397 Autumn 2017


Halloween BALLOONS

Fashion 6" $3.75 pk/50 12" $9.75 pk/50

Orange 6" 50613 12" 51213

Violet 6" 50630 12" 51230

Coral 12" 51263

Crystal 6" $4.35 pk/50 12" $10.15 pk/50

Violet 12" 51245

Clear 6" 50611 12" 51211

Orange 12" 51246

Deluxe 6" $3.90 pk/50 12" $10.25 pk/50

Marigold 12" 51228

Black 6" 50614 12" 51214

Key Lime 12" 51225

Chocolate 12" 51275

THE LINK-O-LOON ® KNOT The tying of one LINK-O-LOON ® to the next with a standard “double knot” (reef knot or granny knot) is quite secure. However, the LINK-O-LOON ® Knot is more secure, easily undone (for repairs or alterations), and prevents the burning which can create a slow deflation hole in latex.

To tie the LINK-O-LOON ® Knot, start with a simple half hitch (the first half of the “double knot”). Flip the free balloon around again to increase the length of the overlap. Then complete the half of the “double knot” and pull it in gently.


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