JSM - Edition Two

Y ear 6 - P ersuasive E xposition Education to the age of 17 should be mandatory for all people around the world. Title: Education may be worthless Why do you need an education when you will just end up picking up trash? Many people don’t have an education because it’s just worthless in their position. Yes, I agree that a lack of education may make you vulnerable, but really, the trash pickers have nothing to be tricked out of. It’s only when you live in a first world country that you are vulnerable. I mean, how is an education going to help you on a trash heap? That’s your life and that’s the way you’re probably going to live it forever. When you spend every day living below the poverty line, out picking through piles of muck and rubbish just to survive, then you don’t see the point of school. Food is more important than education. Basic human needs are shelter, food and water, nowhere does it state that you need education to survive. Children who live on dumps don’t go to school be- cause their families need them out making money to survive. If your family is starving and you had to choose between school and saving them, you would go out and make money to keep them alive. People live on dumps because they cannot afford anything else; they need every cent they can get and that puts education at the bottom of the priority list. In Australia the law states that everyone must go to school until they are 16. This is possible because there is a pension if you lose your job and the public school system. Our Government can afford all of this and more. Third world country governments will not properly enforce this age mandatory. In some countries, including the Philippines, the Government is corrupt and therefore no money is spent on education or job creation and people living out in extreme poverty are surviving on less than $1.25 USD per day! After this comes the issue of controlling the law. How can they reach out to everyone everywhere and closely monitor that every single child has some kind of education? When looking at the above statements you can clearly see that education to the age of 17 should not be mandatory all around the world. It will be of no use to some. Some governments don’t care and will not enforce this, and food and survival is way more important. I believe this law is not reasonable and should never go into action.

E melia F ink Y ear 6G

Page 42

JSM Edition Two

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