News Scrapbook 1969-1971

Sunday, November I, 1970


01/E/tfBER 1970

Highlights of the and drama-the times,

month's fare

in art, music places and playbills.







• Sr•rano Em- ma Small , pia- nist Mary Carol May perform in Central Public Library, 7 :30. • Su san Mc- Ki I lop speaks at Fne Ar s Gal- lery, 10:45 ... Continuiny: M.

• USIU open Jo ,n ern tiCJ1al Company Egg. Center for Per- • San Diego for , ng Art , 8. City"''"'"'r"'- · Purlie Victor- ious, 8. • 0 ai\is: Frantz Krop- freiter plays follMing dinner of San Diego chapter, American Guild of Organists, St. ll!drew's-by-the- Sea Episcopal, 5:ll ... Contin- uing: M.

• A'Pha Omf,; Players onens The Happy Time, 8:30. • San Dt~,, · Me , (' 11e,e opens The Unknown Soldier and His Wile, Apol11a Tneater, 8. • Vittorio Giarratana conducts chamber orchestra, San Diego Women's Clu b, 8:15. • Ashish Khan nlays sarod at Bishop's School, La Joi a, 7••• Continuing•J,K,M.

• Jazz w dwind -nlayer Charles LI oyd a. s San Die~.o Sta te Mont uma tlall, 8. • Chula Vis- ta Art Guild ooens Dorothy Per- kins, Lee Gallery, Irene McNichols oils. • La Jolla Art Association continues lawr~nce Brullo water- color,, Eleanor Hurst oils •• • Con- tino1n . J,M,S. • Charl~y Pride, Sonny James he C' 1 try w .11r h~w, 7:30, Conv11nM11 Hl!ll u1t rist Car- los ontoya olar , C ic Thea- ter, 8 30. lflme: Playhouse open• The Night Before Christ- mas, 'Z. • USIU SPA pre.,ents flute ensemble, 8:30. • Com- pc er David Ernst speaks in San Dte n SI a eRecital Hall, 8:15 . .. Continuing: J,K,M,R. • Zub10 Mehta, Los A"geles Phil- harmon,c, ,.l,1 1ri Ci! , Theater, 8. • an '11 ~o Stat€ r u~1c fa. cul , e Beethoven Bicen- tennial concert, R~ 1 al Hall, 8: . • ta Jona Arr Associa- tion opens Betty Curry, Beebe Hopper oils, Laurence Burry metal sculpture. • Chula Vista Art Guild open Popular Awards Show ••• Cont,nu1ng, H,R,S.

• San plays o S~te Jazz Ensemble in Az ec Center, 11 a.m. • Southwestern Gallery continues Bonnie Traskell, Jane Kremer oils. • That Gallery continues J. David Prewett metal sculpture•••

Continuing· J,M. • Old Glo be Car ter Stage continues Little Murders, 8, withJack R. Wi- nans. • U n i- co rn Th eate r ooens Carl Ce- purneek photo- graohs ... Con- tinuing: J.

• Soprano Gil- da Cruz-Romo sings n San Di- ego Opera 'La Traviata ,' Civic Theater, 8. • La Jolla Art A S S O C i 3· tion opens show .• . Con- tinuing: J,M.

• Pianist Mar- garet Barthel plays witt: Thomas N e, La Jolla Civic Or• chestra , 3 and 8. Sherwood HI • . Contin- uin · M.

ar n of .r • pre-

v1e·:, 0. • Studio 25, Spanish Vi' a~e Art Center, continues she·: ~1 John W. Hilton o .. • University of San Diego co tinues show of Betty McMillen wo ks in var ous media •. • Con- t nun~ M. Trav1

Harvey, 8:30.

ieg eserts Yuriko and dance company, Monte - zuma Hall, 8. • Central Public library presents Classic Arts Qu intet, 7:30 • Explorama pre- se~ts ft m Florence and the Heart of Ila ly,c·vic Theater, 8: 15.

r--1=::::---· • Philip Mc- Cracken's 50- id mixed me- dia work 'Amer- ican Lace' is in- cluded in la Joi- a Museuni .'Three From as hington State' show .•• C)ntinuing: H.

• Mission Playhouse King- dom of Earth contin e, with J hn Sinor. • Allied Crafts- men open C h r is t mas show at Wed- nesday Club •. • Continuing: H,R

H - Old Globe 'Harvey'

J - USIU International Company 'Joe Egg' K - Mission Playhouse 'Kingdom of Earth' L - San Diego Opera 'la Traviata' M - GlobeCarterStage'tittleMurders' R - Coronado Playhouse 'See How They Run' S - Mission Playhouse 'A Streetcar Named Desire' T - Old Globe 'The Night Thoreau Spent in Jail'

Keyto Continuing Perf rmances:

• St. Andrew's by-the-Sea E:,. copal Chud pre er.I Bach Can- ta ta61, 7:30.

Students Help · Deaf Children Learn eligion SAN DIEGO - Univer ity of San Diego student volunteers are spending Saturday mornings teaching deaf and hard-of-hearing children principles of Catholicism at Camino Hall, USO. "The volunteers a d children, working mainly on a one-to-one basis endeavor to u derstand God's message · said Meg Green inc co-d1rector. Ed- ward Mon e 1s the men's co- director. Father Gerald DeLuney works with the program and the deaf of the diocese through the Mass for the Deaf one Sunday a month at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Church, 41st Street and Marlborough Ave. Another program takes place at St. Catherine of Alexandria Church, Riverside. A Mass, film, and conference about the deaf will be held at Divine Word Seminary Riverside, Nov. 22.

abbi Goor to Leadf On Israel C ristm sTour

vironmental et.hie ai1 1 of two-day meet 5-R II;. ,Jc) Representatives of govern- quire that everyone in socle- ment, busmess, church and ty must view his role as citi- education San Di,ego will zen, not merely producer participate beginnil)g Tues- and profit-maker. day in a two-part collfcrl),n GERALD FOX, DIBECTOR aimed at developing new o,f Envdron,mental Education stan~ards _for society <> fol- Clearinghouse, San Diego, low m trymg to save the en- will serve as coordinator for v1roriment. the conference. "Towar ds an Environment- In the first session, Nov. al Ethic" 11ill meet Nov. 17 17, panel members will be and 24 from 7 to 9:45 p.m. Dr. Frank Awibrey, Depart- at the First Unitarian ment of Biology, San Diego Church, 4170 Front St., San State; Rev. John Clark, First Diego. It is sponsored by Unitarian Church; ' Fredric University of California Ex• Dwm, attorney; Rabbi Mon- tension and the public is Toe Levens, Ti!fereth Israel urged to attend. A $9 admis- Synagogue; Gordon Luce, sion fee will be charged for pr esident, San Diego Fed- the two sessions. , era!; Rev. George KcKinney, The conference derived St. Stephen's Church of God both its title and perspec- in Christ; Lance Muller, stu- tive from a statement on dent, San Diego State; Dr. ecology by Gov. Nelson Robert O'Brien, Department Rockefeller in his recent of Geography, San Diego book "We Can Save Our En- State; R. Denis Richter, pub- viro~ment." In that book lie relations director, San Rockefeller states: Diego Gas and Electric Co.; "THE NEW ENVIRON- Jack Walsh, supervisor, San mental ethic rests, moreov- Diego County, and Pete Wil- er, on the assump:ion that son, state assembl vman technology alone may not PANEL l\fEl\IBERS FOR provide the answers for all the second meeting on Nov or even most of our ccologi- 24 will be Dr. Jack Brad- cal problems. F_or technol- ~aw Department of B10iogy, ogy tends to the pub 1c de- 4'/(i1Y ot Sao Dire~: the and- often sti 1 ated by ev. r. Clark II or rank :har d• ell adve I ing A urran, John Dona son of long as consumers expect ern ll, Lynch, Pierce, Fen- goods to lbe '.[)roduced at the r & Smith; illard John- lowest pos.~ible cost, in the son, iretired fooi:l tlllld popu- argest possible quantity, at lation authority; Rey J~ he greatest ble con e- Lind9ui~ &aims Lu . nier;i ce, without rd to en- eran c ; James Mills, vironmenta co .quences, state senator; Barbara Neu- then all e nature-loving man, teachet; Rev. John rhetoric on rth is not Sanford, St. Pauls Episcopal going to save the earth." hui'ch; George Scott, presi- Rockefeller and the der.t, Walter-Scott C-0., and conference is predicated on Dati.d Tennebaum, architect. the assumption that everyone For enrollment iillforma- must part icipate in planning tion interested persons may of a new ethic which will re- call 453,2000, ext. 2061.

t . ar~ha Long. 19, of 4883 Bancroft St., placed first in the Young Artists Competition sponsored by the San Diego Symphony Orchestra Saturday at San Diego State College. Miss Long. daughter of Mr. and :\1rs. Henry A. Long, is a _....r,r;;;i/:'trttie University

Favon e cenes from five e pre,en,ed rn the Umver,ity of San D1e 9 o Ooera Work,hop produclton . ·ov. 20 and 21 in Camino H II Theater Performance, I\ 1 1 be at 8 o.f!l 1,1c product on, directed by :\I -s Ilana ~ly,ior, I\ 111 feature ~uesl arti,;ts Robert Caru,o, R" ~hard ha,-,be"~er and 8 rta Lon,. The l SD chorus 1 ; n lhe members of he o'P"'l ,, or ·,hop m the pro- l. opera, '.11 1

Rabbi Joel S. Goor of Temple Beth I rael, San Diego, will lead a tour for a limited number of teenagers to I rael during the Christmas holiday sea on. The young people will be rsonally chaperoned by abbi Goor during the entire trip. In Israel Rabbi Goor will a · 1sted by an Israeli guide. Highhght of the 15-day tour ill be the opportunity fo Jewi h nd Christian teenagers to spend Christma Eve in Bethlehem, as well as Chanukah in Israel. Other places of interest on the

tour will include Nazareth Capernaum and the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem. The ecumenical tour will depart from San Diego December 17 and return December 31. The all- inclusive cost Is $799.00 Rabbi Goor has served in San Diego for over 9 years. He has had extensive experience with youth. He 1s a lecturer in Biblical htera~re at the Unjyersity of San D1e&9 and has spoken on many campu in the West. For further information contact Rabbi Goor at Temple Beth Israel, 2512 Third Ave., San Diego. Phone t714) 239-0149. ' t~ ll•.J .J,I IGM Sponsors 2nd Workshop SAN DIEGO - The Infor- mation Group \lov ment's sec, ond annual workshop will take place Saturday morn - ing, Nov. 7, rn De ales Hall, l mvcrs1ty of an Diego, followed b) luncheon at 12:45 pm, Started in S n Diego in 1968, IGM is a laymen-to-layman approach for spreading Catholicism through private tutoring and small forums in homes . The movement is now active in several parishes. Major peakers. include Dr. Martin Fricke, president of the IGM at St. John's, Encinitas; Rev. Dr. Ra mond R land of Jl.SD.,J1r permanen con m 1Jiecl'iocese recently ordained who will talk on "Grounds for Assurance," and Michael C. Newman, editor of The Southern Cross, on " IGM in Theory and Action."

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o buck

Woolpert to B Inducted Into USF Hall of Fame H. ;P, ~o SAN DIEGO - Phil Woolpert, director of athletics at the University of San Diego, will be inducted into the University of San Francisco Hall of Fame Friday. The induction comes 14 years after Woolpert suc- cessfully coached the USF basketball team to their secofld national championship in as many years and to a 60-game win streak, a record that still stands today . HIS TEAMS WON four West Coast Athletic Con- ference titles in six years and placed third in another while he was coach at USF from 1950 through 1958. Woolpert also was named NCAA Coach of the Year in 1955 and 1956. Woolpert retired from the coaching ranks last year after serving as head basketball coach and athletic director at USD since 1962. FRIDAY'S EVENT is fourth annual Father Hub Flynn Athletic Hall of Fame Dinner and will be held on the USF campus. Pete Rozelle, National Football League commissioner and former USF publicity man, will be the main speaker.

Roundtable On Radio The radio program Round• table, produced by The Southern Cross, will f ture Dr. Symour Melman, author of the book "Pentagon Capitalism." The program will also include a book review by Father Charles Dollen and interviews with other authors. Michael Newman, editor of 1'he Southern Cross, is host with Father Dollen. The program is broadcast by KFMB (760 AM) at 10:30 a.m. and 8 p.m. Sunday.

RSCJ Elect New Mother General ROME - A new Mother General has been elected by the Religious of the Sacred Hearl at their General Chapter meeting m Rome. She is Sister Concepcion Canacho, from Barcelona, Spain. Sister Ca nacho was previously Provincial of the orthern Spain chapter of the eligious, accordi~ to Sister M ella Bremner, RSCJ, at USO.

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