
M A K I N G H I S M O V E Former Junior Leader Transitions to Breeder, Mentor By Macey Mueller, Freelance Writer

A simple desire to raise Santa Gertrudis cattle like his cousin led Micah Morgan to more than just the show ring – he quickly developed a pas- sion for service and leader- ship within the breed and beyond. The Ore City, Texas, native began showing Santa Gertrudis cattle as a fresh- man in high school. As he continued to experience success on the Texas Club Calf Association circuit and at major shows in Fort

serve the members of the organization.” By his senior year of high school, Morgan was highly involved in FFA, participating in poultry judging and several leader- ship activities. The summer after graduation, he was elected to represent District

1 on the NJSGA Board of Directors and ended up serving a total of four years, eventually serving as president in 2010. He says the experience he gained serving the mem- bership was invaluable as he matured into a young adult. “I had always been a pretty quiet and introverted kid, but my involvement with NJSGA and FFA really improved my communication skills and my con- fidence,” he says. “There were a lot of things I wasn’t good at but being in the show ring is where I found that I could shine. “I grew to enjoy public speaking and other competitions at the NJSGS, and I worked very hard to be competitive in those areas.” During Morgan’s last year as a junior member, he earned the Byron Thoms High Point Award for his showmanship abilities and his stellar performance in several leadership contests during the national junior show in Kingsville, Texas. Spending time on the NJSGA Board also exposed Morgan to the extensive amount of work being done within Santa Gertrudis Breeders International. One of the highlights of his junior career was getting to work with staff and SGBI Board members whom Morgan greatly admired and respected. He was CONTINUED ON PAGE 56  Morgan exhibits his first Santa Gertrudis heifer purchased from David Harris at the 2004 Houston Livestock Show. After experiencing success in the show ring early in his career, he has been striving to stay competitive ever since.

Worth, Houston and San Antonio, Morgan knew he wanted to get further involved with the National Junior Santa Gertrudis Association (NJSGA). Like a lot of families in the livestock community, the Morgans began forgo- ing summer vacations to attend the National Junior Santa Gertrudis Show (NJSGS) each year. After exhibiting at his first national show in Brenham, Texas, in 2004, Morgan says, being around others who were passionate

Morgan and his mentor and fellow Santa Gertrudis breeder, Ira Barrow, proudly display their success at the 2017 Ozark Empire Fair in Springfield, Mo.

about the Santa Gertrudis breed made a lasting impact on him. “As I was participating in these shows, I would see the Junior Board members in their blue blazers, and I aspired to be one of them someday,” he says. “As I started acquiring more cattle and attending more shows, I met more people in the breed who inspired me to take on a leadership position and



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