Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1949
$an Die.-:& 12, CaJlf. • Wed., lbrch 30, 1H9
Bishop Planning Journey to Rome, Europe, Ireland Most Rev. Charles Francis Buddy, bi hop of Sc>n Diego, wih lea\ e by air April 18 for a 6-week trip to Europe. Be will make a repo t on is t ee-c nl d occ to Po
an Dle&'O 1'?, Calif, Thur ., , tar. 31, 1949
1 ursdr1y, March 31, 11?49
Bishop Buddy Due To Make Visit to Rome Next Month Most Rev. Charles Francis Buddy. D.D~ bishop of the San Diego Diocese. will fly to Rome next month for his "ad Iimina·• visit, a repor on he four-count · San Diego Diocese, to Pope Pius XII. The bishop will leave April 18 and will return about June 1. He wtll be accc·npanied by Rev. Fr. Richard Daniels, his ~ecretary. In normal times, Roman Catholk prelates make such visits e\·ery 5 years, but because of the war, this will be the first such trip made by B·shop Buddy. He also will visit England, Ireland and the Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima, in Portugal.
Bishop Budd)r To See Pope The Most Rev. Charles Francis Buddy, bishop of San Diego, will report on his three-county dioce e to Pope Pius XII in Rome during a six-week Yisit to Europe. The bishop will leave by air Apnl 18 on a trip which is called the "ad limina'' visit. It is ordi- narily made once every five years by Catholic bishops, but this will be the San Diego prelate's first because of the war. In addition to his talk with the P ope, the San Diego bishop will tour the continent and visit Eng- land.
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