Textiles Thetextilesdivisionhasrolledoutseveralprojects,includingasuccessful multidisciplinary health commission approach (occupational physician, nurse, occupational psychologist, social worker), which allows proac- tive monitoring of employees and helps to maintain employment. Other examples: Occupational psychologist drop-ins, which were extended to the ITH site, or awareness-raising conferences on nutrition, sleep and healthy living were held, particularly for employees on night shifts. Perfumes ThetrainingmoduleonthepreventionofMSDs“ABodyForLife”deployed for the leather trades was adapted to the perfumes activity in 2016. Since then, all the staff members have been trained. Crystal The main effort of 2017 focused on the appropriation and facilitation of the safety at work theme by the managers of the workshops. This project that started in 2017 will continue for several years. In view of the regulations relating to arduous work, the production unit is concerned by the “shift working” factor (six employees involved in the melting workshop and three in the cutting workshop). In order to improve working conditions at the “the main place” station in “hot-glass”, a study was carried out in partnership with an external firm, the Federation of hand-made and mixed glassworks and Carsat (under the “TMS pro” pro- gramme). An innovative means of assistance has been identified, that brings relief to constraining physical movements and allows the crafts- man to concentrate on the actions required to produce these exceptional pieces. A budget of k€500 has been invested in various projects aimed at impro- ving performance of the factory in terms of hygiene, ergonomics, safety, working and environmental conditions, such as installation of an air exchange system in the hot-glass workshop, renovation of the re-firing furnace and replacement of the decking workshop heating system, ins- tallation of a conveyor for the neutralisation of workshop sludge, deve- lopment of the acid dumping and hazardous waste storage area, deve- lopment of double changing rooms or the acquisition of a more efficient burner opening for the hot-glass workshop. Porcelain At the CATE site, one of the main themes of the 2017 programme was the prevention of MSDs with: s staff training on mobility of the pelvis and cooling-off exercises; s improvement of the workstations, including the installation of amoto- rised-feed dishwasher instead of the hood dishwasher and replace- ment of the manual lever press by an electric press; s organisation of work, promoting versatility with, as the main achieve- ment, the creation of a finishing division grouping the last stages of production, inspection and packaging of product with more versatile craftsmen able to alternate between the activities. Employee Involvement Health and safety awareness-raising and training initiatives, which also ensure adherence to regulatory obligations, are conducted and moni- tored at each site, then consolidated by the sector. Leather Goods Multiple actions are managed on a cross-functional basis with the aim of guaranteeing the safety of our employees and also the employees of external companies working on our sites. Important means are being deployed to protect the health of our employees. Among these, individual support from networks of physiotherapists are offered to craftsmen in a preventive or corrective setting for those experiencing pain or discomfort affecting their professional or personal lives. Since 2013, 932 craftspeople have followed these programmes with convincing results through measures carried out, both objective (i.e. physiological), and more subjective (such as the level of pain felt by the craftsman before and after the programme). As an example of an objec- tivemeasure: on average, all craftsmen gained 16% in the field of motion of the shoulder. In addition, a trainingmodule has devised since 2015 to internally disse- minate a better knowledge of one’s body. This is a long-term workplace health approach that is based on a national network of experts. This module, named “A Body For Life”, was given to all staff of the division, the craftsmen of the production units and employees in administrative departments. It is the first step of a commitment to healthy living every day that has been a great success. It was taken as an example by the other House métiers, which adapted it and will implement it gradually. Distribution subsidiaries, including those abroad, have also taken inspi- ration from it, and have begun to introduce it, reflecting the value of sha- ring experiences within the Group. In 2017, the programme was updated and a second wave of training will take place in 2018. Tanneries In connection with the means of preventing the effects of exposure to certain occupational risk factors, the French tanneries have declared employees exposed to these factors for the year 2017. The tannery at Cuneo in Italy has completed its work on improving how exposure of employees to repetitive tasks is assessed, in collaboration with occupa- tional medicine. As part of improving the ergonomics of the workstation, the tanneries at Annonay and Vivoin continued the “TMS Pros” (Musculo- Skeletal Disorders - MSD) initiative in partnership with Carsat Rhône Alpes and Pays de la Loire. Finally, many yearly risk-prevention training sessions were delivered across the sites, to complement regulatory trai- ning: chemicals handling, movement andposture, workplace first aiders, fire drills and emergency evacuation exercises, improved inductions for new employees.



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