News Scrapbook 1969-1971

Page 6 THE SOUTHERN CROSS, THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, 1971 New Family Life Course For Teachers to Begin Southern Cross Reporter CCD teachers can build on these. SAN DIEGO - A family life course for CCD teachers of

Major Lecture Series

'Dynamic Speakers'

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Morality, Evolution Among Topics \


Southern Cross Reporter

January 4. 1971

SAN DIEGO A major lecture series in the CCD on- going adult education program will begin Thursday, Jan. 28, and continue for eight weeks at five centers in San Diego County. The weekly Thursday lec- tures will run from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. THE SERIES will feature "dynamic speakers and thought-provoking and con- temporary topics," Father Denis Ryan, CCD director said, adding that "good company and shared interests" also will make the series worth while. "First and basic," he said, "our adults need and deserve this attention to enrich their own faith-life, understand the changes in the Church and communicate with their children no matter what age level." DONATION FOR the series will be $5 for one person and $7.50 for a couple, or $1 a lec- ture. Following is complete list of speakers, topics and centers. Specific dates will be an- nounced later. MARIAN HIGH SCHOOL CENTER -

Father Imbiorski, on the Advisory Board of the U.S. bishops' Family Life Bureau, will outline family life education around the country. SISTER MARY Hope, high school coordinator, diocesan school department, will deal with Christian values, attitudes and approaches. Sister Margaret Ann, PHSR supervisor, will suggest programs for parents and teachers. James Mahoney, counselor at Catholic Family Service, speaks on sociological aspects, teenage marriage, premarital sex and marriage failures. DR. SPERRAZZO is chairman of the USO psychology department. His talks will deal with psychological differences between the sexes and human love in an emotionally mature person. Father Shipley of the USO philosophy department will speak on what the Bible says about love and marriage, types of love, qualities needed for our ability to love, communication in marriage, spirituality for married people, and the relationship of marriage with other sacraments.

junior and senior high ~chool students will be held Jan. 13- April 28 in Room 226, Serra Hall. University of San Diego. Sessions will be held 7 ::lo-§p. m . every Wednesday. Sister Margaret Ann, course coordinator with Father Denis Ryan, CCD director, said the talks will be given by "very competent professionals in various fields." the second offered by the CCD in response to the U.S. bishops' pastoral letter, "Human Life in Our Day." THE LETTER said, "We are under a grave obligation, in part arising from the new circumstances of modern culture and communications, to assist the familv in its efforts to provide such training (sex education)." Lecturers include ~r William Shi8lel\ and Dr. Gerald Sperrazzo o t e Uni versit 1 of Siin Otego, Father Water lm610rski of Chicago, and Dr. Henry Maguire of Mercy Hospital. Mrs hay Lochtefeld, family life counselor, will discuss public school programs so She said the course is

My dear People of God:

One of the great needs of our day is the religious education of adults. With the fast 111ovfng changes and the advances in many f1elds, ft is t111perat1Ye that the adult Catholic enrich hilllself through cont1nu1ng education. The Diocese Is making every effort to afford you this opportun f ty. The Adult Education Dtvfsfon of the CCO has developed a program which will be presented In five Centers i n San D1e~o County. It 1s 111y hope that our people will take advantage of these ses- sions and that 1n time such programs will be avail• tble to the entire Diocese. Faithfully yours in Chrtst,

Msgr. Portman

Msgr. Baer

Fr. Ryan

+Leo T. Maher Bishop of San Diego

Bishop Quinn

Fr. Dollen

D Theologians Reject odification on Di /.f-77 least hedge on this fundamen-

Topic: The Church

Just who is the Church, where is it going, changes within-without.

Lecturers: f1onsignor John Portman Monsignor I. Brent Eagen Topic: Christian Leadership Lecturer: Father Peter Orlando Topic: Teacher-Student Relationships Lecturer: Father Denis Ryan

Excellent for parish needs.

that bigamy is mgrtal sin· that therefore no one who con: tinues in this state may re- ceive the sacraments." "remarriage" must know he sins mortally and cannot re- ceive the sacraments while he remains in his sin, says Ber- A Catholic who attempts sm, _the sm of mf1_de!Jty, by re- Jectmg the expltc1t teaching of the church on marriage and the s~craments," he adds. A pastor who admits such _a pE!l'son to the sacraments 1s not truly showing him 'God's mercy,' but is only aggravat• ing his sin," George sai_d. George and Berquist also take i~sue with contemporary church brands _marnag~s of divorced Catholtcs_ as smful, :,vhether they are smful or not is. a matter of personal con- science for the persons m· . Su~h a claim. says Berqmst, 1mphes that th~re 1s no church doctrme th at bmds in this mat- church may be put aside in go~,.conscience, why _not her he asks, pomtm~ out th at_ Canon Law says a b1gam- iSl ~s 10 mfamy and must be demed the_ sac:a~ents as Jong law· Derual of Sm Decned George and Berqmst say th~t m recent yea:s there has an~en a fog~ kmd of theo- seemmgly t~ies to wipe out sm b~, denymg it exists .. A sort of theological obscu- rantism," says Berquist, "1·s logtc~l th mkmg. whi~h .seeks to deliver us from our sins by destroying the knowl- edge of sin. It accompanies a peculiar view of the devel- opment of poctrine by which teachings of the church are supposed to become less and less definite as time goes on. ''But there is no value, l pc says, "in the mercy which pro- vides only the blis.,; of igno- peace at the expense of truth, nor any comfort in the forgive- ness which leaves us in our ranee, purchasing , false quist. "He can avoid facing the truth onl_y th~ou_gh _a graver -Catholic theologians who the claim that even tho_ugh volved. . . te;; . . If the doctrme of the as he pe~sists 1~ it. . presently in fashion wh1'ch

By ROBERT DJ VEROLJ EVENING TRIBUNE Re1i,ion WriJer Liberal Roman Catholic the• ologians have been suggesting that the church revise its poJi- lies from receiving Holy Com- 1 munion and the other sacra- In their view the church's is based on an ex- Canon Law which outlaws sec- fenders as public sinners and excludes them from the sacra• policy ond marriages, brands of- ments. which takes little note of indi- vidual human needs and cir- Pastoral Approach Urged It is contrasted with the so- "pastoral approach ," God 's mercy and judges each case on its merits. The Angli- can and Eastern Orthodox churches are cited as taking called which supposedly stresses Some modernishistic Roman Catholic moralkts are saying their church should adopt the Objections to this point of view which are not difficult to find since they reflect still- voiced in a recent interview here with Dr. Richard George and Marcus Bergmst profes- sors of philosophy at the Uni• versi~v of San Diego. - Thinking Called Foggy Both are concerned because they think the modernist view on this question typifies the fuzzy, third-rate thinking they say characterizes much post• cumstances. such an approach. same policy. marries," not to Catholics who get church-approved separa- They also contend that what- ever weight Anglican and Or- thodox views carry on any matter, they carry none at all Church as far as Roman Cath- olics are concerned. Basic Differences Remain Even more important, they say. is that Catholics who are pushing the Anglican-Orthodox approach opscure the fact that the three c rche have differ- ent policies precisely because they have basic doctrinal dif- ferences abo'ut marriage itself. ) "The Roman Catholic Church teaches that mar. ..riages cannot be dissolved. The others either reject or at tions. when it comes to official Catholic teachings of the ments. This is criticized as a harsh, overly legalistic approach h I Vatican II t eo ogy. eJI no e · d c th 1· f I say r ers on Y o marne t Th t th t h t a w a th ey th h th l 'dl e va 1 Y bt · a o 1c w o o ams d' d " a 1vorce an en re•

LPclure dates, topics and speakers follow: Jan 13 Social Health Education in Public School Program for Boys Prfl •ram tor Girh

Importance of and means to open com- munication in parent-child relationships.

ta! question," says George. Berquist says that the Cath- olic Church therefore regards Catholics who divorce and "re- the other churches, which per- mit members to remarry, oh- viousl do not regard them as the Roman church , the Angli- can and Orthodox churches also base their approach on some vague "pastoral, 'ju , each-case-on-its-merits" basis said to be tempered by God's fundamental doctrine not bigamists. The point is, according to therefore, to charge that Cath~ olic policy is doctrinal and le- churches' approach is pastoral Berquist says the crux of the doctrinal differences among the churches is that the Ro- man church says marriage is indissoluble while the others Both camps, he adds, ob- viously base their approach on do not. and merciful. that they are ultimately seek• to attack, not present Catholic policy, but the Catho- lie doctrine that marriage is ing They say, that urging Rome imitate ·churches which have different policies based on different doctrines makes Canon Law, they continue, clearly states that "since roar- riage is indissoluble, any at- tempt to remarrv is bigmay; -------·- to no sense. , indissoluble. galistic, while the other doctrinal grounds. Attack Suspected He and George suspect that fer the Anglican-Orthodox ap- proach invite the suspicion mercy. · Judgment Challenged They say it is not true

Mrs. Lochtefeld Mrs Lochtefeld Mrs. Lochtefeld

.Jar 20 .Ian ·!7 l-t>!) 3 Feb 17


Edurat1on in Sexuality General Principles Chrn,tian Dimension l'.1nsh Pro)!rams ,\ Dortor Speaks Soc1al Aspects of Sexuality Sl"x, Love, Marriage • Psychological View Scripture Sex is for Life and Loni Prl'marital Sex · Growth for Love !\lantal Sex Sacrament of Life and Love l\Jnritol Sex Growth in Love

Father Imbiorski Sister Mary Hope Sister Maq:aret Ann Dr. Maguire

cy of barring divorced Catho· marry" as bigamists, while

Topic: Contemporary Moral Problems Instructor: Father Francis Wieser ,!CR

How to approach moral problems, role of conscience, notion of sin, sexuality.

FE'h 10, 2-i ,1orch .J \lanh 10, Ii ~forth :.!•t 31 \pril 7

Mr. Mahoney Dr. Sperrazzo Father Shipley Father Shipley Father Shipley Fat!JJtr Shipley .,_ ....

Topic: Authority in the Church Instructor: Father Charles Dollen

Authority in scripture, shared and pater- nalistic authority, our Church today.

April 14- Apnl .!1 \pril 28

cessively rigid application of , George and Berquist, that like

NEWMAN CENTER; San Diego State

Topic: Teilhard de Chardin Instructor: Father James McGray Topic: Morality today Instructor: Father Joseph Stadler

Evolution, problem of evil and original sin,


Chardin's ethics.

Conscience vs. legalism, impact of social change on traditional morality,


Topic: The Church Instructors: Bishop John R. Quinn Monsignor John E. Baer

Following the Pastoral Constitution on Church from Vatican II.



Topic: The Sacraments: Heart of Religous Living Instructor: Father Robert Callahan Topic: The Church in the Modern World Instructor: Father Paaj_Hill

The sacraments as "faith made flesh," in personal, Christ, and Church dimensions.


Dignity of the human person, community of mankind, role of the Church.

official church teaching , were Catholic theologians who pre-

A FOURTH AVENUE 1\1.D., who doesn't want any notoriety, has adopted an uno1ihodo" practice of let- ting patients decide how much they are going to pay. For more than a year now each bill that he sends out has been accompanied by a little green card, which states: "Our fee schedule is based upon stand• ard practice in this area, and conforms to the Cal- ifornia Medical Association statewide fee survey. However, for persons whose financial circumstances are difficult due to extensive illness, unemployment, a limited retirement pension, or for other reasons, we will be glad to reduce our fees. Under these circum- stances we suggest a 25 percent reduction, but more or less may be appropriate to your situation. No dis• cussion is necessary-simply write the amount of fee reduction you choose on the tatement with your re- mittance." So far nearly all of his patients-whose ideas may be as old-fashioned as the doctor's - have paid the full amount. ARIUISTEAD CARTER, the tennis-playing squire of Mission Hills, is tbe surprised donor of two lighted tennis courts in Israel which l1ave been named the Carter Tennis Center. ( A Jewish friend, Joe Shane, talked him into it.) But now the regulars who play at Carter's courts in Mission Hills are howling for him to light theirs. . . . Jill Hodes sat through half of the porno-epic, "The Stewardesses," before turning to her escort exclaiming: "Oh, it was 'Airport' that everyone has been telling me to see! " . . . Employes at ational Cash Register spend their coffee break huddled in front of the plate glass windows watching the cllill wind blow tumbleweeds across the parking lot - and making book on which tumbleweed would get across the lot first. DREAl\18 of a half-million-dollar clubhouse in Logan Heights for Arc-hie Moore's Any Boy Can program have apparently dissipated. Funds are so short that directors are on the verge of liquidating. Meanwhile, its success with more than 300 boys is being used for similar ventures in a half dozen other cities.... Jack Davis, a former high hw·dles champion, is back in town as head of Medal- ist Corp., which has taken over development of the defunct Valle Verde subdivision east of Rancho Ber- nardo (which has been renamed to StoneRidge). THE NAMES: Irving Salo-Won, who's been around for a couple of years, wro IUn Townes from a <'ruise ship pa~sing through the Panama Canal: "This i. like an old folks' borne!" ... Retired banker JU el Wilson, when Reggie ,Jensen asked if he was till en- ,joying the same Ion~ lunches as he had 20 years ago: "I can't even remember what I was doing 20 years ago!" ... Jimmy Durante, who was 17 when the Boy Scouts o[ America was bom, will be honorary chair- man for San Diego Cou'nty's observance ue.-t month o[ the BSA's 61st anniversary.



Saturday, January 23, 1971

- ------ - ---'-'--- 0hri tian ·Education tJnit To Initiate Lecture Series An_eight-week series of lectur: cuss "Teacher-Student RelatiQn- [4070 Mission Ave., Oceanside, ('S Wtl! begm m four San Diego ships." the Rev. Robert T. Callahan of ~oun_tye areas Thursday under At the Universit of San ' All Hallows Church here will us_p 1c_ s of the Confraternity of Diego's Serra Ha , t e .,Rtt. speak on "The Sacraments" and c:'h 1_ 1s1Ian E~ucat10n Adult Edu- Francis Weiser of St. Patrick's the Rev. Paul Hill of the acade- ca;:~ D_e~ai tment. . . Seminary, :vrenlo Park, and the my faculty on "The Church in c meis at Manan High Rev. Charles J. Dollen. librarian the Modern World." School, Impenal Beach, will be a t e O ege or Men will C the Rev MS"I' J h R p . . • EA H THURSDA y · , · 0 n • or•, be instructors. Father Weiser • tman. chairman of the San! will speak on '·Contemporary _All of the four lecture senes Roman Catholic Diocese lMoral Problems" and Father wtll be from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Ecumenical Commission. and Dollen on "Authority in the each Thursday through March ihe Rev. Msgr. I. Brent Eagen, Church." 18. . . . chancellor of the diocese. Their . A fifth lecture senes will be- subject will be "The Church." Th~ Mo 5 l_Rev. John R. Qumn. gin Feb. 11 and continue each , auxthray bishop of the dwcese, Thursday the same hours 01HER SPEAKERS and the Rev Ms r oh th h A ·11 · th s n· . . . · · roug pn m e an 1ego Other speakers m the series at Bae1, pres1. en o. the College State Newman Center. The Rev. lhe high school will be the Rev. 'For7.1en.' will be mstructors at James W. McGray will speak on Peter Orlando, discussing th e Sa~, ed He~rt Convent, 2100 "Teilhard de Chardin." the reli- "Chr' t· L d h' " d h Greenfield Duve, El Caion. gious philosopher and the Rev 1s ian ea ers 1p. an t e Tl I 'II d' "Th ' · . . 1ey a so w1 1scuss e Joseph N Stadler Newman Rev. Dems J. _Ryan. dlt'edJr _of Church." Club chapiain at S~uthwestern the confraternity, who wtll drs- At San Luis Rey Academy, College, on "Morality Today." -



dance on the green at the Old Globe Theatre. From there she progressed to a part in the role of Eleanor in "Beck- et" and roles in "Lil Abner" and "Brigadoon " at Gross- mont College. This past winter she worked in two plays at the Old Globe-Cassius Carter The- atrr;. She was awarded an Atlas for the best minor char- acter of this year's dramatic productions in "Don't Drink the Water." She also had a supporting role in "Halfway Up the Tree." Sheila said she would like to do Shakespeare some day and act professionally. She is currently enrolled at Grossmont College part time and has also attended the University of San Diego.

By ROSEMARY JOHNSTON News Editor All the world's a stage- and all the men and women merely players. They have their exits and entrances, And one man in his time Plays many parts - Shakespear said it in "As You Like It" and there are two local actresses who do like it . . . Sheila Madden and Pamela Adams. Both young ladies are currently featured in "The Silver Cord" now being staged at the Actor's Quarter's Theatre on Friday and Saturday nights. Sheila, a product of Gross- mont College's drama depart- ment, first became interested in an acting career when she was ten. She and her sister used to work as ushers and

Pam Adams, an l&-year old freshman at San Diego State, became interested in drama as a student at Mt. Miguel High School. She entered speech contests and excelled in oral interpretation. She too would like to do Shakespeare and hopes to break out of the "sweet young thing" type roles she has so far portrayed. the shrewish professor's wife in "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?" should certainly help to break out of the young innocent image! Pam would like to teach drama and English in high school or junior college. The aspiring thespians will per- form in "The Silver Cord" until it finishes its run Feb. 27. The role of Martha,

PA."'1ELA ADAMS . . teaching plans

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