
What’s inside The Ebbs and Flows of Narragansett Bay............ 4-8 Trust that You are the Music............................... 9-11 The University Motto is ‘Think Big’ but we are Thinking Small................................................... 12-15 Academic Head in the Past............................... 16-19 Putting Paper to the Test .................................. 20-22 Provisional Art: Taking on the Digital Realm..................................................... 23-25 Promoting Physical Activity . ............................ 26-27 There’s a Destiny for Everything....................... 28-31 Making Rhode Island Resilient to Sea Level Change . .................................................. 32-37 Reading Through Their Eyes............................. 38-41 Flagship Pedagogy ........................................... 42-45 A Naturalist’s Cabinet of Curiosities................. 46-49 Death is not an End . ........................................ 50-55


THE UNIVERSITY OF RHODE ISLAND David M. Dooley, Ph.D., President, URI Gerald Sonnenfeld, Ph.D., Vice President, URI Division of Research and Economic Development Melissa McCarthy ‘99, Editor-in-Chief, Director of University Research External Relations, URI Division of Research and Economic Development Editorial Board Melissa McCarthy ‘99, Editor-in-Chief, Director of University Research External Relations, URI Division of Research and Economic Development Chris Barrett ‘08, Writer, URI Senior Information Technologist Amy Dunkle, Coordinator, Communications and Outreach, RI NSF EPSCoR

Contributing Writers Chris Barrett ‘08 Aiden Fitzgerald Paul Kandarian Dan Kopin Joseph Korzeb ‘16

Bruce Mason Nicole Mineau Cassandra O’Bryan ‘15 Kara Watts ‘17

Layout & Design: DesignRoom.co Photography: Beau Jones

Momentum: Research & Innovation is published by the Vice President for Research and Economic Development, with editorial, graphic design, and production by the Office of University Research External Relations.

For more information, contact: Melissa McCarthy ‘99, Director University Research External Relations University of Rhode Island 70 Lower College Road Kingston, RI 02881, USA Telephone: 401.874.2599 E-mail: melissa@uri.edu Website: web.uri.edu/researchecondev

URI is an equal opportunity employer committed to the principles of affirmative action and values diversity.

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