BPCE - 2018 Registration document


IFRS Consolidated Financial Statements of Groupe BPCE as at December 31, 2018



Accounting principles A derivative is a financial instrument or other contract with all three of the following characteristics: its value changes in response to the change in a specific interest ● rate, financial instrument price, commodity price, foreign exchange rate, index of prices or rates, credit rating or credit index, or other variable, provided that, in the case of a non-financial variable, this variable may not be specific to one of the parties to the contract; it requires no initial net investment or an initial net investment ● that is smaller than would be required for other types of contracts that would be expected to have a similar response to changes in market factors; it is settled at a future date. ● All derivative financial instruments are recognized on the balance sheet at the trade date and are measured at fair value at inception. They are remeasured at their fair value at each balance sheet date regardless of whether they were acquired for trading or hedging purposes. Changes in the fair value of derivatives are recognized in income for the period, except for derivatives qualifying as cash flow hedges or as hedges of net investments in foreign operations for accounting purposes. Derivatives may only be designated as hedges if they meet the criteria set out in IAS 39 at inception and throughout the term of the hedge. These criteria include formal documentation that the hedging relationship between the derivatives and the hedged items is both prospectively and retrospectively effective. Fair value hedges mainly consist of interest rate swaps that protect fixed-rate financial instruments against changes in fair value attributable to changes in market rates of interest. They transform fixed-rate assets or liabilities into floating-rate instruments. and include mostly hedges of fixed-rate loans, securities, deposits and subordinated debt. Fair value hedging is also used to manage the overall interest rate risk position. Cash flow hedges fix or control the variability of cash flows arising from floating-rate instruments. Cash flow hedging is also used to manage the overall interest rate risk position. The notional amounts of derivative instruments are merely an indication of the volume of the Group’s business in financial instruments and do not reflect the market risks associated with such instruments. The hedging relationship qualifies for hedge accounting if, at the inception of the hedge, there is formal documentation of the hedging relationship identifying the hedging strategy, the type of risk hedged, the designation and characteristics of the hedged item and the hedging instrument. In addition, the effectiveness of the hedge must be demonstrated at inception and subsequently verified. Derivatives contracted as part of a hedging relationship are designated according to the purpose of the hedge.

Groupe BPCE used the option available in IFRS 9 not to apply the provisions of the standard relative to hedge accounting, and to continue to apply IAS 39 as adopted by the European Union for the recognition of these transactions, i.e. excluding certain provisions

relating to macro-hedging. Fair value hedges

Fair value hedges are intended to reduce exposure to changes in the fair value of an asset or liability carried on the balance sheet, or of a firm commitment, in particular the interest rate risk on fixed-rate assets and liabilities. The gain or loss on the revaluation of hedging instruments attributable to the risk being hedged is recognized in income in the same manner as the gain or loss on the hedged item. The ineffective portion of the hedge, if any, is recorded in the income statement under “Net gains or losses on financial instruments at fair value through profit or loss.” Accrued interest on the hedging instrument is taken to income in the same manner as the accrued interest on the hedged item. Where identified assets or liabilities are hedged, the revaluation of the hedged component is recognized on the same line of the balance sheet as the hedged item. The ineffective portion relating to the dual-curve valuation of collateralized derivatives is taken into account when calculating the effectiveness of a hedge. If a hedging relationship ceases (investment decision, failure to fulfill effectiveness criteria, or because the hedged item is sold before maturity), the hedging instrument is transferred to the trading book. The revaluation difference recorded in the balance sheet in respect of the hedged item is amortized over the residual life of the initial hedge. If the hedged item is sold before maturity or redeemed early, the cumulative amount of the revaluation gain or loss is recognized in income for the period. Cash flow hedges The purpose of cash flow hedges is to hedge the exposure to the variability of cash flow that is attributable to a particular risk associated with a recognized asset or liability or with a future transaction (hedge of interest rate risk on floating-rate assets or liabilities, hedge of conditions relating to future transactions such as future fixed interest rates, future prices, exchange rates, etc.). The portion of the gain or loss on the hedging instrument that is deemed to be an effective hedge is recognized on a separate line of “Gains and losses recognized directly in equity.” The ineffective portion of the gain or loss on the hedging instrument is recorded in the income statement under “Net gains or losses on financial instruments at fair value through profit or loss.” Accrued interest on the hedging instrument is taken to income under interest income in the same manner as the accrued interest on the hedged item. The hedged items are accounted for using the treatment applicable to their specific asset category. If a hedging relationship ceases (because the hedge no longer meets the effectiveness criteria, the derivative is sold or the hedged item ceases to exist), the cumulative amounts recognized in other comprehensive income are transferred to the income statement as and when the hedged item impacts profit or loss, or immediately if the hedged item ceases to exist.


Registration document 2018

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