U Magazine, Spring 1990
A L u M N
Proud Alumni Celebrate Achievements, Set Agenda for Future at Summit The future ofUSD lies in the hands ofits alumni.
President Author E. Hughes
Pride and enthusiasm are ingredients critical to the success of any organization, most experts agree. Given that premise, a great destiny awai ts USO. For the spirit conveyed by alumni at the Feb. 17 Alumni Summit II meeting left par– ticipants energized with pride about the future of USO and the Alumni Association.
John Trifiletti '78. The future of USO lies in the
hands of its alumni , Dr.
Hughes told the crowd, a theme repeated by several other speakers. "We hope to drive home the notion chat the relationship alumni share with chis insti tu tion is one to be cher– ished and nur– tured," Stehly said. "Your Alumni Association is very
''... The relationship alumni share with this institution is one to be cherished and nurtured, "Alumni Associa– tion President Virginia Stehly '83 told summit attmdres.
The half-day meeting - organized to update alumni about the university and the Alumni Association - was
interested in nurturing that lifelong relationship."
Stehly listed the association's
During the year ahead, alumni leadership will concentrate on strengthening the Career Network and regional programs.
Alumni Sam Anisha '89 and Christine Nyikes '89 set the tone for the summit with an audio– visual presentation chat high– lighted special moments and people from USD 's first four decades. The show was met with both laughter and tears. Student Alicia Monroy '90 described student life at USO, then thanked alumni for contrib– uting to a scholarship she receives. School of Education Dean Ed DeRoche and College of Arcs and Sciences Dean Pat Drinan challenged their listeners with presentations on education as a lifelong process and Mikhail Gorbachev's future, respectively.
awards program. • Sponsorship of the best– attended Homecoming in university history. During the year ahead - the third year of the association 's Five-Year Plan - the alumni leadership will concentrate on strengthening the Career Net– work and regional programs. The Career Network provides career help to young alumni or alumni considering career changes. Stehly noted chat because of the class pride demonstrated during last November's anniver– sary reunions, the association will introduce the concept of class reunion giving to USO during this fall's Homecoming.
major accomplishments of the past year: • Creation of Alumni, a quarterly tabloid publication. • Publication of the first-ever Bookstore gift catalog. • Formation of regional alumni groups in Orange County, San Francisco, San Jose and Arizona. • A restructuring of the alumni
attended by some 160 alumni. T hey heard a parade of speakers, incl uding outgoing and incoming Alumni Association Presidents Virginia Stehly '83 and Michael Liuzzi '76, '80 Q.D.), USO President Author E. Hughes, Vice President for University Relations John McNamara, Vice President for Student Affairs Tom Burke and D irector of Alumni Relations
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