Visualization for Weight Loss -The Gabriel Method

Appendix: The Chemistry of the FAT Programs

Endocrinology 52, no. 1 (Society for Clinical Endocrinology, January 2000): 107–112. 10. Via the activation of the 11-HHSD-1 enzyme, which converts inactive cortisone to cortisol in certain cells. 11. See A. B. Coon, A. Moinuddin, J. E. Morley, J. M. Shultz, R. Nakaoke, S. M. Robinson, and W. A. Banks, “Triglycerides Induce Lep- tin Resistance at the Blood-Brain Barrier,” Diabetes 53, no. 5 (American Diabetes Association, May 2004): 1253–1260. 12. See B. Emanuelli, C. Filloux, D. Hilton, E. Van Obberghen, and P. Peraldi, “Insulin Induces Suppressor of Cytokine Signaling-3 Tyro- sine Phosphorylation through Janus-Activated Kinase,” Journal of Bio- logical Chemistry 276, no. 27 (American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, July 6, 2001): 24614–24620. 13. See B. Wisse, “The Inflammatory Syndrome: The Role of Adi- pose Tissue Cytokines in Metabolic Disorders Linked to Obesity,” Jour- nal of the American Society of Nephrology 15, no. 11 (November 2004): 2792–2800. 14. See H. Katner, L. Kirk, R. Hash, and T. Jones, “Cushing’s Dis- ease: Clinical Manifestations and Diagnostic Evaluation,” American Family Physician 62, no. 5 (American Academy of Family Physicians, September 2001). 15. See A. Sainsbury, B. Jeanrenaud, F. Rohner-Jeanrenaud, I. Cusin, and K. E. Zakrzewska, “Glucocorticoids as Counterregulatory Hormones of Leptin: Toward an Understanding of Leptin Resistance,” Diabetes , 46, no. 4 (American Diabetes Association, April 1997): 717–719. 16. See I. J. Bujalska, P. M. Stewart, and S. Kumar, “Does Central Obesity Reflect Cushing’s Disease of the Omentum?” The Lancet 349, no. 9060 (Elsevier, April 26, 1997): 1210–1213. 17. B. R. Walker, “We Can Cure Cushing’s Syndrome, So Can We Cure the Metabolic Syndrome?” Society of Endocrinology Annual Meet- ing London, UK (2001) ,” Endocrine Abstracts Website: http://www.endo 18. Espindola-Antunes, Daniela and Kater, Claudio E. “Adipose Tissue Expression of 11ß-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase Type 1 in Cushing’s Syndrome and in Obesity,” Arquivos Brasileiros de Endocrinologia & Metabologia 51, no. 8 (November 2007): 1397–1403.


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