
2022 MSA Club of the Year - The Lexington/Highlander’s Snowmobile Club By: Alan Swett

This little club is located off the beatenpath ina tinycommunity.With over 80 members, this club chugs along doing events that benefits their trails and new clubhouse. They do not have any big business members like other clubs have but they have a vision that they can get it done and they do! That new clubhouse was built a few years ago and within the last couple of years has already had an addition. It’s a great building with a nice pine interior, kitchen, plenty of seats and a new water well! Plenty of parking up back near the Groomer

barn for a park and ride day. However, their biggest asset is their people these folks are great! They all have a passion for snowmobiling and have a well-kept secret…. I’ll tell you they have some awesome trails, and the scenery is spectacular. Another must do which is coming up soon is their springtime chicken barbecue. They have two cookouts one in the spring and the other in the fall, both have a secret recipe that is very tasty! Held at the Happy Horseshow Campground in Lexington on the Long Falls Dam

Road this is a must go to event. You’ll also see them at the North New Portland Fair this fall selling MSA raffle tickets. This club works very hard, these folks are out there working hard signing, trimming, and building new trails. The signing crew consists of three women! WOW! Most of the club members are wise mature folks that get it done with hard work that don’t complain at the end of the day. WeareproudtohaveTheLexington/ Highlander’s Snowmobile Club as the MSA club of the year!

MSA 2022 No. 1 Club By Alan Swett

The Rangeley Snowmobile Club continues to be the Maine Snowmobile Association’s largest membership club. With nearly 1100 members year after year, this club wins the MSA’s membership award. Their dedication to our sport goes above and beyond. This Western Maine club has five groomers and over 140 miles of trail. They get it done. Their supporting business’s help year after year. Rangeley is a destination point for snowmobilers and they cater to the riders. You can get service, lodging, food, and some of the most incredible scenery in the State of Maine. The core of this club has a vision to make Rangeley the premier snowmobiling spot in Maine. From their large Groomer barn equipped with a mechanic and lots of parts to keep them running. They have many club events like the Snodeo, Clark’s Pig Roast, and Brian’s Kelly’s Beef Dinner. Along with a successful Saddleback Hill Climb this past spring and many other money events that benefit them. What an incredible job they do! Thank you RLSC for all your hard work and dedication. Congratulations on being MSA’S largest membership club.


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