News Scrapbook 1969-1971

St eel ( I ,ast l ] 'o 'f lasl wcr,t earli<•r p Haw-: d3y lot:,h the pre, Sled 111. For ti output 11 2,60-l,O(() ning a!F six rno: : R;1 a : pn•r .:

l.J)JiS~ J~ Pl )- ]O -- - - • Hybrid Ex er -s: Sp~cia,~sts, .: r~1~ed -n oth Law, Med1c,ne =>ro11~iate __ -i. are·-;.:;~::::::nr1 5 or thn ,c;;ulatory Jaw~,

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r al - Iv1el ic:nt . Ar_ C'ro,vi1.g i1 Nt1,n1, 0 r They \York {or )rug Firm-, Playl olc in Trials, Guard 1\Jcn nl Pati 0 nts' Hight. Long 'P oad to Two l)cgrecs lly Ct,un, :M.\l'C !'ta!J uq,orl t of THI-!' .ALL ~TIU,f . 'f Joe,·:-: \L A newoorn girl undu went 9i1reery in I ,l'a .Anr;tlc. 11 ic,1· , ago to rep Ir 9 n,ir,or birth (] t cl or her skull. 'rh~ or,crollon wr,. a iu~ccs , I ,•;t a ,,1,ck later the !ini;crs on h•r right It· nu. b g· ngr~nous, an surg(·onJ h ,d lo ampul.AtP. four !ingcrtip• no, pita1 physlchns said the child suffered rrou, 11 rnre condlllon c,11lcd coni;cnlln l ge.n- r,renc o! the newborn, whlch ca11scu the 10s" of th !11,{:> llp3. Th . p:trent, dlsugreed. 'ihcy ftU ,1 tl:c ho pllal 1m,l , vcrel eta(( doctor !or 111,\ce, cl1:1r1:lnf,' that 11 h:tndll ·e u cd to h1.> P ration i oj•ction t,- d been lled too tli;htiy. cutt!11.:; of! cit ulnUon t,, her ling rs. When the c,1se cnn1~ to tr!ni last ycnr, It s erred little dHtcrent from moat ~Liter nial· pr,,dlLe nults, wllh ln•,,yer. en ooth sides bat• lq: up on 1 ,1 act-er ary_ The r('O ~cm: l .. t\~ vsr Qctron? J j Ml ,., ])1. Grlfn.p.d, a physkin.n v, Ith n yta1s of practice bchln<1 hltn. (U.50 $~,._"9-1,°','''/r-a) \'nt lul l· I Ill Dr. C~l'.,1nd who became n rull-tine lawyer In 19ill, r,;acllces forcn le medicine, a growln:;- bul ~till little-known speci~lty lhat seeks to marry the prvfe3sl<,n! o! m dic!ne and law. Like Dr. Celland, a i:u111b r o' o• 1 t:3 active In th. field hole! d~grec lr. both me

A c(j uires 50o/o Intcrest ]il A1!J io 11 Rcalty>lvliarni - n,, n \\' Al.I, S I f:i:, T .Jm.:n:-1,u, Staff Rr11odrr NEW YO!{K 5,11nmit Organizatio~ Inc. ,:1i1l it ac1111i1 .. ,1 ,, oor~. intercsl ln Albion he_ally & )lm tg·p·\, 1:,..:-. fro:n its Canadian a.Htllatc, J·'.xqui i\,• Fr,rm i:r;"~icre (Ganado.) Ltd. Sum- mit, :1


legal Not l~ng ago !or e, a.n,plc, an FDA doc.Lor t0,d Schering it ~n,st cen se work on a propo~_cd drU" b"causc test~ show•sd IL only 75% e![ecttvc

Conti,rned From J?irst Paac year residency that includes a ycat of 1ra1Wh•.i•s more, ••01•l 70 o! th_c.nali_on's )0'7· • • uc d l""' ~ch¼1'- currently c,Uer lram

, Busine;, a:11! '~<'immce T HE NORTilgRd' Ll!\ES rec0i,·c·d \ C l . l Su1:rcme curt . c ca_, ancc O ,


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:ii-legal , c rinciples ol psychi atric and p1:esen,a· alJOul the e{ficacy or a drug _m rciallon to a p f dl . t tcst\m •ny- co:rt"' red " 1th only I t·•t the tton o me c,t ' r competing vroduct; they r~quorc :."} "" .. ,. bout 20 •chools o. clecade ago. Consumer pro• drug be c![ective anu. safe. (Schcunb hopes ,t., ~eclion advocate Ralph Nader, !or example, produ~t Ythile le~s effective o,·rrull, will work studied forensic medicine at Harva r cl Jaw, for the' l!>',~ that the more cffcc_uve urll{l' hool and took medical schl)OI courses dur111g m!•sPS.) As a result, the 1''DA phy~1dan ,•11th· ~:search for a thesis on auto ~?fcty. Anotlwr d. •w his ru\in" :uul ~chcrinf, was ~'.lved a noted forensic medici.~e specialist wtl~ ~nlY c~~tly and timtconsuming arlninislralive ap field Mpe thelr work will help _cslabltsh new longstanding animosities belwaen the medtftl law One is H. Bruce Dulle, oss1stanl dll' ctor and legal callings. Lawyers have rcs;n\~f ;~ of the U.S. Pul.,l\c neallh Service's o-,mmunl· unwillingness of many doctors lo cs I y . cable Disease Ccr,ter in Atlanta, who (' o~ "Every vaccine a smali Inherent ri sk" gets' o[ unjustified malpractice suits brought by o! harmful side effects, Dr. Dulle cxplal'.1~. unscrupulous attorneys.. "And as diseases become more rare, the r~s ,< "When you go from medicine into Jaw, phy· of the vaccine apc1roaches the 1isk _of gcttm,~ slcions tend to loo!< on you as a traitor," ~b- the disea. cs witliout taking the vaccine. Who serves Richard Feinberg, a ~s Angeles ,~r:al liable? The community ihal sponsors the Im· lawyer and physlci~, wh~.dlCI iust that. 1 vc mun\zation program? The vaccine manu!~c- Dr. Dulle expects lh<\t new lc~ls!al',~n will ge the nstc mcd1c111e ce.n ~et the spccla1izcd Jaw training he needs wi th . out wasting his time getting a rull•f~;dged la~ thin\,, Al I-Jarv,,rd I'm hoping to learn these things." . l Another in forensic medicine sec!dng cautions that dual profession_a.~ mus carefully to avoid serious ethical conflict~. A Accordlng to Dr. Birnb:ium, the comm•t· ffiPdical pr~ctice could be used to teed clients ment process Is Intended to deprive the men· Prisons o,· Jlo~pltnl,1 . F -• art the American Bar Associalton rkhts of hospitalized mental patients. or i.s P • 1 t tread 0

1 ,. ,eli and Sn-Ian tanks, planes and ar~ merge mto_ u 27,0~-mile railroad sys- \ lery b~-tli• d along the Golan Heights cease-Ii tern. In rulmg 7-0 m favor of the Great Horn ln the 5 ccond consecutive day of h~a• Northern-Northern Pacific merger, t_he [!ghling. Israel said one of its jets was s: down. tl.c !ir;;t time Te! Aviv ha~ _conceded· TCC approvals o! rail combinations m- 1 !os., of a plane to Syrian guns smce the l volving large ?nd financinlly stroni:: ?-li-.ldlc }~ast Wal', On the Egyptian !ronl, l.r. carriers. The approval, coming in the said it, plan~s struck b:,scs at Ballim, at t [ace of Jugtice Dcpnrtmenl antitrust mouth c,f the ;,;,le Delta, and Mankabcd, d• bjections apparcntl, gives a clcrir in lht :-.-ilc _Valley. C~lro said 14 persons w, 0 • ' l 1 . .,b· 1 • .. . 1 , . . • killed o,· 111iurcd In the attacks . track fol al 01 esccc c, l ai mcr~el :s. L'g,,pt rctuliatcd by sending pl•••", Court indicated it w?uld go _aloi_ig W(lh

l.i ~t b o,tcd bn.scJ o• in~t c:\1 In th< I The ported: \Vel•l, t Wct?k i. Year l Year :J Th• avcra

acrus; tltr. Suez Canal) north of El Qm1tttrn ill the .,crond E_yypfi,w air incursio11 aero lh'- 101ftn•·uy ,s rts many days. 111 c,,tro, Pre !dent Nasser told a pro-Ar confc:·~nc~ that Ar,1b n:,.tions don't have rhoscc blll to fight fc,r the reco\'cry of territ occut,ied by Israel. soviet en,·oys in Lor.J and Paris called on Prime Minister Wilson a Pre,' Jel'l Pompidou, leading some obser,·, \I) sp cul:1tc th:it the Kremlin is pushing a:,•

(S!~y c.~ Pwg; '.l}

The Fcdenil bud<'et, colling for a 1 )On surp_ us m • C year s nr, mi; July 1, is counting 0 7 1 plenty o[ _lucK_ to e.·pei:id1tures.' l~gishit,vc sources sny. President Nixon s efforti, to restrict such things as Federal pay boosts !ace larger hurdles than his pro- posals to raise revenue. In prcsc:itin~{ Sl 3 b ., ·11· 1 · ,., t t t' hold down

the budget the :Middle East. In X~ said the projected surplus is "ess-·n- Yor::, th,, Big Four ambassndors to the l tial" to stem inflation and to relieve fi- discus ..erl the 1!ill

Rca,1, Tl'! Dtill· tltc r, milli Her r• 5]1~11 tcrvi 'l I rC\'l

Mesa Pct r()lr·1111~8ays So utl1li111 1 l nrnl~c 1,aw Jn. l,cttrr 111 f /()[clc rs

stal1.. be r. of ,\ poo!

,~ct. O,nf,;s; 0 n, p:<>:•:sts and school;- · sult1•d In snme arcai. Jn o:hcn, there wa. In annllwr ,-a-.c·, the Justices rejected a:i temrt by Hep. 1•0-.vcll (D, N.Y.) to reconr Iona! pay he lost when \•;:i. d c. dudf•rl !ro".\ th~ 90th Congre~s. T~'.~ J ticcJ •,v,~ll Y."L "~ 1 tui in the 91:::t Cnr._;r ... ,mooth 1r:1n-1tlon. a.nJ tMre'or~ for th•' ume •,: ,r,.1:ically entitled to the l e w 1

sharply hig 1cr

program, projected

spending £or ma~s transit grants and air traffic improvements and stepped up proj ected crime-fighting expcndi- tures $310 million to nearly $1 .3 billio


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1 Petroleum Co. F"i::J('r..1.l dbtricl t "c'!italn rcrent Un -'<•' C1J. constitute c j"•


/Jy rt\'.'.•:-: ,.

tally ill of their liberty so thCY may r eceive

into a law practice, the ABA fears. Hence, the



\Vor er pro uctivity incrc:iscd at a 2~, annur,l rate in the fourth quarter, but the incr1.;nse for all 1969 was only 0.9l 0 , r epresenting the smol est gain since 1956. The fourth quarter increase after weakness during the rest of 1%9 was ascribed to a sharp cut in man- hours worked. (St:iry 011 Pag~ S} . . " Corporate stockhoHcr!:i who brin.; a derivative suit for the benefit of tl.c eorporntion are entitled to jur:r trinl3, the Supreme Court ruled. The decision, in a case brought by car~:iin ho\ er 3 of Lehmnn Corp. a.;ni,,,;t tl-e compr.n:v' s i.11ves!1ncnt advise,.., Lchtn::in Broth •rs Corp., cril1ld cncvuragc the filing o such derivative _u'.t,. c;•:irf on Pag'! i) . . C.\TV i-ystc1• ._ can be rt:guh' d by s ~h t; ·_:.! h,ugh ccr~ain n. :'."~c~., cf the cablc:-TV operations come undc•r FCC rul,,, tLe S•1preme C0urt s:iid. (S~ou en Par asked coul't permission to include the FCC's 1969 policy statement in its ap- peal. The policy stresses broadcasters' pro1,rr::nning in licercsJ-renewal cnsas. (Story on Page lO) " " . Volks yagen L introduciug ido the U.S. mar1,et two new lines-the front• wheel-drive Audi sedan rind additional Porsche sports cnr models-priced from $2,995 to S9,4~.-0. These nnd other moveg mark an acceleration of for- eign-car makers' efforts to maintain their market sh.ares as Detroit auto makers prepare to challenge the im- ports with new smal models. (Story on Paj!! 8} . . Loe ,heed Ai,·craft voted to o:nit its 30-cent quarterly dividef'_d to conserve cash. The company cited tight credit and nccelerating output of the "air bus." (Story un Pa3~ 'lll ... . .. M1K's holding in Security National Bank, Huntington, N.Y., was sold to Abacus Fund. ~.lost of the shares were acquired by A1 K last year to help the b"lnk thwart a bke•over by Granite Equipment. Sources indicated Abacus -paid more than the market value of $25.8 million.


association forbids \uwyer-doctors from mt\k· treatment, bUL many state hospitals are so_ , i~g any reference to their medic~! deg;ec or !O· overcro,..ded and understaffed th'.lt they offer court in [lc\ .1·., ' renslc medicine specially on o!fl~e lc,terheads little trcatmPnt. They arc then mental activities" d ; · . or shingles. Ar,d ,t requires that a doc~or-law- prisons not mental hospitals, he argues and violation.; of '. I yer not Identify h]mscif_ as°: lawyer 1ll any ar· they c~nte.ln thous:inds of Inmates who have Delaware curj• • : ticles he writes for medical Journals. • never committed a. crime. In the absence of Southlan,J' : surprisingly, most dual professionals don _t treatment, Dr. Birnbaum says, the courts fo1· all ,ts ou' l~r. earn the very high inconv s that one might _ex- ;ow. "at considerably ~ess (r;'.lt he is reccivirg almost no trentm0nt or s land's reil v '" "" he snpervi.,;e, Schcring's relal1ons -11 c -• Dr Birnbaum e:

J law antl of 1 ttnder offer . ,,..,by).!~•"· "I. '1 ~1porary rt!• '1 ·.a.•.,., tll:n·co :.i.~ t<, b\! held :um :1g~tn -t

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g 'lh t' dutic, include working closely attorneys and trom foren,10.: _psych1~t11 t.,. 1 Qb3erves Jonas B. Rob1bcl1cr , a forcns c Dr. Bn ar s_ . ., that a••ency

. by • :l r I cl·u~ b, ll,

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C' A Senate di armament l'anc·I hl'g w :l 1 inquiry into th~ SafcE;UO.rd mi:':sile· ! '1.:n. c tern and Its impact on arms-c01. 1 ,l uik teen Washington and )1oscow. The >lt. _ expected to open a maj•>r new r~c., I ol S • debate on the Safe:5u:1rd nnd o,·c: 1 1 ! d\:~ spending. The testimony of Cr1 ,,ct S: director of the Arms Co,:,troi an,1 ll, 1: rr.~. Agency, was taken in secret. l'h ·r h Sen_ Gore (D., Tenn.), the p:rnd's ct,1in would discuss the testimony. • • • A Federal grand jury in !'-,r. Fsa~r•s, dieted 10 AlamP,da County sLtr rn de, and two former deputies on cc ic • s o'. rights violations du,.ing thr l't:o: ·, s Pari orders in Berkel~y last -:,,1·1y. }., ""J! lht.." were accused o[ firing shotgun~ ,~ ':!r>r.:

13 ryn ·· :_:':_:'_:r:_:•~.:,____·_· ,ca v Pa ·

O d. ts or practices psychiatrist and lawyer 111 •




lth FD '- phys1c1arc~ to ensu. c challenges of Scher111g pro uc

!our In college, three In I w chool and f r In medic l sch.:l l. Usually piled on top or that 1~ ano:h •r one to !1>ur yenrs in mmllcnl In- tern. hip a:1d residence. Comhlnr, :'lkJlcal ,Joum 1• Dr. CcHanrl thinks all the schooling poys off In hls work. In prcparl11g for l:lst yc~r·s ma.I· practice trial. he spent month., <"omhtng rncdl· cal jvurmls dating b ck to 1890, checking each recorded cn,e o! col'lgcnita.l gar~r~ne o! the newborn. It convinced h;rn--11nd he was later able to convince the jury-that t!le b:iby glrl had n~ver su!fered !rum the cord1tlon. Moreover, during trc month-Ieng trinl he used his medical s!-;Uls to cro.,~-cxam\nc an eminent pediatrtcl<1n ,, llo tcstlfleu. that U1e b1:1· dage h.;.dn't cut off circulation to thz child's fingers. He qu~ tlc,ued the phpi !:in closely about how ul,>od clrc'-11 \tcs in th~ han,l and then as:,ed him to step to a blackboanl to tl:·1- gram the process. The pedl1'ricbn conceded he couldn't do it becnu ~-l'.!



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fense to rest in the trial o~ · •' C after the chief defense ntt,,r· :- • presiding at a "\Ve're never going "legal l), !..• .- to fl balked after the Fed oral " : ' to let hi.m pre, 1 .:mt n.s n f.; 1 ' • Ralph Abernathy, a clvi'-r ·•· at the Government 's ,, i' Abernathy coul h.:~t1ry i' • • Thirteen n1nr-k J' ll,l' ,..,..

. -• ! l

Talks An Contin e Observance of Lent, the 40-

., - I



' •

tre Dame


(Ster'{ on Page 11) " " .

I es

To Spe k

The Rev. Melvin H. Harter,

New York on b_ rib.:-h 1 • \vhen the d-·t •n ! • · The disrup:t,,:, • the ju.J"'e r,~c . . i


day per~OO of penitence and in- minister of the host church, will . Easter, conduct a typical UCC service March 29, will continue here at next week's meeting. A chan- next week with discussions, Jee- eel choir and a folk group, "The trospection before

Virginia Electric Power violated antitrust law in certain policies pro- moting con5truction of all-electric homes, a Fedcrul judge r..1led. The de- cision in a suit brought by Washin[;-ton Gas Light Co. ;,aid the gas compuny is entitled to domages. (St~rl C1 P.:1:.e 12} • • • Centri·-cilv air service i• feasible and necessa~y in !>even ,' onhea.slern. cities to recluce air congestion and travel time, a Civil Aeronautics Board examiner said . He recommended that the CAB conduct further hearings to select short and vertical takeoff and landing carriers. (Story on Page 13) " . .. shares. Dow Jones industrials ,45.44, up 2.38 points; trans- portation 165.~, up 1.83; utilities 105.96, up changed. Comonnditlcs -- Dow Jones futures lndex 136.71, o!f 0.30; spot index 145.24, off o.~o. TODAY'S INDEX Bond Markets . . . . . . . 23 Cctiirnod!fles ... 24 Dlvld;.,d Mo!W! ....•.. 21 EarnlnJ~ Ol~p~t . . . . . 21 Edlrorl "15 ...• 14 Flna~,c1n~ BJslness ... 22 Foreign E')(change •.• 29 Lo~don Market • 7 Maney R:itcl . . 21 Se.:udliel Mark~ts . 26-29 Tax-E'

Four ~ernb~rs of the faeulty

request by ''·' lies int(, rr- ": • The trLol. ' · again int.-;, d'lnl'-i• -r• ' 1:)onlh J Argentine

lures and special services. United People," will provide of the Umvers1ty of Notre Dame A panel discu.,sion of "Who music. "The Search" will be the will speak at a conference on A:e We - !,he People of Godr' theme of the inter-faith series. "Religious Communities: Plan- will c?mprISe the second pre>- A motion picture " Agape " ning for Change" tooay at th gram m the 10th annual Lenten the G k d f 1' ·11 be' . . e Sch 1 f Chr . ti L. . t ree wor or ove, Wt Umvers1ty of San Diego College oo o. 1s an 1V1ng a shown at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday ~~=;::.,-~:;.:::::.:.:.,.:::;.~ Community Congregal!?nal in the student lounge at Univer- for Women. . Church, 276_ F St., Chula Vista, sity Lutheran Church, 9595 La The speakers will be Dr. Ed- tomorrow mght. Jolla Shores Drive as part of its ward Trubac and Dr. Paul F. Panelists will be Dr. Robert Lenten observanc; Conway, both of the department Voelkel, professor of religion at LITUR · of finance at the South Bend Pomona College and the Clare- GY CHANGE Ind., school, and Dr. William P'. m?nt School of Theology; Dr. The e _Re · lea- Sexton and Dr. C. Joseph Sequin Richard McKenna of the New S, executive secretary o e of its department of manage- Adult Community here; the :san Diego Roman Catholic Dio- ment. Rev. John_ R. Portman., direet~r cesc litur~\cal commissio~, will The conference, from 9 a.m. of. San Diego ~oman Ca~h~lic s~eak o~ The Changes m tt:e to 8:30 p.m., will be sponsored Diocese ecumemcal cornIIl!-s~1on Liturgy at, P·ll!-· Th~sday m by the Sisters Senate of the San and. depa~ent of r~hgi~us D~ Sales ~ all._ Umvers1ty of San Diego Roman Catholic Diocese. studies charrman at UmyecSJtv p1ego. His wil1 be foe second of San Diego, and Douglas Chal- ecture in a series sponsored by mers of uls Angeles, lay theo- USD Alumnae of t he Sacred logian of the United Church of Heart. Christ. Continuing a series of Lenten POTLUCK SUPPER luncheons, based on. the seven last words of Christ on the


o!llclals pul , killed and 250 Injured after pres3 ran into the rear of ' train SUllday night about 25 ·- Aires. A signalman who r· duty near the crash was s:· charged. The express w:,s ~- than 50 m.p.h , officials e':. c they didn't know the re, :• Some observer3 raised tM r· Ism against the governmc~·. c- -. test against the military &J-. • • • An explo9lon severely dH Heights, Injuring more ti.,· one of them critlcallY- Th,' served the city of 36,000 ~• ;· nicipal court, jall and t• " - the blast wasn't lmmcdi ,: • . • DiNI: I\Prtrnnd Rll '!. mathcm tician and wlr~r.• r 1• for liternture, at his ho~ ·'

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Dow Jones 40 bonds 63.64, un· pal building o! the Cleve!""!

The Rey. Robert Ketl.elh~t, cross, Dennis I. ydberg, direc- youth rom1stei: of the Chula Vis- tor of Christian education at ta ch~ch, .will _be m_oderator. First P resbyterian Church, The discuss~on wil.l begm at 6:30 Fourth Avenue and Dale Street, P·II:· followmg a potluck supper will speak there at 11 :45 a.m. at ~:30 p.m. . Friday. Karen Moe Dirks, vio-


• ~;ut



An ec~emc_al observance of Jinist, will play. Lent will begm at 7:30 p.m. -~---"-_c_.,__ Tuesday in Pioneer United

Church of Christ, 4905 Jellett St. Other Clairemont churches - All Saints Lutheran. St. Mark's United Methooist and St. Cath- erine Laboure Roman Catholic Church - will take part in the f Tuesday night services.

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