Visualization for Weight Loss -The Gabriel Method

Part IV: Positive Forces that Make Your Body Want to Be Thin

also offered Inge an extended family of two aunts and seven grandchildren, all of them loving her and fighting for her atten- tion. There are no words to describe how grateful I am that Carol is in my life. I’m so happy I was able to give something back to her. Here is her story. I Deserve the Best for Myself I was battling with my weight problems, probably from the age of ten—fluctuating all the time. Being a girl, I wanted to wear the sort of clothes other girls were wearing, but I couldn’t. So when I became a teenager, I felt unattractive and inadequate. And because of having weight prob- lems for most of my life, I didn’t feel good enough. I didn’t feel good about myself or about the way I felt when I looked at myself. And in the long run, I think that I made some mistakes with my relationships. I didn’t feel adequate enough, therefore I wasn’t attracting the best men into my life. And I didn’t feel that I deserved better. I tried all sorts of weight-loss programs and I always did lose weight in the beginning, but then I always put it back on. I tried calorie counting and all the other ways of doing things, short of starving myself, and I had sugar cravings all the time. Eventually, I just needed to try something different. Jon’s method seemed pretty basic because it wasn’t a diet; it just focused on eating properly. I wasn’t feeling healthy at all. I wasn’t energetic enough. I needed to feel better physically and better about myself emotionally. I needed peace of mind. So I gave it a go. I started eating what Jon calls “real food” and thought at the beginning, “Well, this apple could not possibly compensate for a bar of chocolate, and this is a lot of rubbish because I’m still hun- gry.” But after about a week, I found that I wanted the fruit and that it tasted better than chocolate. He also told me to sprinkle ground flaxseeds on everything, which I didn’t mind at all. And with the help of Jon’s visualization CD, I started waking up in the morning feeling better, more positive about myself. I found it wasn’t only a weight-loss CD but it was also a positive affirma- tion. I was more positive about the food that I was eating and


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