Visualization for Weight Loss -The Gabriel Method

Part I: The Principles

Once your body understands that being thin is the best way to keep you safe, your body will want to be thin and the weight will fall off. The connection between being fat and being safe may seem odd, but it’s true. In today’s world, there is absolutely nothing about being fat that will make you safer. But your body doesn’t understand today’s world. Your body is programmed to protect you from the threats and uncertainties of a prehistoric world, where daily survival threats came down to three things—starv- ing, freezing, and being eaten. For countless generations, our ancestors had to worry about these three threats. As a result, our bodies are now brilliantly designed to protect us against them. Today, however, most of us no longer have to worry about starving, freezing, or being eaten. These are not the threats of our modern day world, but our bodies don’t know this. Our bodies still function based on the same genetic programming that has protected us since the dawn of time. So how did gathering and storing fat protect you against these ancient survival threats? If you were living in an environment where there was never enough food and you did not know when your next meal would be, having excess fat on your body would help keep you alive. The more fat you had on your body, the longer you could survive. In the same way, if you were living in a cold climate or during a long, harsh winter without the benefit of houses and central heating, having excess fat would also act as insulation. Fat protects your vital organs and your extremities from the cold. So in the case of famine and cold weather, your body would want to be fat because, under these conditions, being fat can keep you alive. However, being fat does not always keep you safe. It can also put you at risk of being eaten. If you were living in a land where there were man-eating predators, fat would no longer be your friend. Fat becomes your enemy. Because the fatter you are, the slower you are. This means if something is chasing


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