Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1949
Bislzop Tells Pleasure at Portugal Visit (Continued from Page l l f he Portuguese to the Church and their love of our Ble sed • tother expre ~cd in th devotion to Our Lady of Fatima. He as• ured his lntervie ,·ers that this same loyalty and love is emulated by the sons and daught rs of Por- t ~al who now IIYe in America. Tell of Pilgrimage The San Diego Ordinary also spoke of the Holy Year Pilgrimage to be made by the faithful of his Dioc s of San Di go in Septem- ber, 1950. This Pilgrimage ·m in• elude a visft to the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Fatima and many of the pilgrims rill be Americans of Portuguese extraction. Before leaving LL~bon. His E. ·• cellency wa· to pay hls respects to His Eminence, Emmanuel Gon- salves Cerejeira, the Cardinal Pa- triarch of Lisbon.
Bislzop Tells Pleasure at 'Portugal l 1 isit The first milestone in his jour• ney to Rome, a stop at the Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima in Por• tugal, was an experience at once : con,oling and inspiring to His Ex• cellcncy, the Bi~hop of San Diego. "'ith his ecretar '· the Rev. Rich• ard R. Daniels, the Bishop ar• riv d in Lisbon April 27. H then Journeyed to the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Fatima ,·here he had the prh·ilcge of ,offering Mas11 at the ,·er • place of the Apparitions of Our Lady in a small chapel erected thereon. The follo'l\ring day he of- fered !ass at the new Church of Our Lady of Fatima in Li bon. Jnkn·lewl'd for Paper In an interview which a.~ re• corded in Novtda - BISHOP CASTS BALLOT· •. Ch::irle. Y. Bll('lrl~•. hishop of thr • an Dirgo Catho'k Di0,rs .. eaten. r,1sts hie. hallot in thr \';:itiran ii ;i se i-public con i tor. for thP canonizatio,., of h\ o Frrnch ;i.nd three ltctlian won1f'l. Stamiim: is hi priwit S"CI e ar. •, ,. Fr. Richard Danicl'-.-Associat d Press phot0. o·t R
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