
Welcome Diana Russo, SPA's new Professional Standards Support Officer

Milestone reached

RECENTLY THE Association's Twitter handle received its 5,000th follower. The media team continue to promote the Association’s good work on this platform. If you're on Twitter, please “engage” with us and follow, comment (positively) and share the Association’s content to a wider audience. You can also follow Gaenor Dixon, President, and Gail Mulcair, CEO, too: The Association: @SpeechPathAus President, Gaenor Dixon: @SPAPresident CEO, Gail Mulcair: @GailMSpa

THE ASSOCIATION is pleased to welcome Diana Russo as Professional Standards Support Officer, working closely with Stacey Baldac, Senior Advisor Professional Standards. Diana brings a wealth of experience to the role as a practising speech pathologist.

Diana’s previous roles include Discipline Senior Speech Pathology – Early in Life Mental Health Service, and more recently, as a Project Officer with Principals Australia Institute implementing a national Mental Health and Wellbeing program in primary and secondary schools. Diana is working primarily with university accreditation. We are very excited to welcome Diana to the National Office team.

LUKE BUESNEL Online Communications Officer

Maximize your early language intervention services... Involve parents by using an evidence-based coaching framework

Attend an It Takes Two to Talk® Certification Workshop and gain a proven parent coaching framework from The Hanen Centre, an international leader in parent-implemented early language intervention. You’ll learn how to eectively engage parents through explicit teaching, coaching and scaolding and help them become eective language facilitators for their child. You’ll also take home a set of highly practical, easy-to-use materials for use in your It Takes Two to Talk® parent programs and your one-to-one consultations with families.

Space is limited! Register today for one of these upcoming It Takes Two to Talk workshops:

Melbourne*, VIC .......... Sep 21 − 23, 2015 Brisbane, QLD ............. Nov 25 − 27, 2015

Perth*, WA ................ Nov 26 - 28, 2015 Sydney, NSW ................................. TBA

* indicates nearest major city

See our complete workshop schedule at www.hanen.org/workshops

Speak Out August 2015



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