Kraks Erhverv Indkøbsbog for dansk erhvervsliv 2005-06


Transformatorer, Artikler til


DESITEK A/S Sunekær 8, 5471 Søndersø Tlf. 63 89 32 10, Fax 63 89 32 20

OVERGAARD TRANSFORMERE APS Vestergade 5, 4050 Skibby Tlf. 47 52 06 06, Fax 47 52 04 09



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0 ISO 9001 -certificeret

E-mail: Web: & Ovorgaard i ransformere K u NDESPECII 1CEREDE T ransformere Enfasede transformere Trefasede transformere Reaktorer (drosselspoler) Magnetspoler Linearmol orer m.m

• Lynbeskyttelse • Overspændings- og transientbeskyttelse.

Transformatorer, Artikler til Fortrinsvis virksomheder med mindst 6 ansatte

• Jordingsanlæg. • Overspændings ­ afledere.

Flux A/S, Asnæs, F-X ............................................ 59 65 00 89 Grene Industri-service A/S, Center Grenå, Grenaa, G ................................................................................. 86 32 00 88 Grene Industri-service A/S, Center Herning, Herning, G ........................... ; ................................................... 9712 22 55 Grene Industri-service A/S, Center Middelfart, Middelfart, G ............................................................................64 41 07 01 Grene Industri-service A/S, Center Ringe, Ringe, G ................................................................................. 63 62 15 27 Grene Industri-service A/S, Center Ålborg, Aalborg SØ, G ..... , .......................................................................... 96 33 10 90 Grene Industri-service A/S, Center Århus, Brabrand, G ............. . ..................................... 7015 35 00 SIEMENS A/S Borupvang 3, 2750 Ballerup Tlf. 44 71 44 77, Fax 44 77 44 88 F Transformere og transformerdele Fortrinsvis virksomheder med mindst 6 ansatte BFI Optilas A/S, Hedehusene, G ........................ 46 55 99 99 Dansk Lyskilde Co. A/S, Ishøj, G ....................... 43 71 73 11 DANTRAFO HORSENS A/S Islandsvej 28, 8700 Horsens Tlf. 76 28 29 30, Fax 76 28 29 31 F-X Dantrafo har specialiseret sig i fremstilling af stan ­ dardprodukter samt kundetilpassede transformerløs ­ ninger, baseret på kundespecifikationer samt et tæt samarbejde mellem kunden og Dantrafo. DANTRAFO Eklow Electronics A/S, Ballerup; G ...................... 46 90 80 00 Elektrodyn Hadsund ApS, Hadsund, F ................ 98 58 52 11 Flux A/S, Asnæs, F-X ............................................ 59 65 00 89 FN Elektro AJS, Rødovre, F-X .............................. 36 70 25 99 Friderichsen J D A/S, Søborg, G ......................... 70 27 23 27 GARRE TRANSFORMERE AS E-mail: Web: Grene Industri-service A/S, Center Grenå, Grenaa, G ................................................................................. 86 32 00 88 Grene Industri-service A/S, Center Herning, Herning, G ................................................................................ 9712 22 55 Grene Industri-service A/S, Center Middelfart, Middelfart, G ........................................................................... 64 41 07 01 Grene Industri-service A/S, Center Ringe, Ringe, G ................................................................................. 63 62 15 27 Grene Industri-service A/S, Center Ålborg, Aalborg SØ, G ................................................................................. 96 3310 90 Grene Industri-service A/S, Center Århus, Brabrand, G ............................................... ; ................................ 70 15 35 00 Induperm A/S, Nykøbing F, F-X .......................... 54 86 02 00 JOHNSON Technica A/S, Frederikssund, G 47 31 32 32 kk-electronic a/s, Herning, F .............................. 97 22 10 33 Kohsel Elektronik A/S, Homing, F-X .................. 8768 08 08 Koue Anders Maskinteknik ApS, Viborg, F ........ 86 61 11 44 LN Transformer, Herlev, F ................................. 44 84 26 00 Monacor Danmark A/S, Farum, G .....................44 34 90 00 MPX Electra & Batterier ApS, Køge, F- X ............ 56 65 41 11 Noratel Denmark A/S, Brøndby, F-X ................. 43 28 00 00 OVERGAARD TRANSFORMERE APS se ann. næste spalte 1420 E-mail: Web: Trafomo A/S, Smørum, G ..................................... 44 68 61 00 Lygten 11,2400 København NV Tlf. 35 83 22 44, Fax 35 83 44 88 F- X E-mail: Web: Se annonce i spalte 1323

Telefon 63 89 3210 Telefax 63 89 32 20 E-mail: WEB:


Transistorer Fortrinsvis virksomheder med mindst 6 ansatte


Se også • Halvledere

P.T.Trafo, Ringsted, F ........................................... 57 61 55 11 RS Components A/S, København NV, G ............ 38 16 99 00 SIEMENS A/S Borupvang 3, 2750 Ballerup Tlf. 44 77 44 77, Fax 44 77 44 88 F

BFI Optilas A/S, Hedehusene, G ......................... 46 55 99 99 B R Electronics ApS, Skovlunde, G-X .................. 44 84 33 31 Ecomal Denmark A/S, København 0, G ............ 39 18 00 22 Hans Buch A/S, Albertslund, G ............................43 68 50 00 Jørgen P Elektronik ApS, Rødovre, G .................. 44 94 52 44 Lafa Teknik ApS, Hellerup, F- X ............................ 39 40 46 46 Promax Denmark A/S, Them, G ..........................86 84 84 84 RS Components A/S, København NV, G ............ 38 16 99 00 Siemens A/S, Ballerup, F ...................................... 44 77 44 77 Telmo Elektronik A/S, Frederiksberg, G ..............38 10 32 55

E-mail: Web:

SJ Components Asia ApS, Sønderborg, G ......... 74 48 50 05 SYNFLEX A/S, Værløse, G-X ................................ 44 48 55 00 Trafomo A/S, Smørum, G .................................... 44 68 61 00 trafotek, Vig, F X ......... 59 31 01 01 TransElectro A/S, Hadsund, F-X ......................... 98 58 10 22 Ulveco A/S, Hadsund, F- G-X .............................. 98 57 22 33 Unelco A/S, Holbæk, G ........................................ 36 49 42 49 UTT Uni-Trafo Technic ApS, Køge, G-X .............. 56 66 25 66 VRT TRANSFORMER APS

Transmissioner Fortrinsvis virksomheder med mindst 6 ansatte

Benzler Transmission A/S, Kastrup, F ............... 36 34 03 00 BJ-Gear A/S, Tiist, F-G-X ..................................... 87 40 80 80 A/S Chr. Boldsen, Randers, G ............................. 86 42 22 22 Bondy A/S, Ballerup, G ......................................... 70 15 14 1"* Centa Transmissioner A/S, Silkeborg, F- G ......... 86 80 40 33 CfT Tandhjulsfabrik A/S, Veksø Sjælland, F ....... 47 17 02 60 Christensen E. Koed A/S, Middelfart, G-X ......... 64 41 61 66 Dani-tech A/S, Kolding, G-X .............................. 76 34 23 00 Dani Trading A/S, Kolding, G ............................. 75 50 54 24 Dansk Uni-Cardan A/S, Ishøj, F ........................... 44 86 68 44 Grene Agro, Skjern, G .......................................... 96 80 85 °0 Grene Industri-service A/S, Center Grenå, Grenaa, G ................................................................................ 86 32 00 88 Grene Industri-service A/S, Center Herning, Herning, G ................................. .............................................. 9712 22 5 ’ Grene Industri-service A/S, Center Middelfart, Middelfart, G ............................................................................ 64 41 0701 Grene Industri-service A/S, Center Ringe, Ringe, G . .................................................................................63 62 15 2' Grene Industri-service A/S, Center Ålborg, Aalborg SØ, G ................................................................................. 96 3310 9 ” Grene Industri-service A/S, Center Århus, Brabrand, G . ................................................................................ 70 153500 Hassing's Carl Eftf. A/S, Odense SV, G ............... 63 1711 1 1 HSI A/S (Hans Schrøder Industriprodukter*), Roskilde, G .................................................... 46 573015 HUHNSEALApS Håndværkerbyen 18, Postboks 46, 2670 Greve Tlf. 43 90 47 20, Fax 43 90 47 75 r u ^HUHNSEAL Spændeelementer Høyer Svend A/S, Hadsten, F- G ....................... 86 98 2' 1 E-mail: Web:

Mejeristræde 1, 4000 Roskilde Tlf. 46 36 21-97, Fax 46 32 14 63 E-mail: Web:


Wicon ApS, Glostrup, F-X .................................... 43 45 83 99 Wolff Ole Elektronik A/S, Sorø, G ....................... 57 83 38 30


DELPRO A/S, Stenløse, G ................................... 76 32 27 00 DELPRO A/S, Kolding, G .................................... 76 32 27 00 Priess Alfred A/S, Vinderup, F ......... , .................... 97 44 10 11

-------------- 1 T ________ 4

Transientbeskyttere Fortrinsvis virksomheder med mindst 6 ansatte

Dan Delektron A/S, Børkop, F ............................ 70 1 0 88 88 DESITEK A/S se ann. næste spalte Greve Søren A/S, Randers, F ................................ 86 42 47 88 Hem El og Automation A/S, Skive, F .......... 97 51 12 33 PHOENIX CONTACT A/S, Hvidovre, G ............... 36 77 44 11 RS Components A/S, København NV, G ............ 38 16 99 00 VMC elteknik a/s, Farum, G ................................ 44 34 23 42


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