Visualization for Weight Loss -The Gabriel Method

Part IV: Positive Forces that Make Your Body Want to Be Thin

Then I heard about Jon and his story. Everything he said made complete sense to me, and because he had so much background material to back up what he was saying, I decided to try what he recommended—especially with the visualizations and turning on SMART Mode, and all the information about the FAT programs. I found that, with the combination of listening to the CD in the evening, the meditation, the diet changes, and the exercise, I really started seeing results. It absolutely blew me away. It was amazing. Most of my life I’d been focused on my weight and on my gut, and not being happy with the way I looked—about the fat, that I had to go to the gym, etc. But as I started to focus on the health, the weight loss became almost a byproduct of that. That was the revelation for me. Before reading Jon’s book, I was sleeping in and doing no exercise. Now I’m getting up at 6:00 AM , and doing half an hour of yoga or surfing. I used to eat a huge meal at night and I’d always have sec- onds. Now I’m eating five smaller meals throughout the day . . . with lots of fresh, live organic food. I’m also having about 10,000 milligrams of omega-3 fish oils every day, and I’m mentally much more alert—more mentally agile—than I was before. It has made a huge difference. I’m definitely more confident in myself and in my relationship with my wife. I feel a lot more balanced without all those peaks and troughs that you get when you’ve got a lot of wheat and sugar in your diet. I lost 35 pounds over eight months, and I’ve learned that the results come because the Gabriel Method is not a diet but a lifestyle change. For me, it’s all about “Am I happy? Is this sustainable?” And I think that anyone that wants to lose weight shouldn’t go into it as a sort of instant fix. Jon mentions that. It’s about the health aspect—raising your own awareness of your health as a human being. For me that’s been the real revelation. It’s been great. The weight loss is just a by-product. Jon’s been a real inspiration; the work that he’s done on him- self, the book, and the resources that he draws upon show a


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