeship program would not be allowed to dispense medicine, take temperatures or handl emcrg ncy cases, but with added experience their duties would Increase.

LOS ANGELES TIMES -,--...-_ OEC. 4 1979

Toreros, Aztecs re ume San Diego's family feud By NICK CANF.PA San Diego State vs. !Ifil2. It does~•t really gr.ab your a~hletic senses and shake them like a usc-"Ut;LA, does 1t? Perhaps 1t never will. . But as far as crosstown rivalries go, this one is a mere child. For despite the ract that San Diego State and the iiwiwcsjly of5ar Pie!!O _have ~een sitting very close to each other for some time now, the two mst1tut1ons haven't met that often in athletic endeavors. Tonight they hope to change all that. . . The Aztec basketball team will meet the Toreros tomght at 7: 35 m the Sports Arena for local bragging rights and both schools hope that this will be a long relationship. "I like it," said Aztec Coach Dave Gaines. "I like it, too,'.' said Torero Coach Jim Brovelli, as the two coaches got together £or a Upoff luncheon yesterday before a large crowd at the Stadmm Club. How much both of them will like it tonight remains to be seen But one thing's for sure The clubs couldn't be more evenly matched as they prepare to meet on a basketball court for the 14th time (San Diego State holds an 8-5 edge but ~ won the last meeting, 67-63 in 1976) . E~ch team Is l·O, having captured its season opener Saturday mght. The Aztecs with Gaines coaching his first game, blast d Fort Hays State 101-77 The T~reros, who have become an NCAA Division I basketball team this season whipped Samford 93-81. . . The 'teams each have different styles and the coaches d1£feren\ ph1lo5?- phies. Gaines prefers the pro style or run-press-?~oot-dunk. Brove\11 s club 1s more patient, but will fast break 1~ the opening 1s there. . This more than anything, worries Brovell1. He does not want to get into a running match with the Aztecs, but he also realizes that may be very d1fflcult to avoid.

AZTECS, TOREROS MEET TONIGHT. It's Tempo-Controlling USD Versus ~unning San Diego .State 8YSTIVI DOLAK ,... .... _ are junior Bob Bartholomew and eenlor RuneU Jackson at forward and eenlor Earl Pierce and junior Mike Stockalper at guard. Stockalper, who also played at Marian, IICOl'ed 14 J>O!!it • In the • e8IOD opener.

SAN DIIDO-Desptte what the coaches are saying -aomebody wUI win wnen San Diego State and the llDm:r~ sitmof San Diefomeet tonight at 7:30 In the Sports Xnma! vld (smoey) Gaines of San Diego State say11{l~is better than his team at tJlla stage of Ule season. m Brevell! of.!ISllcountera by saying Gaines can't be serloU& .,. "He (Ga!nei} hu said our pmonnel ta better than his" 1 Drovelll sald. "I've never been much for nicknames, but now I know how he got hi& From now on. rm going to call him Smokey." In his first year at San Diego State, Gaines promises to 1 han a that will run, press, shoot and dunk at wlll. BrovelU, a more COMervaUve man, 18 COWJUng on his team :tp eontrol the tempo tonlght. , A definite advantage for U_SD_is that it baa all ftve ltar· 1.ers back from last year's,U:, team. San Diego Stale' • 1 llneup Includes rour new playm and I man who averaged 1 one Point and one rebound for Its 15-12 team of a year ago. "The edge usn will have 18 five returnlnJ • tarten," 'Gaines 181d: "Once we get started with four or live games, we mlghl be better than lheDL But they shQuld be favored now. I have five guy • I just put together. We don't know our • elvea, yet." Gaines does know how to be a showman, however. At Monda.Y'• San Di O State-USO Uporl luncheon, he called ~velli up to the podium an!glared Into his eyes. If ll works for Sugar Ray Leonard," Gainel said, "It should work for me." To prennt being knocked out. ll§J2 mll8t find I way to atop the Aztecs from running. Tlie well-condlUoned San •Dlello State team pulled away from Fort Haya Sta.le In the . final mlnuteaof Its • eason-q,ening, 101-77 win Saturday. Frahman forward F.ddy Gordon out.of Verbum Dei High la the man the Toreroe must be moot conscloua of Gordon had _8ame highs of 24 points and 12 reboun~ aplnat Fort Haya State. 1 The only eenlor in San Diego State's lineup II forward Jerry Brown, who hu seen limited action his first three yeara as an Aztec. The other starten are Juniors, center Drew Head and lrUards Joe Mendma and Mark Smith Head ii a redshirt lrom Oklahoma, Mendoza la a junior col~ Jege transfer from Snyder, Tex., and Smith 18 a walk-on. Tony Gwynn, coming off an ankle sprain from preseason practice, should IIOOII be~- In place of Smith. Gwynn, a starter 1ut year, had rune assists and seven points In 27 minutes against Fort Hays State. I "We are the third beat team in San Diego," Gaines gold: the 150 !'!°fie al the tipoff luncheon. "We are fighting to be the best. · Gaines then tumed to· Cllppm' general manager Irv Kaze and said, "With Bill Walton out. you're the second best team. lJ.SD.Js first. When you get Bill Walton back y~robably be first." ' hall a healthy center, Joe Evans from Marian HlRh The 10Phomore acored a IJll.llle-high 28 points Satunfay a the Toreroe opened with a 93-81 win over Samford Uni- versity. Joining Evans In the lineup for the second lrtralght year

Hcrtmer, USD Bhould have Its hands full this aeuon. the Torerc>1 lil"1iiatlng the jump from a Dlvllllon U Inde- pendent to the Division I West Athletic Conference. ''People expect instant mccea," Brovelll 11kL "But our team and San Diego State both need time. With patience, I think we'll both have solid programs In the yeara to come." In yeara pat. San Diego State has built an 8-5 lead In 11, croatown Rries with 1l.W2, But the last time the two teams met, Y.§llJlcored an emotional 67-63 win three yem ago. *Game CONTINUED FROM PAGE C,.I

'J/ftU)1 , .,, - 1/- ., 7!/. SAN DIEGO


"No way we want to get in a running match with them" Brovelli said. "I don't think their press Will bother us too much because we can get the ball up court. With us, everyone must play well. We preach playing as a team. We can't go one-on-one with people If we do, we're going to get beat." Tonight's starting five will consist or 6-9 Joe Evans at center, Bob Bartholomew (6-7) and Russell Jackson (6-5) at forwards, and Mike Stockalper and Earl Pierce at guards. Thel Aztecs are bigger. They will start Drew Head (6- 10) at center, Jerry Brown (6-8) and Eddy Gordon (6-6) at forwards, and Joe Mendoza (6-6) and ..".lark Smith at guards. The key to the game may be how well Evans, the ronner Marian High star, handles himself on the boards. He had 28 points and 11 rebounds against Samford. The Aztecs received fine performances from many against Fort Hays, the leader being the freshman Gordon, who scored 24 points and collected 12 rebounds. "They say they can't run and shoot, but I see where Evans had 28 points," said Gaines. "What they really have over us is that they have five guys returning. We have five new guys we've just put together. I think it's going to lake about five games for us to be a good basketball team. "To tell you the truth, I look for be favored. We have the third-best team in San Inego. IJSl4s first, the Clippers are second and we're third. If the Clippers had Bill Walton, they'd be No. l." Gaines is not ready to do much braggmg about his club and neither is Brovelli, for that matter. "Jerry Brown," said Gaines, "our forward, averaged one point a game last year. That's one more than a dead man." Brown did score 12 points in the opener, however. "Dave has players from all over the country and all I have are poor San Diego kids," moaned Brovelli, Getting no sympathy from Gaines. "He says our personnel is better than his. Now I know where he got his nickname." Gaines nickname is "Smokey". But when all the smoke had cleared yesterday, the coaches acted like a pair who expected a even game.


DEC 5 1979 USO schedules performance . 1 carols cha~bc_r m~s1c ca e . "Wa A noon-tim cone rt

Glouchester readings in



310 ~,:;tl~

of Middel English and a

and a Christma Choral




d C ols" is ar Dec.




nted th~ w k by u. ons a~


lections. Tickets are ilable at the door :;dcost$2foradults,$1 children 12 and under are admitted free. for students and



sch duled at 8 p.m.. sand4pm.Dec 9ml t he

th UniveT§JI )(


See GAME, D-8

rench Parlor of Founder . Chtr l T:e

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12: 15 p.m. prod~t~aml

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tra t 1ona carols,

Dec 5 performance by univ rs it Y' s the·



DAILY 01!t~N~~



DEC 5 1979 CHORAL CONCERT The trpiy,rsjty ot §an wi 1 host a "Cnr istma s choral concert at 4 p.m. Sun- day, Dec. 9 in the university's Founders Chapel. For in- formation , phone 291- 6480 , Ext. 4296.

£1rni ,J~,

Atty. Cosell Guest Speaker Dec. 16 Atty. Howard Cosell will be keynote speaker at a ~awSchool Distinguished Alumni Awards Banquet to be held Dec. 16 at the Atlantis Restaurant. The assembly will honor- State Sen. Bob Wilson, Municipal Court Judge Robert Cooney, and Deputy Secretary of Business and Tran- sportation Lynn Schenk. Atty. Ron Mix, former Charger, will be master of ceremonies. Cosell is said to have done some sports broadcasting.







San Diego Master Chorale: Program features Bach's "Magnificat," Ariel Ramirez's "Mlssa Crlolla" and "}lusic for Multiple Choirs" by Giovanni Gabrieli; 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 6; 2:30 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 9, Jwwam!Jt





•3 7 3 ---

urse Training Law Opposed

Apropo d law that v.ould a low nurses to qualify for traming througl' a rllmral apprenlltcship rould adver ly arr ct m dlcal treatm nt the dean or '1P. School o ur Ing said )" terday. Dr Tr n Palmer aid approval or Senate Bt.11 wou d abol h the prC'seut la\\ regulating nursmg and pr nt Hoard rif R g1 tered urslng Th• b I !ntrodu ed bv stat!' en Diane Y.atson. D•Los A'l el ha the ba ·km·g of Gov Brown and the dir ct, of the at D partment or Consumer !\££airs. 10.000-plu membership or the C allforn1a Nurses' Association, the California Hospital A octat1on and many phy !clans. A a mean of ho\\lng their oppos1uon, many local a lallon members will march Fnday at 6:30 a.m from the Amtrak d pot to the Fed ral Building. ng will be held that day in Los Angeles, and aid many of the local m mb rs will be unable to d te tlmony tn everal earlier heanngs opposed " I, v. but t e governor' support has kept It It I oppo •d by th P I

Son Diego, Wednesday, Aztecs work overtime, stumble by USO By MCK CANEPA just happy the rest of the To the purists in the team was able to pick up stands, it was far from ar- the slack and pull out the tistic basketball. Just about win. We won, I think, be- everything was out of focus cause we were in better and out of sync last night as condition than they were." San Diego State and the No one knows that for University of San Pieeo sure, of course, but lifill met for the first time since did seem to run out ofgas 1976. in the overtime period after The crosstown rivalry extending so much energy I looked a lot like the the to catch up in regulation. cross-eyed rivalry much of The men from Alcala Park the evening. But things fi. trailed by six (47-41) mid- nally became clear - at way through the second the end - when San Diego half. But they caught up 47- State pulled away from the 47 with 6:48 to play. seemingly weary Toreros The Aztecs held a 52-51 I to win 67-58 in overtime advantage with :21 to play, before 4,617 m the Sports but ~ guard Earl Pierce I Arena. hit a free throw to send it Neither team played par- into overtime. In the extra I ticularly well. There were 'I think we won session, the Toreros man- 41 turnovers, 27 byJ,;SD. In because our kids aged to pull into a 57-57 tie 1 the end, the strongest on a three-point plav by d t · were in better • seeme o survive. forward Russell Jackson, "I think we won because shape near the but that was it for them. our kids were in better finish. , _ Dave The Aztecs exploded for I shape near the finish," said G . eight straight pomts on a Aztec Coach Dave Gaines. atnes. jumper by center Drew I "When we scored those Head, a long bomb by eight straight points in the happen until the final min- guard Joe Mendoza and two overtime, that had to show utes. Torero center Joe free throws by Gordon, fol- you soroethmg." Evans, who scored 28 lowed by a Gordon slam. I For Coach Jim Brovelli's pomts in the team's open- Jackson paced all Toreros, it was a game or ing win against Samford scorers with 18 points, fol- I missed opportunities. For Saturday, was off target lowed by Aztec forward the most part, they played and sat out most of the first Jerry Brown with 15 (plus 1 the game their way, slow- half. He ended up with nine eight rebounds) and ing the tempo and being points. Mendoza's 15. patient. Eddy Gordon, the Aztecs' · "I expected a game like As a result, it was close freshman forward who this," said Gaines. "I j all the way, but scored 24 points and hauled thought it was a good spec- couldn't cash in on mis- down 12 rebounds m the tator game. takes. The Toreros proved opener agamst Fort Hays "I thought they'd try to particularly mept at the State, also scored nine slow us down and we didn't free throw line, where they points and didn't make a get many good shots. Eddy missed 12 of 22 attempts. field goal until the overtime (Gordon) had an off night. "We played tentatively," session. But he's a freshman, and said Brovelli, "especially in "It was just an off night he's going to be up some the first half. We just for me," said Gordon. "I'm nights and down on others. weren't aggressive, and we ,___________________ I Just hope we can win when he's down." Losmg tl 1 is one oldn't ase Brovelli. He was not happy witn his team's per- formance. and I don't know why. We didn't play like we normal- ly do. But this is going to be a gocd series. Our program is going to get better and so is San Diego State's." between the two clubs (the Az,ecs ho a 9-5 >dge) But :>oth sch .ls w ,1 contin• ue the sene . A 1 ~ct:,, the players set 1 + n OJ 1 . "I don't know if sloppy is the right word," said Bro- velli. "We were tentative, The rivalry hasn't been going on very long. This was just the 14th meeting "It's already a nvalrj," said Gordon. "By the time I'm a senior, this might really be somethin&." SAN DIEGO CLIPPING SERVICE EVENING TRIBUNE DEC 5 197i Li ton seeded No. 1 ~niversity 9[ §an _Diegp '5 Scott Lipton, the left-hander who won the 1979 Tnbune Tennis Tournament crown, has been seeded No. l for the Penn Grand Prix- tourney Saturday and Sunday at the Rancho Bernardo Inn. The other three seeded players in the select field of 16 are Larry Belmsky, No. 2; David Bacon No. 3 and Dave Bushnell ~o. 4. ' ' Lipton will opp~se Ron Bromberg, who was qualifier No. l,_ Belmsky will match strokes with Kenya Nairobi, qual1f1er No. 8; Bushnell will be tested by Lyle Chamber- lam,_ a teachmg pro in the North County and the No. 4 quallf1er, and Bacon will vie with Kevin Sverduk qualifier No. 5. ' Other opening matches - all start at 8:30 a.m. - will see USD,.teammates Peter Herrmann and Chris Jochum du~lmg; Irvine's Matt Wooldridge faring West Germa- ny s _Mano Rauch, _the No. 3 qualifier; "Skip" Strode mcetmg No. 6 quahf1er Randy Hippenstiel and USC's Jack Kruger against Kip Hutchinson. Asecond round will be played Saturday at 11. I MUSIC ENSEMBLE ft ''Early Music !-::.Ensemble" will per- 1...:.. form Medieval and SAN DIEGO CLIPPING SERVICE

al f} f r th hrense ,.oom exp£ 1ence o 'I woli. I oppose this

nd1v,dual car

· In effect tt

xammatlon v. ltl:out any f mal rla ar.y scien e trrunlng bill even !.f I were a 1, ) man Palm r said

The bUI \\ould have no effect on presrnt nursing school , but would allow persons rec 1vlng their traming through the apprentice hip program equal credcnt1;ils 'It Muld be up to Individual doctors and hosp1ta: adm1mstrators to drtermme the p rson'$ qualifications, ' Palmer said Imtlally. p r50ns m the apprent1cesh.. program would not be aUov. d to dispense med1cme take temperature or hand! l.'mergency cases, but v. 1th added experience their duties would increa e



San Diego's Master Chorale presents its second show of the season with sacred choral music

1979~- USD nursing school granted $1 million A five-year, $1 million grant from the National Master's degrees in psych· 1atric nursing. only a brief period of outpatient counseling.

0. Direc or Charles Ketcham will conduct Bach's powerful "Magnificat in D MaJor''; "Misa Criolla," a contemporary mass by Ariel Ramirez; and a 16th-century Renaissance work by Italian composer Giovanni Gabrieli entitled ":Music for Multiple Choirs." Tickets are priced at $6.50 and $5.

"This has resulted in a 'revolving door' phenom- enon. This program will focus on long.term, pre· ventive outpatient thera• py.'' she added, Interested nurses who hold a B.S.N. degree may obtain registration and qualification information by calling the USD,.School of Nursing at 291•6480, extension 4548.

"The primary objective of the program 1s to prepare t e graduates in practice settings that deal with the chronicall y mentally-ill patient," said Janet Bien· ner, assistant professor of nursing at ~nd project directo r of iliegrant. "In the past people with mental problems have been placed in institutions and then released, with

Inst1tute for Mental Health has been awarded to the University pf Sao 9188" Pnillp Y Hahn School of Nursing, Dean Irene Palm er has announced The grant. the Graduate Program 1n Advance_d Psychiatric Nursing, will provide institutional and training support to reg1s • tered nurses seeki g

Sen tin•

y.oecombori, 1t7i



San Diego's Master Chorale, featuring Bach's "Magnificat," will perform at 2:30 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 9 at The Immaculata, xersitx of Sao Die20

LA JOLLA LIGHT DEC 6 bl .. ~reakfast seminar to be held--- Prof,table Decisio

I cs Renaissance Christmas )' music at 8 p.m. Sa- 1 turday, Dec. 15, in the I .J Fol;lnde~s Chapel at the 'Jl 11vers1t of San Die o. ner a rrus I n 1s 3. t Admission for students and senior citizens is $1 . · The program will in- clude works by Dufay, Des Pres. Buxtehude Marenzio and Byrd, a~ well as traditional


still were just behind by four (29-25) at the half. At the start, the teams seemed to be sparrmg with one another, feeling each other out and waiting for some- thing to happen." Nothing much really did




ls d~signed to give eco~o~ic business apphcation. an Diego

Making" Is the topic fo~ the eighth and final UniverBity nf Sao Diego Seminar, to be held on Friday' December 7 7:30 am., in the Garde~ and Room South at the Town

A Renaissance Christma Early Music Ensemble performs medieval and Renaissance Christmas music for voices and instruments . Sunday, Dec. 9, at 8 p.m., St. Peter's church, Del Mar;and Saturday, Dec. 15, 8 p.m ., Founders Chapel, v~rsitx of Sar PietJA General admission is $3, students and senior citizens are $1. For information call 755-1408 or 488-9524.

Cost of the seminar .

i~ple an ?Pport~ity to



UPDATE Breakfast o~ ;act ":'Ith Umversity $15!

:;,:...=i,.,...Yl:il'I Scliooi of registration is available

by calling 293-4585


Neill, Ph.D.


f E Assistant Professor • o ·11 clonomlcs at USD, ead the seminar wi

and Country Hotel


focus o~ bu iness through

The UPDATE series wh~ch will which began on Octobe; en ancing


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