AOAC SPADA February 2015 Meeting Book

STAKEHOLDER PANEL ON AGENT DETECTION ASSAYS Background & Fitness for Purpose Venezuelan Equine Encephalomyelitis Virus l d h Ei een N. Ost un , DVM, P D Diagnostic Virology Laboratory,  National Veterinary Services Laboratories, USDA l

AOAC, International     Rockville, MD 3 February 2015

VEEV Historical Background • VEEV was first isolated in  1936 from a horse brain 

during an outbreak of fatal  equine encephalomyelitis in  the Guajira region of  Venezuela Th i l t l i ll – e so a e was sero og ca y  distinct from eastern and  western equine encephalomyelitis viruses (EEEV, WEEV) • Prior outbreaks in horses, mules, donkeys identified  retrospectively (1920’s and 1930’s, included Colombia)

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