BPCE - 2018 Registration document

FINANCIAL REPORT IFRS Consolidated Financial Statements of Groupe BPCE as at December 31, 2018


appropriate, to distribute revenues derived from the investments as determined using the same methods. The portfolio management targets of these funds are guaranteed by a credit institution. Based on an analysis of the substance of these funds in accordance with IFRS 10, the Group does not control relevant activities (as management flexibility is limited) and is not exposed to variable returns (as a solid risk monitoring system has been implemented) and therefore does not consolidate these structures. Major restrictions The Group has not been faced with any major restrictions relating to stakes held in its structured or non-structured subsidiaries. Support of consolidated structured entities The Group did not grant any financial support to consolidated structured entities. OTHER INTERESTS IN CONSOLIDATED 13.3 SUBSIDIARIES AND STRUCTURED ENTITIES

Only those entities providing a material contribution are consolidated. For entities meeting the definition of financial sector entities given in Regulation (EU) 575/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of June 26, 2013 (the CRR), the accounting consolidation thresholds have been aligned, from December 31, 2017, with those applied for the prudential scope of consolidation. Article 19 of the CRR sets a threshold of € 10 million in total balance sheet and off-balance sheet assets. For non-financial sector entities, materiality is assessed at the level of the consolidated entities. Based on the principle of ascending materiality, any entity included at a sub-consolidation level is included at all higher consolidation levels, even if it is not material at those levels. The percentage interest is specified for each entity in the scope of consolidation. The percentage of interest describes the share of equity held by the Group, either directly or indirectly, in companies within the scope. The percentage of interest can be used to determine the share attributable to equity holders of the parent in the net assets of the company held.



Registration document 2018

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