U Magazine, Spring 1990
w hi ch deve lo p rh e mind and susrain peopl e and g ive grear mea nin g ro rh eir li ves," th e bisho p ex pl a ins. "And even roday, th ere is a great demand fo r th is rype o t student. " T he bishop says USO needs ro co n– t inue ro seek better ways ro se rve th e Hispa ni c po pul ari o n as well as immi– g rants from all nari o ns. "W e have ro give th em rhe oppo rruniry. Ir makes fo r a g rea ter communiry." Enri ching th e community, th e bisho p adds, always has bee n a ra p pri o riry in all o t hi s wo rk. H e Feels U SO has ca rri ed o ur th at mi ss io n well a nd is apprec iated by th e communiry fo r th at reaso n . "I think what we have witn essed in o ur communiry - and whi ch we' re very gra retul for - is th e magna nimity ot o ur peopl e fo r th e universiry. T hey have bee n g rea t in th eir ge neros iry and th eir inreres r, a nd l chin k we have instill ed in rh e com– muniry at la rge a love fo r thi s universiry. T hey wa nr ro see us co ntinue ro make a conrriburi o n ro srude nrs and ro c ivic co n– cern s. And th at, mos t criri cs agree, adds up ro a favo rabl e rev iew fo r someo ne
Bishop's Spirits Buoyed By Well Wishers Dan E Pin·e, editor ofthe Southern Cross, the newspaperfar the C11tholic Diocese ofSan Diego, contributed this update to U Magazine fallowi11g the bishops surgery. from children of several Catholic schools in the diocese.
The USO community- students, faculty and staff - demonstrated their support and concern for the Bishop at a noon mass April 25. the day of his surgery. father J.J. O'Leary oflcred mass for Bishop Maher's recovery before an unusually large gathering in Founders Chapel on campus. Father Robert Kress offered a second mass for the Bishop the following day. Fr. O'Leary said, "many students have made inquiries about the Bishop's condition and continue to keep him in their prayers.'' Bishop Robert H. Brom, coadjutor bishop of the San Diego diocese with right of succession, said at this time it is expected that Bishop Maher will continue to direct the diocese until his retirement on July I. when he reaches 75, the Vatican's mandatorv retire- ment age for bishops. , Well wishers can write co the bishop in care of the Diocese of San Diego, P.O. Box 80428, San Diego, CA 92138.
In a statement issued April ]0, Bishop Maher expressed his gratitude for the "outpouring of prayers, good wishes and love from the people of the diocese, the whole community as well as the people from the neighboring Mexican dioceses of Tijuana and Mexicali." as expressed in phone calls from their bishops. Bishop J. Ulises Macias and Bishop Emilio Berlie, respectively. The bishop was also grateful for prayers and well wishes from fellow bishops and civic dignitaries including Cardinal Joseph Caprio, president of the prefecture of the Economic Affairs of the Holy See and grand master of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepluchre ofJerusalem. Archbishop Roger Mahony of Los Angeles and San Diego Mayor Maureen O'Connor. He has also received letters of best wishes
who's played a key rol e in USO 's lo ng-play ing success sro ry.
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