News Scrapbook 1969-1971

Bishop Maher Receives Warm San Diego

Van Deerlin Speaks at USO J" W,,x> /c · d f

Congressma n Van Deerlin, sponsored by the Poli tical Science Club, will discuss the controversial pr oblems af- fecting today's youth. He will speak in the Rose Room. Van Deer hn, representative for the 37th District, · rves on the House Commit on In- ters tate and J< ore Com-


-staff PhOtos by Jerrv Windle Bishop's Boys Red Rob<'d Choir who sang "J.<'or He's a .Jolly Good Fellow," at airport ceremony. (Story on b-1)

bishop of the San Diego Roman Catholic Diocese. Bishop Maher was welcomed hy honor guard frun Knights of Columbus and

Swarm of eager Thookhildren rea<'h out to wekome the Most Rev. Leo T. Maher, who ,.,.ill be installed today as

Lindhergh Field Behind him are the ~1o t Rev. John R. Quinn and the Very Rev. Roger Lechner.

Tah r, hishop- Lcgo Roman off pl, ne at

/C,6 7

Teach rs Plan Meeti g on New Chapt r Black teachers in the San Diego area will meet at the University of San Diego Satur- day to form a cbaptcr uf the Cahforma A sociation for Af- rican-Am1:rican Education. Willie loore, a USD teacher who is the area reprtsentative for the association, &aid the group will work on student and community problems d strive to bring about changes it may feel needed. Eleanor Evans of th Diego School District a aldine Rickman (Community Opportunity- grams in Educati are sisting in orgamza on -o chapter. The meeting, to be c d in the USD College for Men, will begin at 10 a.m. Registration will start at 9 a.m. r- of COPE

USD An ounces $16.9 Million Plan s.. <~,,, .l5£f The University of San Diego marked its 20th anniversary Mon- day with the announcement of a $16.9 million development pro- gram and the concelebration ofa Pontifical Mass in Immaculata Chapel with Most Rev. Leo T. Maher as principal concelebrant. Bishop Maher is chancellor of the university and chairman of its Board ofTrustees. Auxiliary 81snop John tt. faculty

Conf rontati n Play Offered On USD Stage 1~- 10 · 'J. , r "Dutchman," a one-act play by LeRoi Jones, will be staged Thursday at 8 p.m. in the Col- lege for Women Theater at the University of San Diego The performance will be open to the public without charge. Jones, a black author, has received several awards for this play, which deals with a confrontation between races. Paul Sammon will direct the student-sponsored production. "The play is being offered as an example of cUJTent and relevant drama in the hopes of a better awareness of the su- perb quality of black-oriented writings today," Sammon said.

and development through endowed chairs and salary improvements are key elements of the program. Other Improvements Students' housing, curriculum and graduate program development, a university center and im- provements in the sports and recreation programs are in- cluded in the plan. new programs for USO involvement with the needs and problems of the general community. The expansion also proposes institutes for special ethnic studies, as well as enviromental studies. Also in the plan is an Ecumenical Center, a Center for the Study of Communicative Disorders, and an Education Research Center, as well as a program of continuing education for adults. The projection gives the univ~rsity community guidelines for its future and insures that the development program will be in keeping with USD's philosophy of education. A special part of the projection provides for

Quinn, provost of USD, also concelebrated. Among concel- ebrants were Msgr. I. Brent Eagen, chancellor, and Msgr. John E. Baer, president of the USO College for Men, who given by the university faculty dining room. Pays Tribute In a talk at the end of the Mass, Bishop Maher extended greetings to university students an

of ecumenical unity. Ryland, a Catholic layman, is a professor of religion at the University of San Diego.-Tribune Staff Photos by Jerry Windle

Prof ssor Urges Honesty In Beliefs for Christians

USO Law Grad Award d Grant A Univer 1ty of San Dieg Law Scllool graduate r ce1ved a one-year gra t Police Legal Advi er Program at Xorthwestern University. Roger A. McKee 25. of 1064 Grand Ave.. was awarded the Ford Foundation Fellowship - one of 10 distributed each ) ear. The former San Diego Poll Department reserve off r earned his bacllelor's degree t UCLA. As a law student, h n the American Jurispru Award in crimina law. The Police Legal Adviser o- gram was created to train attor- neys to become legal counsel •o metropolitan police depart- ments. Fellowships are grant~d to applicants who have both a law degree and pgl1ce ex- perie ce.


"Many es- pecially conservative Protes- tants, are saying the same thing," said Ryland. The conservatives' deepest fear, he said, ls not only arti- ficial doctrinal unity but the administrative unity of a bu- reaucratic "super church." Fear Not Justified There is nothing in Vatican Council II to justify that fear, however, Ryland believes. At Vatican II the Catholic Church, for one, abandoned its "unconditional surrender" de- mand of other Christians. Whereas the church used to ha e a "you al! come back" apprQach, it now takes a "go out and meet one another" tack, Ryland said. Even so, when parties "go out and meet one another," something has to give even- tually no matter how warm the greeting, Ryland said. The problem becomes, then, who's going to give in on what, he said. Tough to Crack "On the human level, that's a tough nut to crack, but the Holy Ghost is in on this too " he said. ' ' Ryland suggests it may be too much to expect mere men to agree on cntical questions but that with God's help they eventually will. "Chnst will show the way. Somedjly the great body of Christ om will get togeth- er," s ld Ryland. Ryland came to USD this fall fro Oklahoma City. The ecumemcal Center for Chris- tian Renewal, of which lie was director, is housed in a former college building operated by the Oklahoma City diocese. It opened m the fall of 1967 with a vanefy of activities sponsored by all Christian churches in the area. Even Protestant churches which did not favor the ecumenical movement used center facil- ities, Ryland said. ,Protestants,

This means that all Chris- tians can take communion to- gether as a symbol of their agreement on essential basic dogma, of which communion itself 1s one Cllristians, that ls, differ on whether Christ is really or symbolically present in Ille communion wafer. Christians with opposing views on such a matter as this could not llon- estly claim to have achieved true ecumenism, Ryland be- lieves. Ryland opposes the "com- munion-sharing" practiced by some churches because he says it's fundamentally dis- honest. Gloss Over Differences Christians who take commu- nion together but don't agree on what it basically means are simply glossing over differ• ences to create a false sense of unity, Ryland explained. "Intercommunion now is dishonest," he said. "The eu- charist is a specia I sign of to- tal unity in Christ which Christians at this time do not have. "There is no evidence that Inter-communion fosters unity among Christians, anyway," he said. ''Lots of Protestant denominations have practiced inter-communion for years and are still separate." He said Christians can nev- er be truly united until thl)f agree on all the basic ques- llons such as who is God? who is Cllrist? what Is tho nature of man and Scripture?

Black Educators Slate Meeting San Diego area b lack ed_ucators will meet a t 10 a.m. this Saturday, October 18 in the University of San Diego College f?r ~en to form a cha pter of the Cali t orn1a Assoc iat ion for Alrican-America n Educa tion _Wi ll ie Moore of USO, Sa~ Diego area representati ve to CAAAE, said the forma tion of the chapter will ena ble in- formed educators to work on student and com mu nity problems. .5- ,_ r 0 Vl,c--Y.J I& 1,' t 7

DATE BOOK News From Clubs, Associations T ~-u-.""'--'- / t7- ,,, ., 6 9'

Mrs. J~hn P. Williamson and 11rs. John R. Nilsson will serve as San_ Diego County chairmen for the sale of UNICEF greeting cards m 1969, ~~ordmg to Ver! Roberts, president of the United Nat10ns :\Ssoc1atton _of San Diego. The card designs were do- nated by 20 mternatlonally acclaimed artists as their gift to the world's_ need~ c:nldren. _The UNICEF cards are now on sale at the Umted Nat10ns Building in Balboa Park and at various stores throughout the city and county. Professor Reappointed to Area ACl,U Panel Herbert I. Lazerow, a Universitv of San Diego School of Law ~rofessor, has been reappointed c,hairman of the legal panel of ~:- S'.111 Diego ~pter of the American Civil Liberties Union, 1s 1s Lazerow s second year as chairman. I Rofary Club fo Hear PR Director [ tr Sh:{"~~an H. .parth, public relations manager for a worldwide Dav :r• WI 1 spe_ak at the noon meeting tomorrow of the San H~e~ill ~ 1 tr~ ~\ub m the Caribbean Room of ,El Cortez Hotel. n The Pageant of the Mediterranean." Symposium on Prenatal Care Scheduled 0 _The ~untty Chapter of the National Foundation and the San iego is net of _Women's Clubs' Junior Membership will co- sponsor a sY1!1pos1Um on prenatal care and birth defects at 7 · 30 ~:ct?ct. 22 111 the Pacific Beach Woman's Club, 5050 Soled~d Lecture Series Starts at UCSD C ~- C~rtis AS Wil5?n, professor of hiii_tory at the University of a or~1a at an Diego, will speak at the second lecture ol the season m t~e Professors' Inaugural Lecture Series at 4·30 tomorr?w m. the Humanities-Library Auditorium. Rcv~lle pc~· lege. His to~1c ~11] be "From Kepler's Law, So-Called to U - versa! Gravitation· Some Third Thoughts." ' Ill Library Displays Netherlands Exhibit "The Face of The_ Netherlands," an exhibit prepared b the p.~tch government, IS the October lobby display at the cii1tral h 1 ~ary, 820 E St. A set of panels depicting our country's D I ·t 10 eritage completes the display which is open to the public f~o~ 5 _3 a.m. to9 p.m. Monday through Friday and from 9:30 am 1 _. O p.m. Saturdays. · · 0

Bishop Mahj'r issue I call for peaCe~f;i':' 61 In <:0UJUI_,Cllon ,11th thr 1ieace. Our ~oal a.; ChrL ans call of Pre 1den LXon !or a to make t 1e reign of .Je:;u, nat10nal day o p1.:ycr tor Chnst. the Prince o Pf'acc, peat!' o 1 Wf'dnP da), tl1e realized 1r our da.\_ lie ra11e - ~?-t Rev. Leo 'I_. !ah_er, Cath- to hate his 'ife 11Ith aU man· 0.1~ B1,hop of San Die o, ha kind and teach a \\ y o[ life 1 sued the follo,1111g me age; of peace. •·our I 1 rcs1dent I~ falling '"l11e rnner pcJ.:e of mind upon us to Join together 011 and heart and the hared Oct. 22 in pra) er for peace peace of ju,t1ce and chanty Thl'Te is no greater au~e cannot exbt one 1uthout the and I am honored to add my other. World peace cannot be plea to !us so that all men ach1e.ed unle ·s each man in- I 111ight enJ0J' the prom1sp ol diridually becomes a peac-e- maker \\ ith his neighbor.

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