Visualization for Weight Loss -The Gabriel Method

Fat and Toxins

glutamate, and potassium glutamate. Additives that always contain MSG include hydrolyzed vegetable protein, hydrolyzed protein, hydrolyzed plant protein, plant protein extract, sodium casei- nate, and calcium caseinate. 12 Artificial Sweeteners I recommend avoiding all artificial sweeteners. Saccharine (brand names such as Sweet’N Low and Sugarine) is carcinogenic. 13 Aspar- tame (brand name NutraSweet) is toxic to the brain, 14 can activate the FAT Programs, 15 is addictive, and also desensitizes the tongue to sugar so that it takes more sugar to make something taste sweet. Studies have even demonstrated that drinking diet soda with Aspartame can make you gain weight. 16 Sucralose (brand name Splenda) is made by adding chlorine to glucose, and many health experts are concerned about its use. 17 I personally like the sweetener Xylitol. Xylitol is a natural sweetener usually derived from corncobs and birch bark. Xyli- tol really tastes like sugar, it has no bitter aftertaste, and you can cook with it. It does not cause blood sugar spikes like table sugar does, and it can actually help you lose weight. Xylitol helps turn off the FAT Programs by assisting the body in absorbing calcium 18 and by stabilizing insulin levels. 19 Because it assists the body in absorbing calcium, it can help improve teeth and bone density as well. Studies have actually shown that it can help reverse osteoporosis. 20 Stevia is a natural, plant-based alternative sweetener, but frankly, I do not like the way it tastes. Raw honey is also a good natural alternative to table sugar but only if it is unprocessed. For my money, Xylitol is the sweetener of choice. Vaccinations The number and frequency of vaccinations most of us take has risen exponentially over the last twenty years at roughly the same rate as the obesity epidemic. While I cannot comment on the importance of every vaccination, one thing’s for certain: they’ve got toxins in them. Most vaccinations contain formaldehyde,


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