News Scrapbook 1979


DEC 15 1 7'4

December 13, 1979

San Diego Chronicle -


{ Cosell Speaks Here Sportscaster Howard Cosell will be the master of ceremonies at the Unjrecsjtv of S~n DiegQ,School o Law's Th ir Annual Distinguished Alumni Awards Banquet, to be held on Sunday night, December 16, at the Atlantis Restaurant. graduating class (1958). Also invited to the banquet are th~ former deans of the school Howard S. Dattan (1955~59) Rev . Martin McManue(1960· 63), Joseph Sinclitico, Jr (1964-70), Gen. George Hickman, Ret. (Acting Dean 1963-64), and Joseph Brock (Acting Dean, 1970-73).



San Diego, Soturdo}


Less ns learned, Toreros seek win A v. k away from the basketball wars in which they concentrated on the books is apt to work wonders for the Unjyersity of San players tomght. the Toreros will come out against Westmar College (7 30 at llfilL,',ports F Center) with a frei b approach after gorng sourlnUie free throw department both against th San Diego State ecs and nlvers1ty of Pacific la.."1 At Pacific, the Tigers went to tn t)t stripe 53 time , sinking 2 of them while l SDmad 1 of 19 at the lme. - • lt ls urpnsmg becau e th ar the same five rs we had last year," noted Brovellt, "and it's hard to e plain U1e eold shooting.'' Toe Torcros are shooting only· ·percent, which ts way own from last season'c; 72 perc nt in the free throv. d partmcnt 1 tmar I l>-2 Th Le tars Iov. a, team has recently aten kota State, Dakota We !cyan and Nebraska \\e le Formerly knov.n as W st~m Union College, th ool took the Westmar nam 10 years ago. In oth r action mvol\lng San Die o area teams, •he UC. D Trlto will i'lvad Berkele) to takt. on 1ict ael Pitt nd u, mversity of California B ars, a Pac-Ten cont nd r but lo r to UC-RiverSJdP I night 69-63. Pitts, all-city player from wee High last year, lied 19 points in the game with t hlanders. 'We hoping for a mJracle " Triton coach Ron Carter ' \\ hen a team like our team 1th the kind of tal nt at Cahforrua, y t. have to hope for methln~ unu ual to happen. ' The Trltons have shot v.ell from the f1 Id 49 percent), but ha\ n outrebounded by v , of their oppo- ll"nL~ From Berke! ~. UC D v.111 god Davi Monday for a ,gam a1 r. 1 n:i vi At least Coach Brove!U ho!)€

SAN DIEGO UN ION DEC 16 1979~ ...... Evans' 32 Points Pace U , 97-80

USO Seek End To Cold Sh oting


l)EC 1 4. 197

,, 1 ptaoo concert teatur- 90 andfi l . ,1. will be • • r.amino in ·


"Th•. l!eelbO,•·en ye. e, 1ng Brelhoven s Opm7 • &\'c performed at 4 p. k Admission. Theatre, Alcala ar . · seniors and mllllary, $1.5Q 16

The Toreros, wl-Jo once owned a 20-poir• advan- tage, held a li\-36 margin at thl' intermission and never led by less than nine pomts in the final 20 mi nutes.

Center Joe 8'>'ans srorr·d 32 points and forward Bo!) Bartholomrw rollP.C't d 2~ points and pulled down 18 rebounds to lead the \,i.W,; ¼fC§ilY of San Uwgo to a 97- 80 victorv over touring Westmar Coll ge of LeMars, Iowa on tile noor last mght. Evans connected on 12 of 19 shots from the fiP.ld v. ll1le Bartholome\\ hit on 8 of 13

; ,rtuaents,

The honor outstanding aluml).i of the Law School for 1979. They are: Robert J. Cooney (class of 58), Municipal Court Judge in San Diego; yn Schenk (class of '70), . Deputy Secretary of California ' s Business and Transportation Agency; and Bob Wison (class of '68), California State Senator from San Diego. The banquet will also commemorate the 25th anniversary of the Law School, and honor the fir~t event will

Keynote speaker Howard Cosell is a sportscaster for ABC-TV and an attorney, and master of ceremonies Ron Mix is a local attorney and graduate ofJJ,OSs School of Law (class of '69). No-host cocktails begin at 6 p.m., with dinne at 7p.m. Tickets are $15 each, with tables of 10 available for $150. Advance registration is available by calling Nan O ser at 239-4529

It was the second victory of the sPason for l).liD. against two defeats '.\like Stockalper tallied "-~{Io==&~Aq=::.:~el==:e_s:,_.:5:\U\::e.&:, _-_---.-_---_-_-... Toreros player In doul.Jlf' ngures. \J.fill.gOt down 55 percent Ear Y USIC n the visitors were shootmg music from the Middle Ages an~ th ~ Ri':5ders 4l percent. Both teams today inthe u.w.versnv of San Diem I' 0 wne sharp at the free throw line, the Toreros makmg 23 of 32 and Wrst- mar 28 of 39. SAN DIEGO CLIPPING SERVICE I M - E semble to Play The Early Music Ensemble of San Die~~ce ! of ~ ket attt•mpts w~llr 16 pomt. a:; the third -

- lr'- _-_-_- _-_:_::l 1

. will erforlll

8 p.m





DEC. 1 7 197i

Lipton 'brings home' Bacon month's March of Dimes on him and I also tned to event." bring him m, but nothing Bacon praised Lipton's seemed to work for me I fine play. "He made fe,1 _couldn't han.~le his back- mistakes. I tried to come in hand, either

The l!PIXCI§ilY of Sar Dicgp womPn's basketball tPam, under second-year !'oach Bunni( Bass, .has compiled a 5-0 record after two wePks of competition. Tile Toreros have defeated Southern Californ ia Col- lege, 103-53, CSIU, 82 65, \VP.slmont, 109-51, LaVerne, 75- 58, and Cal Lutheran, 67-55 Michelle Grier leads lhe Toreros with a 21 sroring average, followed by Jennifer Perles (14.6) , and '.lartha lllelson (10.0) The lJSl). Pt Loma, uSIU and UCSD women's teams will resume comprlltion after .Jan. 1.


By EARL KELLER Scott Lipton, 20-year-old ~ vers)Jy pf San piecp lav. udent, proved yes erday he's the kingpin of San Diego tennis players for 1979. Facing Vacation Village pro Dave Bacon, 25, in finals of the Penn Grand Prix Tournament at the Rancho Bernardo Inn, Lip- ton came through a 6-4, 6-2 wmner to climax his big- gest year on the court. It was a rubber match be· tween the pair, Bacon hav- ing beaten the left-hander in the March of Dimes tour- nament before bowing lo him in semifinals of Tile Tribune Tournament. Lip· ton went on to capture Tile Tribune crown "I played as :,veil as I have all year," Lipton said "My backhand was strong. I like a slow court like those at Rancho Bernardo. Bacon bad trouble because he prefers a fast court. "I'll give him a chance to get even with me in next SAN DIEGO CLIPPING SERVICE EVENING TRIBUNE DEC. 1 9 1979

Point Loma College v.ill wind up its basket~all tour of Hawaii tomght and tom?rrow rnght when tile crusaders lace Hawan Pac1fle . t;CSD and U.S. International crnvers1ty also will be on the road UCSD will be at l:C-Inine tomgM before going on to the Los Angele. Classic \\ ednes- day and Thursday UCSD was battered by California 109-64 Saturday night in Berkelev. CS! , will be m Boulder, Colo., . d ll •pr~il at SAA tonight to oppose Colora o. im ~ turned back westmar College of 1.R'.\Iars, Iowa 97-80 Saturday night as center Joe E~ans sror~d 32 points The Toreros, 2-2 for the season, will host 1 ·orth Park College Wedne:day mght. San Diego tale's next game will be with Fuller- ton State tomorrow night at the Sports Arena. OPERA CLASS




BEETHOVEN CYCLE - u~;cs:n: at San Di@P2 will continue its series of conce~ lebratmg the composer today at 4 p.m. ,n Camino Theater,~ LOS ANGELES TIMES

DEC 14 JJ7


DEC 14 1979- USll LAW BANQUET (Atlantis Restaurant. 2595 Ingra-·'' l!'liinSL): Fonner Charger Ron Mix will be the master of ceremorues at this alumru banquet. Howard Cosell will be the guest speaker. Sunday at 7 p.m. ·

"Giovanna d'Arco" and "Il Trovatore ," the two operas to be per· formed in the San Diego Opera's 1980 Verdi Fest ival , will featured in a course offered during the Spring semester at the lliJi: versity of §au Diego. 'I l'l"e course, taught by Nicholas Reveles, will meet weekly from Feb. 7 through May 8. Three open lectures for sub- scribers of the Verdi Festival will be presented at 7: 30 p.m. Feb . 7, March W and April 24 in the Camino Theater at ~ - For information on the course, phone 291·6480.

.JU&ll • •r'

Toreros Host Division Ill Champ North Park Toni ht



(DEC. 1 9 1979 ZJ



S"on Diego, Wednes

win i\/o. 5 ag n USD al 7· 30 tonight n the Toreros' gym. Few West Coast teams knew anything about the Vikings prior to last Satur- day night - unfortuna ely for UC Irvine. Th Anteat- ers found out all about the Vikings, losmg at home, 69- 5.5. orth Park's other victo- ries were aga ns Chicago Circle, 101-71 , orth Cen- tral College, 101-66, and Elmhurst College, 74-62. The Vikings are led by Harper, a senior averaging 24.5 pomts and 16 5 re- bounds per ame odzell Greer, a 6-7 uar a,erag- mg 14.3 an n r bounds, and Mike Th m , a 6-1 guard avera n 1 pornt. pet game. .~s~ 2-2, will cou:iter wit I usual starting Ii up: Russell Jackson and Bob Bartholomew at for- ward, Joe E\!ans at center and Mike Stockalper and Earl Pierce at guard. Evans, a 6-8 sophomore, I is ~ leading scorer (19..,,.---

At ortll Park Coll ge hardly ap- pears an unposing foe for a D1vis1on I ba ·ketball team like the Urlversitv or San Die ut look agam. Thr. Vl':- mgs, a Division Ill team from Ch ca are two-time d f ndl g ational Cham- ndefeated at 4-0, a rt a , ery mobile and high -regarded 6-10 center named Mike Harper. Toe Vikings will go after first glance,


Toreros to face rugged team Universi~ of San Die,o will ick opponent hight. foe %reros ~ill :/en ha tough unbeaten (4-0) North Park Colle .ome to team which captured the NCAA J~ _o~ Chicago, a ball ehampionsllip the last t IVJSIOn 3 baskel- se: i~ ~:~e~asball of its ;i~!;~~~ka~r~~Oiast Harper. One of th/v~·_foot: 10-mch center Mark stands 6-7 North p k rngs guards, Modzel Greer West Coa~t beforea~et:~fu~\~%~e ~hmeesVikon_ th~ beat a good UC-Ir- · mgs

Giovanna d' Arco and II Trovatore, the two operas to be performed in the San Diego Opera's 1980 Verdi Festival will be featured in a course which will be offered during the Spring semester at the IJ.p ixecs;tar el" Sao Qiea:n. San Diego Opera General Director Tito Capobianco and .Joseph De Rugeriis, Mu sic Admini stra tor and Associate Conductor of the San Diego Opera, will be working clo sely with Fr . Nicholas Reveles, who will be teaching the course . Said Mr. Capobianco : " We at the San Diego Opera are very proud of our own annual Verdi Festival , and we are delighted that the Upjyersjty of San Diego has elected to offer this course on the ope ratic literature of Giuseppe Verdi ." The full credit begins on Feb. 7, and meets weekly until May 8, but three of the lecture s during the course will be open al no cliarge to subscribers of the San Diego Opera Verdi Fe tival. The first of these, on Feb. 7, is entitled "An Introduc- tion to the Operas ofVerdi- His Life in Music. " On March 20, the lecture will feature Giovanna d'Arco and the Operas of the Risor- gimento. The April 24 lecture will discuss II Trovatore: The Mature Musical Style of Verdi . The three open lectures will begin at 7:30 p.m. in the Camino Theater in Camino Hall on the camp!Js of~ Information concerning reg1 stra11on and tuition costs for the course is available at 291 -5480.

Mrs. Eric Bass, chairman of the fall fashion show sponsored by the 1JUiWCSill' pf Sau Qieyp A.uxiliary has presente~ the $10,000 proceeds to Dr. Author E'. Hughes, president of the univf:'rs!ly T~e ceremony took place dunng the auiiliary's Chnstma~ luncheon at Atlantis Restuarant. The momes will be used for student aid programs.


vine team 69-55 last week. From here they will go to the Tacoma area to play Puget Sound. The top scorer for 2-2, is Joe Evans with 79 points - a 19.7average. Point Loma College wo d of Hawaii last night with aun

Local Sports

Thurs., Dec. 20. 1979-


/ s

San Diego Loses to North Park Prem I TIIMI Sllltf wrlltr SAN DIEGO-Despite 'l:T points and 10 rebounds by Bob "Bartholomew, the Unimf8jty ~~ffiPfi was defeated by North Park College liege, • , nesday night at the "QSD,Sports Center. Mike Thomas and Mike Harper scored 21 ints apiece for North Park (5-0), which has won e NCAA Division III championsb4) the past two years. Thomas sealed the game op a pair of free throws with eight seconds left. ~I Pi~. of USil.,helped keep his team in the game by scoring points.The Toreros (2-3) led 43-39 at halftime and never trailed by more than five points in the game.


Thursday, December 27, 1979 Evans Out As Toreros BattleNAU The _ t only two games remammg before its West Coast Athletic Conference opener at Portland, will at- tempt to improve its 2-3 record tonight against Northern Arizona in Flag- staff But the Toreros will have to do it without Joe Evans the team's leading score; and rebounder (19.0 points, 10 rebounds). The 6-8 soph- , omore center from Marian High School was declared academically inr.hgible for the remainder or tile s a- son. Ufill.. will move forward BoliBartholomew to cen- ter, and start Skyline J un- ior College tran f r Brad Levesque in th remaining posi tion up front

up si_x-game tour over Hawaii Pacific 93-75se;n straight decision Crusaders with 27 . · ark Peyton led the Southworth and B:m~s an% 14 rebounds. Steve ~hv:~J;t5fire~1:e::f-4 f:ec~ri;a:~~dno~ until the Chico Classic n5:ct~~~ 2 /hey will be idle


DEC. 2 3 1979

Founders' Gallery: Closed during holidays. U~[Slty of San Diego. 291-6480


EVENING TRIBUNE DEC. 2 0 ,.. , ,. Unbeaten North Park tops Toreros The basketball record of . T.L,mvernty or San Diego 70-69 With a mmute to play chalked 2 . slipped below the .500 rriark foHowmg· a basket by Earl scorin : 7 pomts to lead last night when the North ~1erc_e, but two free throws was th~ee m the 1~me. That Park College team from Y Mike Thomas with eight ·chalked ore an Pierce Chicago scored a 72-69 . seconds remaining settled Mik H up . Thomas and tory in the vic- the outcome. . e arper each scored 21 In b • gym. USD's Bob Barthol pomts for the visitors.



owmg or the thrrd omew time against two wins m -:--------- the newseason. the Toreros -

eet oven' s Op. 7, Op . 90, & Op. 57 n1 ve r s itx of San Dicg q , Alca l a Park.

DEC. 16

"THE BEETHOVEN CYCLE": Piano conc ert fea t u.r.i no B h b

(Appas s i onata) , 4 p. m. Sunday , Camino Theatre , lJ · Admi ssion : $3 . 50 ; student s , s enior cit i zens & · 1·

played without Joe Evans who ha averaged 19 point~ a game. H w dressed for th e co flit. ,but apparently was bemg punished by Coa .Jim Broveil 1. It was the V1'tungs' fifth straight tnumph against no losses. North Park led by only


1.50. Infor ma tion: 291-

m1 1t ary,


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