Porth's Essentials of Pathophysiology, 4e

A c k n o w l e d g m e n t s

As in past editions, many persons participated in the creation of this work. The contributing authors deserve a special mention. Dr. Gaspard, in particular, deserves thanks. Her wide breadth of knowledge and skillful assistance were invaluable in preparing the text and developing the illustrations for the book. Another per- son who deserves recognition is Georgianne Heymann, who assisted in editing the manuscript. As with previous editions, she provided not only excellent editorial assis- tance but also encouragement and support when the tasks associated with manuscript preparation became most frustrating. I would also like to acknowledge Jody Erickson, RN, BSN, DNP, FNP, BC for her assistance with selected work in the text. Special thanks also to those at Wolters Kluwer Health who participated in the development of this edition:

Sherry Dickinson, executive editor; Dawn Lagrosa, asso- ciate product development editor; Joan Wendt, design coordinator; and Marian Bellus, production project manager. Thanks also to Wendy Beth Jackelow, MFA, CMI, for her talent and expertise in creating and modi- fying the illustrations. The students in the classes I have taught over the years also deserve a special salute, for they are the inspi- ration upon which this book was founded. They pro- vided the questions, suggestions, and contact with the “real world” of patient care that directed the organiza- tion and selection of content for the book. Last, but certainly not least, I would like to acknowl- edge my family and friends for their unlimited patience, understanding, and encouragement throughout the entire process.


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