
of that year. So many children were born with the same wild red hair, that set John apart, that McGuiness noted "The man never misses a shot."

Life Seeds : A farmer talks to his horse who pulls a plow. He relates that even as master of a mere beast, he could not hold respect with empty promises. Unfulfilled promises or hopes are not productive. Seasons : The poet sees himself as one of many whose essential being is innate and plays out to a careful scheme set by nature. But what happens when the sequence is thwarted? Whiskey : Here McGuiness mixes the metaphors of spirits - whiskey - and spirituality that derives from truth. "There's spirit in the truth" that can make you fall down from the unsteadying insights. He appeals to his Scottish brothers for spiritual support. The Cliffs of Moher : Pronounced 'Moor'. These towering dead vertical cliffs were the sight of a massacre. The jubilant troops of William of Orange celebrated their victorious invasion by throwing the entire population of the nearby village off these cliffs.

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