FBINAA Associate Magazine Oct/Dec 2021
F B I N A A . O R G | O C T / D E C 2 0 2 1
When it comes to law enforcement’s collaboration with the American trucking industry, every state has its own guidelines for road laws and safe driving practices – and many states have various associations to support and enforce these efforts. This year, the American Trucking Associations (ATA) announced the formation of a nation- al organization, the Law Enforcement Advi- sory Board (LEAB) to provide a platform for greater collaboration and communication across the country. D uring my 25 years as a captain with the Washington State Patrol, I led the commercial vehicle enforcement division. My experience allowed me to recognize the crucial importance and great benefits of cross-collaboration between our local organi- zations – in this case the Washington Trucking Association and Washington State law enforcement. It was this experience that has strengthened my support for collaboration at the national level to further solve industry challenges together, specifically around making our roads and highways even safer. There are often misconceptions about the role of law enforcement on the road. One of the biggest, is that law enforce- ment officials are actively and intentionally looking for truckers disobeying laws. This is just not the case. Truckers on the road are often very aware of the size and impact they have with other driv- ers and they’re rarely intentionally ignoring or breaking road laws. This new board will bring the parallel industries together with members from both sides of the “road” – law enforcement and the trucking industry. Each member brings a unique perspec- tive to the table, including retired law enforcement officers who are now working in the trucking industry and vice versa.
Our goal is to protect truckers – but also improve public safety for all drivers on the road. At LEAB, we are focused on
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