VCTGA Spring 2017

other commodity producers. The pur- pose of the meeting was to exchange ideas on how to improve attendance and traffic through the agriculture pa- vilion at the Fair. Different layouts were discussed as well as more sign- age and promotion. We are encour- aged by these efforts as we believe the State Fair is an excellent show- case for our industry. Speaking of the State Fair, please mark your calendars for this year’s event: September 29 through Octo- ber 8 . VCTGA is always in need of volunteers to staff our exhibit and we hope you will consider participating later this year. The VCTGA has once again ap- plied for a specialty crop grant . The USDA has given approximately $360,000 in total grant money to Vir- ginia. The grants are managed by VDACS. Many thanks to Greg Lem- mer for taking time to write the grant application. If approved, we will use the money for a number of different projects. We will redo our printed material and update our exbibit dis- plays and web site to take advantage of the national marketing campaign being implemented by the Christmas Tree Promotion Board. We hope to know by early fall if our application is approved. That’s all for now. I hope you enjoy this edition of the Journal. As always if you have any questions or sugges- tions please don’t hesitate to contact me or any member of the Board to pass along your thoughts. Thank you. Jeff Gregson, President VCTGA 2016-17

Contributing and Coordinating Editors Coordinating and Coordinating Editors

From the President

Virginia Christmas Tree Growers Association Inc. 383 Coal Hollow Rd. Christiansburg, VA 24073-6721 Grant Updates Greg Lemmer Editor in Chief - Jeff Miller Virginia Christmas Tree Growers Association Inc. 383 Coal Hollow Rd Christiansburg, VA 24073-6721 PH: 540-382-7310 Fax: 540-382-2716 secretary@VirginiaChrist- Marketing, Promotion, & Social Media Sue Bostic Grant Updates Greg Lemmer Editor in Chief - Jeff Miller Membership Paris Rasnic Technical Support & Production John Carroll & Kyle Peer Mount Rogers Report Jackie Davis, President, MRCTGA Pathology & Disease Norman Dart Pests Eric Day VDACS Support & Updates Danny Neel Dave Robishaw Marketing, Promotion, & Social Media Sue Bostic Membership Paris Rasnic Technical Su port Production John Ca roll & Kyle Peer Mount Rogers Report Jackie Davis, President, MRCTGA Path logy & Disease Norman Dart Pests Eric Day VDACS Support & Updates Danny Neel Dave Robishaw

VCTGA News Journal ‒ Spring 2017 VCTGA News Journal – Spring 2017  I recently attended a meeting with representatives of the Virginia Farm Bureau, the State Fair of Virginia and Good day everyone. I hope this mes- sage finds all of you in good health, well rested and ready for another suc- cessful year. By most accounts, both real and anecdotal, we have heard that many members enjoyed their most successful season in years. The VCTGA wants to help each of you continue with your success. Elsewhere in this edition of the Journal you will find information regarding the 2017 VCTGA An- nual Meeting . Vice President John Carroll has put together an excellent program for the meeting which we believe you will find interesting and useful in your everyday work. The dates are August 10-12 at the Wythe- ville Meeting Center. Please mark your calendars now and plan to at- tend. The Annual Meeting is a great time to meet other members and ex- change ideas. We hope you will make every effort to attend.

PH: 540-382-7310 Fax: 540-382-2716

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