U Magazine, Spring 1990
Univ e r s i ty of San Diego
1990 Vol . S, No.3
Agnes Crippen has admired Presidern Author E. Hughes for several years. She recently demonstrated char admiration with a $1 mill io n gift to USO .
Author J onarhan Kozol and ocher speakers preserned disturbing evidence during a campus confere nce of an American society char doesn't seem to care very much about its poor.
Poverty: Will We Awaken to Its Numbing Despair? By Jacqueline Genovese, Lisa Daly, John Sutherland
T he Most Rev. Leo T. Maher, bishop of San Diego, refl ects on two decades of service to USO .
He's Backed A Hit By John Sutherland
4 Alcala Almanac
18 Alumni Gallery
7 Campaign Momentum
23 Kaleidoscope
USD President
U Magazine Editor
UMagazine is published four times a year (Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer) by the University ofSan Diego for its alumni, parents and friends. The magazine seeks to tell the story of the USO funily in an editorially and graphically compelling manner. Ideas arc: welcome. Magazine address: Publications Office, University of San Diego, Alcala Park, San Diego, CA 92110. Telephone: (619) 260-4684. Reproduction in whole or in pan without written permission is prohibited. T hird class postage paid at San Diego, CA 92110. Postmaster: Send address changes to UMagazine, Publications Office, Alcala Park, San Diego, CA 92110.
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Author E. Hughes, Ph.D. Vice President for
John Sutherland Assistant Editor Jacqueline Genovese Writers Lisa Dennis Daly Diane Ingalls An Director Tyler Blik Chief Photographer James Dickens Executive Editor Charles Reilly
University Relations John G. McNamara Director ofAlumni Relations John Trifiletti '78
On the cover: T he Most Rev. Leo T. Maher, chairman of USD's board of trustees. Photo by James D ickens.
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