WCA September 2008

wire China 2008

佳电缆圆度的超高压500kV电缆的生 产。象NCC、后加热和EHT等方法,使CV 线具有很好的性能。还将展出使用超级 蒸汽技术和低蒸汽压力,能够产生更高 速度的挤出生产线。通过这种多用途工 序,几个不同类型的低压电缆和中压电 缆可以在同一设备上生产。 对于电信业的重点项目是:新近对多层 条纹LAN进行的配置,以及同轴电缆的 解决方案。在Maillefer挤出设备上生 产的最细小的微同轴电缆,几乎和人的 头发一样细( 90微米)。OEL l生产线 被运用到松管光纤电缆生产的每一 步。OEL40, 41, 70和60生产线,可 分别用于:急转缓冲、二次涂层、SZ绞 和护套。冷却的改善是最新型MXC挤出 机的一个关键的特点。凭借三代轴空气 冷却技术,冷却能力增加了50%以上; 可用于EDPM 和EPR之类的材料,以及液 体冷却机所涵盖的领域。 一 个 用 于 材 料 供 给 和 测 量 的 全 新 Cinegran系统,也将展出。该系统采用 光学系统,能够提供即时的输入量反馈 信息。据说,该系统反映相当灵敏,即 使是在启动和变速阶段。 Maillefer SA – Switzerland/ 瑞士 Fax/ 传真 : +41 21 691 2143 Email/ 电子邮件 : info@maillefer.net Website/ 网址 : www.mailleferextrusion.com

SZ stranding and jacketing. Improved cooling is a key feature of the latest MXC extruders. With generation three axial air cooling, cooling capacity has grown by over 50% to include materials like EDPM and EPR, areas otherwise covered by liquid cooled machines. A completely new Cinegran system for material feed measurement and con- trol will be presented, using optical technology to provide immediate feedback on volume input. It is said to be very reactive, even during start-up phases and speed transitions.

Maillefer SA...........................W1G64

Maillefer will be displaying its new developments for energy, telecom and fibre optics cable manufacturing, including the manufacture of extra high voltage 500kV cable within optimal curing times and with exceptional cable roundness. Solutions like NCC, post heating, and EHT allow the CV lines to provide top performance. Also on show will be extrusion lines that achieve higher than average speeds using Super Steam technology and the use of low steam pressure. With this multi-purpose process, several different types of LV and MV cables can be produced on the same equipment. For telecom, the focus will be on recent configurations for multi-layer striped LAN constructions, as well as solutions for coax cable. The smallest microcoax cables produced on Maillefer extrusion equipment are almost as thin as human hair (90 microns). OEL lines are used in every step of loose tube fibre optic cable production. The OEL 40, 41, 70 and 60 lines represent, respectively, solutions for tight buffering, secondary coating,

Rubber extruding machine m m

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Maillefer 将展示本公司最新开发的产 品,用于电力电缆、通信电缆和光纤电缆 的制造,包括:经过适当的处理就具有上

wire China 2008 – Shanghai International Expo Centre 23 rd -26 th September 2008


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