Visualization for Weight Loss -The Gabriel Method

Why Diets Don’t Work

Diet-Free Weight Loss If dieting doesn’t work, what’s the answer? Simple: eat more real foods! What does this mean? Real foods are anything we ate prior to so-called civilization—before we learned how to “improve food” by processing it and packaging it to last forever. This includes live fruit, raw nuts and seeds, vegetables, salads (preferably organic), organic grass-fed meats, free-range chicken, and fish (see my website for Super Delicious / Super Nutritious recipes). This is not to say that you have to eat these foods to the exclusion of others; you just have to add more of them to your current diet. Once you are nourishing your body, it will no longer want to be fat. As a result, your body will start to prefer real foods to the dead, processed, refined, artificial varieties we’ve become accustomed to eating. Dieting is the act of forcing yourself to eat less, forcing yourself not to eat certain foods that you crave, or both. None of the three methods work, but adding foods that are missing and adding missing nutrients is easy and effective. My anti- diet strategy is to increase the body’s desire to eat real foods while gradually eliminating the body’s cravings for artificial and fake foods. However, if you don’t want to wait and you want to com- pletely eradicate your cravings for any particular junk food instantly, please see chapter 18 to read about using visualization to kill food addictions. It makes sense that, if certain foods don’t attract you, or bet- ter yet, if they do repulse you, then avoiding them will take no effort. If someone told you that you had to live the rest of your life without eating cardboard or dirt or bugs you would say, “Big deal! So what?” It’s no different with fake foods. Once your body understands that fake foods are starving or poisoning you, your body will start to reject them. And once your body rejects them, you’re home free. Also, don’t convince yourself that a doughnut is a better snack than something like fruit, nuts, or seeds simply because it


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