Visualization for Weight Loss -The Gabriel Method

Part IV: Positive Forces that Make Your Body Want to Be Thin

Then in October 2007, I was interviewing people for my radio program and Jon was one of them. When Jon started talk- ing about “the feast and the famine,” something just clicked. I thought “this is what I’ve been doing.” Then he talked about the emotional reaction to a break-up, when you put the protec- tion on, and it just made so much sense to me. All I had was the fifteen-minute interview with him, which was just amazing, and after we got off [the] air I talked with him about my situation. . . . In that short time we talked about my emotional eating because of my first marriage. I felt that everything had been taken from me, so I was in famine. And the second thing was that it was “safe” for me to be just that little bit overweight because then no one would feel threatened by me. About two or three weeks later, I got the book and the CD. But even before I got the book, I lost 5 pounds. It was just this consciousness that “Oh, my goodness! My body wants to be fat!” As soon as I embraced the messages of his words, the weight just started dropping off. I didn’t do anything consciously, except say to myself over and over, “I’m in feast. Wow!” And I’d go to the cupboard and see that it would always be filling up, so I could ask myself if I wanted something and then say no. That revelation started a shift within me—just that idea that my body was doing this because it loved me—that this was the right thing to do. The minute Jon said that people are fat because their body wants to be fat, I felt a shudder go right through my body. An awakening happened. After I got the CD, I listened to it everyday. I committed to that for three-and- a-half weeks and at the end of that time, I’d lost 12 or 15 pounds. After four weeks, I had lost 22 pounds, and now a total of 34 pounds. What’s more, after those first few weeks, everything seemed to change. I found a new career path; it just opened up for me. Now, I’m all over Australia, being asked to amazing events. And the weight’s just coming off—just magic beyond magic, one thing after the other. Jon doesn’t just assist you with the weight; he gets you into a state where he manages to get you to appreciate the magic of who


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