BPS Program Book 2014

possibilities, and now we did it again: 384 Port-a-Patches have been shrunk to fit inside a shoebox – called the Patch Engine (PE). Two Patch Engines can be integrated per SyncroPatch 384PE platform, allowing for patch clamp-based ion channel HTS from up to 768 cells in parallel, and we will tell you more about it during this workshop. Another topic for the workshop is the bilayer-reconstitution of ion chan- nels and nanopores, efficiently investigated using the Orbit 16, a parallel device for formation of and recordings for up to 16 artificial bilayers at once. Using Micro Electrode Cavity Array (MECA, Ionera), a 4 x 4 array of circular micro-cavities in a highly inert polymer, the bilayer is automati- cally formed by remotely actuated painting (Ionera- SPREAD). Welcome to our workshop and learn from live, hands-on experiments on the Port-a-Patch and Orbit 16, and let us show you how to scale up your ion channel screening project to HTS-standards! Presenters: Niels Fertig, CEO, Nanion Technologies Andrea Brüggemann, CSO, Nanion Technologies Gerhard Baaken, Ionera 11:30 am –12:30 pm , R oom 300 Career Center Workshop Beyond the Bench: Preparing for Your Career Transition in the Life Sciences There are numerous alternative career options for the seasoned bench scientist who may have decided to take his/her talents and apply them in a new direction. This transition can be accomplished without having to matriculate in another graduate program, and this session explores the how’s and why’s of making such a transition. Be prepared to talk about the role you are thinking about moving into, why you may have chosen this alternative path, and what successes you may have had thus far. 11:30 am –1:00 pm , R oom 308 Undergraduate Student Pizza “Breakfast” The Education Committee is hosting this “breakfast” for undergraduate students. This session provides a valuable networking and social opportunity for undergraduate student attendees to meet other students and Committee members, to discuss academic goals and questions, and to develop a biophysics career path. The Emily Gray Awardee will also give a talk at this event. Limited to the first 100 attendees. Speaker: Alberto Diaspro, Italian Institute of Technology 1:00 pm –2:30 pm , R oom 123 Exhibitor Presentation World Precision Instruments, Inc. Applications in Biophysics Utilizing World Precision Instrument’s (WPI) New Biofluorometer Introduction to WPI’s New Biofluorometer with high-power LED modules. Potential applications and experimental design will be discussed in the field of Biophysics, including integration with Muscle Physiology experiments and microscopy systems for general fluorescence applications. Presenter: Mathias Belz, Director of Optics, World Precision Instruments, Inc. 1:00 pm –3:00 pm , H all D Graduate and Postdoc Institution Fair This fair introduces students and postdoctoral candidates to colleges and universities with leading programs in biophysics. Open to all attendees.

10:45 am –12:45 pm , R oom 306 Platform Structure and Dynamics of RNA in Biology Co-Chairs Peter Cornish, University of Missouri Edward O’Brien, Cambridge University, United Kingdom 1210-P lat 10:45 am DECIPHERING RIBOSOMAL FRAMESHIFTING DYNAMICS. Shannon Yan , Jin-Der Wen, Laura Lancaster, Harry Noller, Carlos Bustamante, Ignacio Tinoco, Jr. 1211-P lat 11:00 am UNRAVELING THE MYSTERY OF RIBOSOME INDUCED RNA UNFOLDING. Peter Cornish , Peiwu Qin, Dongmei Yu 1212-P lat 11:15 am SINGLE-MOLECULE PROFILINGOF RIBOSOMETRANSLATIONAL PHENOMENA. Jin Chen , Alexey Petrov, Magnus Johansson, Albert Tsai, Seán E. O’Leary, Joseph D. Puglisi 1213-P lat 11:30 am THE RIBOSOME USES COOPERATIVE CONFORMATIONAL CHANGES TO MAXIMIZE THE EFFICIENCY OF PROTEIN SYNTHESIS. Wei Ning, Jingyi Fei, Ruben L. Gonzalez, Jr. 1214-P lat 11:45 am ROTATIONAL MOTIONS OF DOMAINS IN ELONGATION FACTOR G DETECTED BY SINGLE-MOLECULE POLARIZED FLUORESCENCE MICROSCOPY. Chunlai Chen , Xiaonan Cui, John F. Beausang, Barry S. Cooperman, Yale E. Goldman 1215-P lat 12:00 pm REFINING CRYSTAL STRUCTURES AGAINST CRYO-EM DATA USING MOLECULAR DYNAMICS SIMULATIONS TO OBTAIN A COMPLETE ATOMISTIC PATHWAY OF TRANSFER RNA TRANSLOCATION. Andrea C. Vaiana, Carsten Kutzner, Lars V. Bock, Christian Blau, Helmut Grubmuller 1216-P lat 12:15 pm THE EFFECT OF CODON TRANSLATION RATES ON COTRANSLATIONAL PROTEIN FOLDING MECHANISMS OF ARBITRARY COMPLEXITY. Edward P. O’Brien 1217-P lat 12:30 pm PROTEIN SYNTHESIS BY RIBOSOMES: MAPPING IN VITRO ONTO IN VIVO RATES. Sophia Rudorf , Michael Thommen, Marina V. Rodnina, Reinhard Lipowsky Workshop on Automated Patch Clamp: From Single Channels, Primary Cells, Action Potentials to 384 Giga-Seal Recordings in a Parallel HTS Format The Port-a-Patch recently turned 10 years old, and is going stronger than ever. It’s still the smallest patch clamp rig in the world, and makes patch clamp re- cordings accessible to anyone spending a couple of hours with it. Giga-seal re- cordings and the excellent voltage-clamp of the cellular membrane ensure high quality data, and the Port-a-Patch add-ons allow unprecedented experimental freedom, including temperature control, internal perfusion, automated action potential recordings, and recordings from primary and stem cell-derived cells. Recently, the Port-a-Patch technology was scaled up to eight simultaneous recordings (Patchliner), maintaining the same data quality and experimental 11:00 am –12:30 pm , R oom 123 Exhibitor Presentation Nanion Technologies


Biophysical Society 58 th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California

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