News Scrapbook 1969-1971





''"d y, N"v mbar 2, 1969 ------------------------------ ---·-------------·----------- LM NAC 'WAIT U TIL DARK' - The Frederick Knott thriller will be presented by the Patio Play- house, 373 Hale Ave., Escondido, at 8:30 p.m.

Clip anti aave all week ~- • • • - • • -- - - • - - • • • r • - • • • • • • ••~ • - • ,-

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From Nov.2 To Nov. 9 'DYi~\. ' -

RA)- CHARLES The lamed p1ani t- 1ng •r II ill bnng his ~how lo the Comention 11~1 11 at 8·30 p.m , aturday.

herwood Hall, La J olla, at 8 30 p m. Satur-

FAC LTY 4' College chamber group will perform at noon fnu r,- day in room Cl16 at the h I l0-Tiie San Diego, I MARY ATKINSON HENSO. will play at 4 p.m. today in the dist Church, 3030 Thorne St. LA JOLLA CIVIC ORCHESTRA - John Silber will conduct the ensemble in a concert at 8 p.m. next Sunday in Scripps Hall of the Bishop's School, La Jolla \ ERLYE '.\lILLS-The harpist, accompanied by pianist Joy Hujsak, will play at 3 p.m next Sunday in the San Diego Women's Club, 2557 Third \vr. ORCHl~STRA CONCERT-The San Diego . tesa College Orchestra will play at noon Tuesday in room C116 at the school. 'SEA SYMPHO~Y'-The Ralph Vaughan Wil- liams work will be presented by the choirs and orchestra of the Hoover High School music department, conducted by Robert Cooper, at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow in the . chool's auditorium, 4474 El Ca1on Blvd HOWARD DO.. SMALL - The orgam f \\ill play in SI. Paul' Episcopal Church, 2705 Fifth A ., at 8 p.m. next Sunday. DAVID W\RD-STEIII/MA~ -The San Diego State composer - in - residence will discuss the music of Hindemith at 7 p.m Tuesday m the school's Music Auditorium. lHC DOOR COf"FEg IIIJ{; E-1'hc ztec Center room \1111 feature fo'k- s !lgmg by Larry , eff and weeny Sebragg at i p.m toda • and blues . inger Wayne Strom- herg wi h guitarist Doug :\frKee at 7 p m. next Sunday. CANOY CO.-The La ~le,a folk spot. 7711 ~;I Ca jon Blvd.. will present folksingers Pete and Anita al 8:15 p.m, today. Di- ego t


The Sidney :\llch-

ae l. play about the last days of the poet Dylan Thomas will be presented m the San Diego 1esa College Apolliad Theater, 7250 Artillery Drive, at 8 p.m. Thursdays , Fridays and Satur- days through • ov 15 begin- nmg lh1 week. Ron Heller plays the title role






F'r1daF and Saturdays through , 'ov. 22 - Sa ndy Hume left plays a blind girl to, me 1ted b; Tonv Plumer. Music ALCALA TRIO-The cliamber ensemble will perform al 8 p.m. Saturday in the Unh ersity of San Diego College for Women Theater, Alcala Park ALI. S.U TS' EPISCOPAL CHOIR A. D STRI1'G The Pa ·adena ensemble \\ ill per- fonn a t 5 p.m. today in St. Da\'id's Episcopal Church , 5050 .Milton St.


Jail drama of three

'TIU J'IU)\IL 1:· The HL.

1ve In Leulngrad , by Alek ei Arbuzov, will be tagr at the Old Globe Theater, Balboa Park, at 8 'TI today, Tu day, Thursday and next Sun- • d·1y and at 8:30 p.m, Friday and Saturday. pre nl d on the Ca siu Carter Center

I I I I I I I • I

Also.. ' ~IALL 0 , E' -The l'upprt Voltaire St. , P t. Loma, 11111

'I~) ho11 , r, 3~03

DOL."tIET 'CH• SCHOE: FELD Ee 'SE;\lBLE · UCSD will present the chamber music quartet pr~. ent 1he Christmas show al 2 p.m, Sat urdavs and Sundays through Dec 14 . -----------------------------------------------------------------------~---------------------- ;3 '6' , imp.licity Marks Entrance Rite lZ lU/ ~. t2t'47 Erlitor's No Th is ts he fourth of a series of articl on future cha,iges III the tass. Some wumges , m a gradual renewal of the

Auxiliary holds l~~/l-?t/ ' :\!embers of '.he n1ve1· iiy Ph1 I.anlhropic Fun,!, the aux- of San Diego \\ omens AuxiJ. liar 1· has contribut ed t o l:SD iary met recent.~ lo tour :l!Js· ov r 'fi.! 000. The College for ;ion San Diego de \ lea la and ten has r eceil ed o 1· e r for luncheon at Le Dome Res- $1,.000 makin" a\'ailable to laurant in Point 1,oma. the eollege ; 1ore than a Michael c. ell'man. di rec- quarter of a . mi!lio n ,dollar., tor of de elopment and pub· under _th; F ede:-al St ud ent lie relations at USD 11 as Lo~n l_'ro,,ram. guest spea ker Cha1rrnan of the Cl'c nl was ~lr.-;. Robe r t R. Simons, As- 'he P1ent si,Jin_g wcrP Mmes..Jnhn Rob- 11ete the Ven· J1p1·..Jon E. crt McEnrrne. fl ~ro ld F. Teh· Ran and Sister '\/anry lor- hrts. both of Point Loma, and ris, prPsicient nf thr College.< \\'. R. Murphv ,if Padfi r for Illen and Women Bo'h Rear·h l'l'Ceiled rhC'C'ks for the FNI \1rs Frank .T. O'Connor of era! Stucirnt Loan Pro:rram. C'lairrmont is p:c,

hturyy, l1ave b ,w made smce the Second Co1.mc1l of the Vatu:an recomme,ided, for nC1mple, th 11u of the vemacular and explicitly !tuteu that "thef, ll (lrld actwc-.partu:1patw11" m the sacred liturgy " by C1l1 the people I the ami IO be co11s1.uered IJy all el e." In th • pret·t·dtni,: article the historical development of the Entruncc Hite wvs pre. coted . The uneven formation of this purt of th£• \tus. has re. ulted in a lack of unity within its various part . The Church now intend to restore the Entrance Rite to its original simplicity These new riles will be introduced next ycur The purpose of the in- troductory cerem oni of th days of Christianity Allusions to its widespread use can be found JO the letter of Paul to ·ense of

Ma · 1· to er ate a the assembled pan l11011ers Once a spmt of umty 1s aclncved, the congregation will be dispo eel to h ar th Word ol God The rcstor1:d Entrance Rite begins with ti,• smging of the Introit. This hymn sets the theme of the celebration while the prie t and mm1 ter pro cess into thl' sanctuary Any hymn whose text 1s approved by the Confer 'nee of Bi. hop and ,.h,ch i. in kccpin~ with the fc st and ~ca on may now be ub tituted for the tract, t1onul Introit versicle and psalm The entrance hymn may be sun• by tht• choir or the people After giving reverence to the altar the celLbrant together with the people make.the sign of the cross to w•1ich the people re pond " Amen ," The priest tl~n greet. the community The familiar formula of "The Lord be With You" may be used or he may choose one of the Christian grel•tmgs found m the New Tcstai cnt. A numb r of ~uggested greetings taken from the Epistles of Paul w II be fur• rushed JO the new rni sal insert. By this greeting and response a ·ensc of Christian commumty 1s engendered among the faithful. r'ollow1ng the greeting the celebrant or anoth r minister, such as the lector , may in traduce the Mass of the day with few short words of ex- pla11a t1on , Th<· priest then in- vlt(•s II to part1c1patc in a hort pcmtenllal rite Th<• form of this cerm1ony is a general con• fes~1on by ull the a· ·cmbled people with absolution by the pri t . ThH·c Sl·parate formulas will Ix· prov1d!'d 111 the mi. sal from wluch the priest may choose. The ceremony f pubhc con f • ·ion is an ancient pract1c • of Uie Church dn tJOg from th fir t communit;i; among

the various Chri tian com- mumties , In the recent past this general confession took the form of the "Confitcor .. The new forms are shorter and more Christ~ntered. At the conclusion of the penitential rite a shortened form of the "Kyrie Eleison" is begun . Each of the acclamal!ons is recited twice. If Uus prayer has formed part of tl1e penitential rite, it is not repeated . Allowance is given for many variations in text if 1t is sung. Smee tlus hymn is an acclamation f the Lord and a pelt tion for H mercy, all the gathered peo}Jle-choir, congregation, celebrant-should participate. There follows the Gloria,.a venerable hymn long fason The new Entrai:ice Rite conclude with the collect prayer T cw;tomary greeting "The Lord be With You" is omitted e the greeting has already en place, A simple '"Let u ray" followed by a short od of silence in- troduc s the general prayer of the Ma This period of silence afford th people an op- portu ly to recollect them- selves and sllt•ntly recount their personal ne s The celebrant then prays in tbeir name to whic the peopl respond "Am n," giving their assent to the general p t1tion. This concludes the restored En- trance Rite. In every public Mass the acclamations and responses of tl1e people show forth the active participation envisioned by the Second Vatican Council. These are not only external signs of a communal cclcbral!on but they also foster a viable communion bet ween the priest and his people. Through this means the Mass becomes the corporate action of the enltre community. used by th recited or u feast or Ll hurch. It may be .ordmg to the

NUNS' GROUP MEE.TS - leaders of the Senate of Sisters are shown at the group's first meeting held recently at ~an Luis _Rey Academy. left to right a_re Siste~ Catherine Lett, co-chairman; Sister Mary Jo Anderson, Sister ~anella Bremn~r, temporary chairman; Sister Anne Marie Ahsmann, and Sister Serena Stein. _The senate s second meeting 1s scheduled for November 22 at St. Francis de Sales High School Riverside. '

~;,.,//-/¼ Talk Slated Changes in the American legal system to prevent irresponsible attacks will be the subject of Clay Shaw, New Orie.ans businessman, in a public talk at the University of San Diego. Shaw will speak at 7 p.m. this Friday, November 14, in More Hall. The University of San Diego is Shaw's only scheduled appearance in California since the trial in which he was ac- cused of plotting to kill President John F. Kennedy. He also will discuss the high cost of proving one's innocence. His appearance at the law school is sponsored by the student Law Forum. Shaw was arrested by New Orleans District Attorney James Garrison on March 1 1967, and charged with con'. spiring with Lee Harvey Oswald to assassinate Pre&,ident Kennedy. Shaw spent two years and his entire personal fortune of around $100,000 on a defense that went to the U.S. Supreme Court before the actual trial this year, said Marc Weisel, of the Law Forum. After a 35-day trial the jurors acquitted Shaw on the first ballot. Four days later District Attorney Garrison indicted Shaw for perjury. The charge has not yet come 10 trial.

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~ttack State Park Pfctn

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