Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1949
1949 Bishop Buddy Leaves to Tell e o Diocese Condit.on
fosf Rev, Charles Franr.i Buddy. D .D., Bl hop of San DiC'j!O, left b. 1ur yesterday on a n-, ·ee.k trip thnt v,· 11 t;,ke him 1o Rome to report to Pope Pius XII. Accompanied b)• his secrf' ary, ll.ev. Richard Daniels, 1he bi hop ·as to go first to Por!land, Ore.. fo participate ln the Silver "Epis- copal Jubilee o! Most Rev. Edward S. Howard, archbishop o! Por!- Jwd. They will fly on to Ne·,1• York Thur day, and arrive in Lis- bon Sunday. After a 4-day stay in Portugal, that will include a vlSlt to the 1hrine or Our Lady o( Fatill"'a, Bishop Eaddy and Fr. Daniels ·ill ~o to Rome for a JO-day •isit. .Afterward they will i:o to England and Ireland, and return to San Diego about June 2. It will be the bishop's first "ad hmina" tnp to Rome, a er:n derived from the Lat1n "ad Jimina apo tolorum;• meaning "to the thr shold of the apostles." B> tent of the diocese, ifs civil :;:overn- ment, its climate, its language; the place or residence of lhe bishop. with all direction~ nC'cessary for safe delivery of mail: the number ot inhabitants and the principal cities; how many Catholics; the number ot non-Catholics and into what sects they are d,vided; the d1oceasan curia; 1he ecclesiastical court and its otticials; the number ot secular priests and clerics, their dress, their mode ot life and how they attend to their duties. ''How many parishes th~re are and the number of parishioners there are in the largest and smallest; how many dean~ries in the diocese, how man • churches; whether or not there is any cele- brated sacred shrine and if so, what: the administration of the sacrn• ments; exhortations in regard to frequent communion, special devo- tions, sodalities and social work•; whether or not there 1s a dioce~an seminary, what type its buildings, 1 government, instruction in the- oloi;y, philosophy, ;md liturgy; the admission and dismissal of semi- narians. "Innumerable questions ha\'e to be answered in regard to religious orders of men and women, es- pecially in regard to the work and the obser\'ance of canonical pre- scriptions; the educa ion o! :> outh; ---- -
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