Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1949
Vatican City, May 21, 1949
Your Excellency: It is with a sense of deep pleasure that I convey to you the e.·pression of the Holy Father's wann and grateful apprc• ciation of the rich Spiritual Bouquet which you addressed to Him on the occasion of HI recent Jubilee. His Holiness would have me assure you that this rich treasury of Holy Ma. ~es, prayers, sacrifices and good works, with which Your Excellency and the priestii. religious and faithful of the Diocese of San Diego have chosen to express their filial affection and veneration on the occasion of the Golden Jubilee of His Sacerdotal Ordination, has brought joy and comfort to His paternal heart. It is a source of deep gratification to Him to know that the entiments of praise and joyful thanks to God, which fills His soul on this blessed occasion, ha,·e hatl such a prayerful resonance In the devoted hearts of His faithful children in the Diocese of San Di<'go. The Sovereign Pontlff would likewise have me xpre. s to Your l:xcclleney the entiments of His heartfelt gratitude for the munificent offering of ten thousand dollar which you so thoughtfully placed at Hi disposal on the occasion of your recent visit. This bounteous contribution has afforded His Holiness much con~olation, for He sees in it the fruit of the many generous saerlfic s which Your Excellency, and :,,~ur devoted priests and people are making to sustain Him iJ;l t~ beneficent undertakings which He has so much at heart. In token of His paternal affection and gratitude, the Holy Father cordially imparts to Your Excellency, and to all His beloved children of your Diocese who have so lovingly eo-oper• ated with you in making this twofold presentation, His special .Apostolic Blessing. Gladly availlng myself of this occasion to renew to Your Excellency the assurances of my deep esteem and personal regard, I remain, Sincerely yours in Cluist. J. B. :MO, "TI. 'I,
His Excellency The Most Rev. Charles F. Buddy, D.D., Ph.D., Bishop of San Diego
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