Spring/Summer 2019 Parks and Recreation Activities Brochure

TRIPS AND TOURS Join the fun and socializing that is part of going on a trip or tour with us. All trips include transportation and admission. Transportation departs from the Community Center, 1255 Fuller St. S. Trip pace definitions: • Light: Includes walks of one city block • Light to Moderate: Includes walks of two to three city blocks • Moderate: Includes walk of three or more city blocks • Extensive: Includes a substantial amount of walking • WCA: Wheelchair accessible THE WINERY AT SOVEREIGN ESTATES Travel to the Winery of Sovereign Estates to learn why it was named the Best Winery in Minnesota. Enjoy a special wine tasting, lunch and dessert. Depending on the weather, we may be able to relish in a self-guided tour of the winery, at your pace. Trip Pace: Light

HUMANA EDUCATION SERIES You must pre-register online at www.ShakopeeMN.gov or in person at the Community Center Front Desk. AGING HAPPILY Getting older can be stressful but understanding your body’s changes can help ease your mind. Discover ways to boost your physical, emotional, and spiritual health so you can live a healthier and happier life.


Day Dates




Thurs May 2 1-2 p.m.

Free HW 502

Registration deadline: Thursday, April 25

MEDICARE 101 What do Medicare Parts A, B, C and D cover? When can I enroll in Medicare? What are my Medicare options? How do I know if I’m eligible? If you have questions about Medicare we can help.

Day Dates




Day Dates




Wed May 29 1-2 p.m.

Free HW 529

$62 (includes wine tasting, lunch, dessert and bus)

Registration deadline: Wednesday, May 22

Wed March 27 11 a.m.-2:30 p.m.

ST 327

POSITIVE THINKINGWHEN LIFE GIVES US LEMONS… Positive thinking is powerful! It can help turn a difficult situation into one that’s manageable — and sometimes even enjoyable. Learn how to look on the bright side and bring more happiness, connection, and gratitude to your life.

Registration deadline: Wednesday, March 20

TREASURE ISLAND CASINO Enjoy an afternoon at the Island. It’s "50 Plus Day." You must include your birthdate and/or player’s club card number on your registration. If you don’t have a card, one will be waiting for you upon arrival. Guests 50 and older visit a kiosk for your chance to win up to $50 FREE slot play. Passport club card and valid ID needed receive a lunch discount. Trip Pace: Light

Day Dates




Thurs June 13 1-2 p.m.

Free HW 613

Registration deadline: Thursday, June 6

Day Dates




STAYING SOCIAL: HOW TO DO IT RIGHT It’s important to stay social as you get older, but it isn’t always easy. Learn about the benefits of staying connected to others and strategies to help you keep a healthy social life.

$10 early bird $15 after March 13 ST 403

Wed April 3

7 a.m.-3:30 p.m.

Registration deadline: Wednesday, March 27

DAY TRIPPERS - ‘SPIRIT LEVEL’ Famous crime writer Jack Cameron and wife Susie are haunting their cottage. They couldn't get into heaven because Jack is an atheist. Their only pleasure is spooking the real estate agent until one day a young couple moves in. Christmas brings a snowstorm, a baby and a crisis, causing Jack to do something no card-carrying atheist would ever admit to - pray to God! With plenty of laughs and one-liners, it's all a joy. Trip Pace: Light

Day Dates




Tues July 23 1-2 p.m.

Free HW 723

Registration deadline: Tuesday, July 16

HABITS OF HAPPY PEOPLE Happiness is a choice and a way of living that anyone can learn. Discover how you can find more joy in every part of your life. You’ll also learn tips for staying positive during life’s challenges.

Day Dates




$66 (includes ticket, lunch and bus)

Wed April 10

11:30 a.m.-4 p.m.

ST 410

Day Dates




Tues Aug. 13 1-2 p.m.

Free HW 813

Registration deadline: Thursday, March 21

Registration deadline: Tuesday, Aug. 6


P: 952-233-9500 | H: 952-233-9502 | TTY: 952-496-4122


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