Chemical Technology February 2015

SAIChE contact details PO Box 2125, NORTH RIDING, 2162

tel: +27 11 704 5915; fax: (0) 86 672 9430;

email:; website: www


The Bill Neale-May Gold Medal and the Innovation awards Do you know someone who has made an outstanding contribution to the Chemical Engineering Industry? Then nominate them! The Bill Neale-May Gold Medal and the Innovation awards of SAIChE IChemE are made in recognition of outstanding contribu- tions by chemical engineers to the industry. SAIChE IChemE considers that such recog- nition will provide encouragement for the pursuit of technological advances and inno- vative thinking and that it will also enhance the professional status of our profession. The awards are scheduled to be made at the Annual Dinner of SAIChE/IChemE (venue and date to be advised). Closing date for Nominations is 17 April 2015. More infor- mation on the awards and how to nominate are found via

In our Diary More details found via http://www.saiche. • Problem Solving and Decision Making (Kepner-Fourie) in Durban, South Africa, from 24 to 26 March (register before 27 Feb) and from 27 to 29 October (register before 28 Sep). • Annual Infrastructure Project Financing Africa from 2-4 March in Cape Town, South Africa. • Design and Analysis of Experiments: A Short Course (CPD) from 10-13 March at University of the Witwatersrand, Johan- nesburg, South Africa.

Some useful links whynotchemeng Whatischemicalengineering?Aroundtheworld. Chemistry IYC 2011 and Beyond Learn about Chemistry, share your ideas and get involved! Specialise inmining andmetals industry. Ser- vices include performing thermo-chemical mass & energy balances, exploratory data analyses, advanced process modelling & control, finite element heat & mass transfer analyses, development of tailored software. ALGONESS - Process Engineering Applica- tions Company

• HAZOP Course (CPD) from 17 - 19 March in Johannesburg, South Africa.

31 Chemical Technology • February 2015

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