Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1949



111 Make Firs Official Visit as Head of See Journey Is Required By Laws of Church For the fir t tim ince hL appointment a i hop of the Dioc s of "'an Diego, the Mo t Reverend harl F. Buddy will thi ,·eek ha · opportunity to report personnlly on th state and progress of the Dioces to His Holine. s, Pope Piu • 'IL Although th y ar 19H wa set asid for vi it by American pr lates, th var mad it impo - "lbl for them to fulfill thi obli– gation. It fs n1atter of church law that all Bishop throughout the orld make pilg1 images "ad limina Apo tolorum,'• that i , to the threshold of th postles ter and t. Paul. from time to tun . For Bishop linng outStde o! Europe, th1 obligation ari once e • r ten years. In addition to their i !ting the epulchres of their earlie: t pred c . 01 ~ in eccle• 1a tical po ,er and jurl-d1ction, the Bishops are required to ubmit a dioce~an report in Latin to th ,...on. ·storlal Congre ation and t ·e an oral account of hi adm1 ·on to the Holy Father.

o th orig"inally taken by s con cerated by the Pope, it insertion in

oReport SteadyGrowtH Of Faith in Jurisdiction Expansion of Past Five Years Diocesan Facilities During Is Revea led by Figures In hi "Ad Limina" Tieport to the Sacred ongieg·ation of the Consi toria), the Io t ReYerend Bishop of San Dieg \ ill present facts which reflect the continued remarkable. growth of the hurch in outhern California. _ The following figure , which were taken from th1 year's 1·eport and from a previou report made f1! !94~, 1~re– ent a picture of the e.·pansion of Dioce an fac1hbe duung the pa t five years: 944 athollc Population -·····-·····-............--......_.1 9,000 hurche with re,.,lden pa tor ..._............_._" 8,1 l'rfo 1049 162,0 1




the official col– gave it a mor It gr dually be–

to risit Rome from time to time in memory of the t vo gr at ., postle and to confer witl, the Supreme Pastor of the hurch. St. L<'O rn the fifth •entury spok of an ancient cu tom , ·hich oblig ri th B1~hop of icily nd tho e of Ital to att nd th<' s ·nod held 1u Rome <' •er · year or ven twl c a ·ear. In 7 3 Pope Z ch ry re– mind d Bl. hopR <.:on ·ecrated b · the Pope of the Canon. requiring tha th , ,·i it the city of Rome every ·car if they d-ld not ll\ e too far a ,av. Otherwise th y were re– qulr;d to ,·i ·it the Hol City as frequently as pre cribed for them. Iii tory Toll About the middle of the el venth century it had b come a duty for retropolitanR, by custom if not by written la v, to go to Rome b fo1e th y obtained th Pallium. And a letter of Pope Po. hal II. "ho reigned from 1099 to 111 , sho ,·s that on rcceivin"" the Pal– liwn,. tetropolitans promls d under oath to come to Rome every thre" •ears. These rules. ho\ ever, con– e m d only Bishops of Italy or those com:ecr d b · the Pope or • 1 tropobtans. form of oath , •h1ch Bu;hop:, w re r quired to take before con- and by hich the.· to

lection of law g-eneral import.

obligator.• for all, part1cu•




the Pope

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Formnl Deer •r In 15 5 Pope Si.·tu V formally decreed that henceforth all Patri• arch , Primates, rchbi hops and hould at their con ecra· tion or enthronement promise under oa.tl1 per,.onally to Yisit the tomb of the Apo ties at stated time ana give an account of the condition of their dioceses. Pre– late~ or Italy and adjacent terr1- vere requir d to make the vi It evel'y three years, those of German ·, France, B 1...-ium, Ire• land and Scotland every four years, and tho of Asia v 10 •earR. Pope Pius X in 1904 er ted a special congregation of Cardinal:; to codify Canon La, . and new provide U1at everv Archbi hop and Bi hop– ln-ordma~· of th<' Latin Rite make d Limina \"!sits p<'rsonally, if po ~ible. one ever· fh• ·ear if he i in Europ and one eve ' ten •ears if from el.,; whe.r • The Bl h– op must either mak the visit per– sonallv or throu,::-h hi. Coadjutor, if he ha on . For a. ju:;t cau e he may be p rmitted to i::end in tead a. procurator, a pri t re. iding in the d1oc e. Ho vei: er, the repot ~ the Hol mu t be mad,. by all B1. hop n1leR for episcopal visi ina \\·c1·e dra ,·n up. The

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··e<"ondary .......... ····· ................- ...•·-··~-····-- 1, Jn addlti~n to this remarkable increase in the basic in btution of Catholici1:1m, tl1c Report shows that a new lajor Seminary, four new medical clinics, and l"ix recreational centers have been estab. li. hed in different pa..ts of the Diocese durmg the fiv Y ars. rrhe Report makes no mention of plans not yet realiz d. Th n w Univer. ity, which i nearing completion on the dra =g board, 1s not mentioned, e:i·cept to state that liO acres have been acquired for the site. A map of the four southern counties of Califonua is in Juded m the Report to show that vast territory and scattered population ,; ·hich come under the BiRhop's jurisdiction. Finall:r, a financial report is submitted showing the D1oce to be in a healthy financial condition. Evidence is proferred to demon~ te that past administration and future prospects of developmel'' ve e tablishcd a very high credit rating for the Diocese. 699

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