Visualization for Weight Loss -The Gabriel Method

Success Profiles: The Gabriel Method in Practice

the bum. So I listen to the CD, look at the picture, turn the light out, and go to sleep. Quite often I don’t hear the end of the CD, but I sleep right through and wake up feeling good. I’ve been really intuitive most of my life. I really think that when you’re meant to see something, you see it, and that’s why I kept pursuing the book—because I knew it was right for me. I felt that it would work, and it did work. I lost 113 pounds in about six months. I never really kept track of what I was losing or when I was losing it, and I didn’t weigh myself or measure myself. I have kept it off now for about eight months so far, and I’m not putting it on again. I won’t stop listening to the CD. I won’t stop doing my visualization every single night. The CD is my mantra. Also, at the start, my blood sugar levels would fluctuate between sixteen and seventeen and go as high as twenty, but when I started the Gabriel Method it was about seventeen. In the last twelve months it’s gone down to seven and five. I’m within the normal range. They say I still have diabetes, but I don’t think I do. I don’t need to worry about it. I’m planning to learn Italian. I’d always wanted to, but when I put all the weight on I didn’t want to do anything. Now I want to be part of the world again. I didn’t have a social life for a long time. I didn’t want to do anything or see anyone. But now! I went down- hill for a long time but, because I crashed pretty quickly, I think I picked up pretty quickly. Maybe that’s just the way I’m built. Now I’m able to structure my thinking in a more positive way. —Amanda Pierce, retired call center operator, 70

In the midst of all these stories about losing weight and changing your life, there comes the completely unexpected. As I was compiling stories for this chapter, Karen called me out of the blue just to tell me how grateful she was to me for writing the book, and how much of an impact it’s had on her life. This is Karen’s story.


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