Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1949
Bishop to Leave On April 18 for Ad Limina Visit Plans Stops in Eire, England, Portugal Plans for his ad limina visit to the Holy Father in Rome haYe been announced by His Excellency the Most : Reverend Bishop. Accompanied by his secretary, the Rev. Richard R. Daniels, the San Diego Ordinary will depart from his See city on Easter Mon- day, April 18, for Portland, Ore- gon, where he will attend cer- emonies marking the 25th anni- versary of the consecration of the Most Reverend Edward S. How- ard, DD, Archbishop of Portland. Lea, e cw York April 2-l His Excellency and Father Dan- iels will then enplane for New York, departing that city on April 24 for Lisbon. While in Portugal, they will visit the Shrine of Our (Continued on Page 2)
Bishop to Leave On April 18 for Ad Limina Visit (Continued from Page 1) Lady of Fatima. From Fatima they will proceed to Rome where the Most Reverend Bishop will make his fir t au Jimina visit, having been prevent- ed by the war from making one in person earlier. To \ 'isit Irelan() After approximately ten days in Rome, His Excellency and Father Daniels will journey t.o England and Ireland. where they will visit a number of 11eminaries before retw-ning to New York. On the return trip to San Die"'o, they will stop at the trapplst abbey at Gethsemenae, Kentucky, to attend the centenary celebra- tion of the abbey.
Bishop, Secretary Emplane Easter ~nday From Lindbergh Field Hi E Tcllency the lost Uevercnd Bishop, and hi" sel·re- tarr, the Rev. Richard R Danieh, will emplane at 8:40 o'clock Easter 1\londa~· morning from Lindbergh Field, San Dit•go, on the fir t lap of their journey to Rome where the San Dieg-o pr('Jate will make hi fl t au limina· Yi it in pen.on t o His Holine_s Pope Pius XII. A K :FO PRAYERS The Most Reverend B, hop anu Father Daniels haw re- que~te1I the p~iest. and peo9le of ti uioccse to 11ray that their Journ y may be a safe one. Iii · Excellencr ye terda:r expressed gratitude to the people for the generosi~·, hoth spiritual and material, with which they responded when requested to assist in preparing the ·piritual bouquet for the Pontiff of Christ and to contribute to the col- lection to help h~m relieve tbe uffering of victims of war. FtiLL A IOUNT "CSED The lost Reverend Ordin ry , ·iJI be pleased, he said, to prC'sc-nt in per on to th" Holy Father the gift of th people. "It ls alwa~·s a i;-reat satisfaction to assist Hi.- Holiness in relieYing suff,dng,'' 1e Jocnl Ordinary . tatcd, "b~c:mse the relief is ef- fected absolutely \\itbout overhead expenses. \\·hen the people girn a dollar, one hundred pennies worth of food, milk, a nd clothing go direct!: to those in distress:• Hi. E. ·cellency and Father Daniels will return to San Diego early In June. They wiU ,isit, in addition to Rome, the shrine of Our Lady of Fatima in Portugal, eminaries in Irelanu, and point of interest in England.
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