CSD Credit Guidelines

II. Transfer Credit from Non-Accredited Institutions

A. Canyons School District does not accept transfer credit from non-accredited schools.

B. A home-school student, as well as a student transferring from a non-accredited private school, who enters the Canyons School District between the 9 th and 12th grades may be eligible for a local high school diploma if they obtain all required Canyons School District credits from accredited sources by the time their class graduates. The student must also meet the district residency requirement. C. A source of approved credit can be obtained through USBE Competency Assessments or Canyons School District competency testing. To acquire credit via competency tests, the student must present satisfactory evidence of coursework and demonstrate proficiency on the appropriate state or district test.

D. Competency tests are available through Canyons Online. See Competency Assessments section for more information.

E. Students requiring competency assessments not available through Canyons School District may be referred by their counselor to take a USBE Competency Assessment at the Granite District Testing Center 385-646-6042 gsdtestingcenter@graniteschools.org.


Transcribing Out-of-Country Transcripts

A. Common Out-of-Country Transcripts In most cases, a review of international transcripts will be handled at the school level. Keep in mind that translating course names is usually not enough to evaluate international transcripts. Identically name courses completed in another country may vary in key characteristics, such as content, hours of instruction, and grading practices. Refer to USBE’s Guide for the Placem ent and Transcript Evaluation of Foreign-Born Students for basic data and a variety of information resources on education in over 100 countries. It is a valuable resource to accurately interpret the courses listed on a transcript. General Process for School Level Personnel 1. Using the USBE Guide for Placement and Transcript Evaluation of Foreign-Born Students, the school registrar and counselor collaborate to determine transferable credits. 2. Submit recommendations to the building principal for approval or follow the protocol the principal has established for your school • From countries we do not have education system information, • Submitted in an unofficial format, • Where there is uncertainty or disagreement about credit equivalents, and/or • Whose student or family disputes the credit awarded by the school. Process for evaluating uncommon out-of-country transcripts 1. Submit transcript to the Transcript Review Committee 2. Enroll the student in appropriate grade level courses based on age (Follow Course B. Uncommon Out-of-Country Transcripts For those occasional transcripts which are:

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