WCA September 2008

wire China 2008

户为导向的方针和对质量的承诺,使我 们公司通过了ISO 9001:2000质量体系 认证。Shunhong 主要提供天然、人造 单晶和多晶金刚石拉丝模具。为确保高 品质的天然金刚石所具备的良好晶体形 状,本公司所选用的天然金刚石都经过 了严格挑选,并由本公司自行打磨和抛 光。 通过严密的质量检验,使我们的产 品除了满足中国国内高端市场外,还远 销欧、美、日本等市场。 顺弘公司以一流的质量、良好的诚信, 会始终如一地为国内外用户提供优质的 服务。 Shunhong Diamond Die Co Ltd – China/ 中国 Fax/ 传真 : +86 21 5463 3708 Email/ 电子邮件 : shunhong@bsbsc.com Website/ 网址 : www.chinadiamonddie.com

stripe) inline down to 0.35mm² (eg automotive cables). The software provides optimised production parameters for coaxial cable types.

RF cables (50 OHM) • CATV cables (75 + 50 OHM) • Special cables •

Siebe offers upgrading and refitting of existing extrusion lines. This includes main and co-extruders (PE, PP, PVC, PA, PUR, PET, fluoro-plastics and special plastics materials), foam extruders, gas-injection device, electrical cabinets and Process-Control-System (SPS). They are usable as all-in-one extrusion lines, for: cable insulation (0.1mm² up to • 90mm²) sheathing up to 50mm outside • diameter for all types of polymers including • fluor- and HFFR-materials Siebe is able to construct a complete line according to specific user requirements. Engineering also Further highlights of the Siebe Engineering programme include measurement devices for colour control as well as corrosion testing. The Siebe Colour Match System is able to check 2 colours (main and

A Siebe extrusion line m m

m m


Siebe挤出生产线可以生产许多种实心 电缆或物理发泡电缆,例如: 电话电缆 / L A N (局域网)电缆 • (cat5和其它), 微型/标准同轴电缆, • RF(射频)电缆(50 OHM), • CATV(有线电视)电缆( 7 5+ 5 0 • OHM) 特殊的电缆。 •

Siebe Engineering ................. W1E25

Siebe extrusion lines cover a wide range of solid or physical foamed cables, such as: Telephone cables/LAN cables • (CAT 5 and more) Mini-/standard coax cables •

wire China 2008 – Shanghai International Expo Centre 23 rd -26 th September 2008


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