Visualization for Weight Loss -The Gabriel Method


Easy Applications of the Principles in Part III

T here is no one menu that is ideal for everyone. There is no correct amount of calories, and no correct proportion of car- bohydrates, fats, and proteins that applies to all. Even focusing on calories, carbohydrates, fats, and proteins is a mistake because there are too many other issues that are more important. For example, how much life force vitality does the food have? How uncorrupted are the nutrients? How digestible and assimilable are the nutrients for anyone in general and for you specifically? How does the way that you combine your food affect your ability to digest it? How many toxins are in your food? Does the food that you’re eating have a detoxifying effect on your body, or does it increase your body’s toxic load? How does the food you are eating alter the level of the FAT Program hormones, 1 and how does it affect your body’s sensitivity to these hormones? How fast are you eating your food? What time of day are you eating your food? How frequently are you eating? How con- scious are you when you are eating? Are you consciously and thoroughly chewing your food, or are you mindlessly putting it into your mouth while watching TV? These are all questions that need to be factored into the equation. I don’t mean to make it sound too complicated, because the solutions are simple. But the solutions do not lie in


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