Porth's Essentials of Pathophysiology, 4e



Ventilation-perfusion scan, for pulmonary embolism, 589 Ventricular assist devices (VAD), for heart failure, 498 Ventricular septal defects, 476 f , 477–478 Ventricular system, 844–845, 845 f Ventricular volume overload, in heart failure, 491 Verrucae, 1157–1158, 1158 f Vertebral column, injury to, 904–905, 905 f Vertical transmission, of infec- tious agents, 306 Vertigo, 986 benign paroxysmal positional, 985 f , 987 Very–low-density lipoprotein (VLDL), 404–405, 405 f Vesicoureteral reflux, 668 Vesicular transport, 5 f , 15 Vessel spasm, in hemostasis, 263–264, 264 f Vestibular folds, 515, 515 f Vestibular system, 984–986, 985 f –986 f disorders of, 986–988 treatment of, 988–989 tests of, 988 Vestibule, 1018, 1018 f Villus, 687–688, 688 f , 690, 690 f Vimentin, 8 Viral conjunctivitis, 958 Viral croup, 559–560, 559 f , 560 t Viral hepatitis, 732–735 chronic, 735 Viral infections in intestines, 710 of skin, 1157–1159, 1158 f –1159 f Viral meningitis, 941

Virulence of infections, 307–309, 308 t Viruses, 298 t , 299–300, 299 f –300 f cancer and, 143–144 Visceral calcifications, 647 Visceral epithelial cells, 602, 602 f

Vomitus, 693 von Gierke disease, 34 Von Recklinghausen disease. See Neurofibromatosis Von Willebrand disease, 272 von Willebrand factor (vWF), 263 Vulva, 1017–1018, 1018 f disorders of, 1025–1026 neoplasms of, 1025–1026 Vulvodynia, 1026 vWF. See von Willebrand factor Washout phenomenon, 667 Wasting syndrome, 369 Water absorption of, 717, 718 t movement across cell mem- brane, 14–15 Water balance disorders of, 171–176, 172 f with CKD, 645, 645 f regulation of, 167–168, 168 f , 168 t mechanism of, 168–171 Water intoxication, 174–175 Weakness, with heart failure, 494–495 Wear-and-tear arthritis. See Osteoarthritis Wear-and-tear pigment. See Lipofuscin Wegener granulomatosis, 414, 414 t Weight loss of, 232–233 measurement of, 228–229, 229 t Weil syndrome, 302 Werner syndrome, 46 Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome, 951

Western blot assay, for HIV, 370 West Nile virus (WNV), 316 Wheal, 1148, 1149 f White blood cells. See Leukocytes White fat, 224 Whiteheads, 1160 White matter, 823 longitudinal tracts of, 835– 836, 835 f –836 f , 835 t Wild-type allele, 107 Wilms tumor, 636, 636 f Windpipe. See Trachea Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome, 362 WNV. See West Nile virus Women, urinary tract infections in, 669 Wound healing, 78, 78 f cutaneous, 79–81, 80 f –83 f in elderly, 84 factors affecting, 81, 83–84 phases of, 78–79, 79 f Wound separation, 84 Woven bone, 1066 Xanthine oxidase inhibitors, 1132 Xanthomas, 407, 407 f X chromosome, 95, 95 f Xeroderma pigmentosum, 38 Xerosis, 1150–1151 X-linked agammaglobulinemia, 359 X-linked disorders, 107 t , 111, 111 f

Visceral layer, 568 Visceral pain, 864

Visceral pericardium, 465 Visceral peritoneum, 678 Visual field defects, 970 f , 970–971 Vital capacity (VC), 526 Vitamin B 12

-deficiency anemia,

288–289, 289 f Vitamin C, deficiency of, 270 f , 273 Vitamin D activation of, 613 in bone formation and metab- olism, 1069 t , 1072–1073, 1072 f imbalance of, with CKD, 646–647 in osteomalacia and rickets, 1115–1117 Vitamin K, deficiency of, 273 Vitamins Vitiligo, 1149–1150, 1149 f VLDL. See Very-low-density lipoprotein Vocal folds, 515, 515 f Volkmann canals, 1066, 1067 f Voltage-gated channels, 14 Volume, in circulatory system, 376–377, 377 f Volvulus, 715, 716 f Vomiting, 693–694, 694 f absorption of, 717, 718 t requirements of, 226–227 for wound healing, 81

Y chromosome, 95, 95 f Yeasts, 304–305, 304 f

Z line, 24 f , 25 Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, 704 Zygote, 88

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