brilliant white on the mako’s belly. Many fishermen kill mako sharks to turn their skin into leather, and this is just one of the many reasons that the mako shark is nearly on the endangered species list. While mako shark fishing is legal in most areas, many scientists believe that this hunting needs to end to save the mako shark from becoming extinct. Much like the lion is the king of the jungle, the mako shark is one of the kings of the ocean. With no natural predators, the only animal mako sharks have to be afraid of is humans.

How are mako sharks able to swim so fast? Watch this video to learn about how their unique body shape and skin properties allow them to swim fast enough to catch their quick, agile prey.

Mako sharks are well known for the incredible show they put on when seen in the open ocean. It’s very rare to see a mako shark near the shoreline. In order to see these sharks, it’s essential to go out into the open ocean many miles from land obstacles. Mako sharks hunt vertically, meaning they start their attack from deep in the ocean, they accelerate, and surprise their prey before they know what hit them. Often, the mako shark preys on more than one animal at a time, often attacking entire schools of fish at once.


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